Prepare your Node.js application for production!
This library provides common functionalities, like graceful error handling & shutdown, structured JSON logging and several HTTP middleware to make your application truly ready for modern containerised environments, like Kubernetes.
npm i @banzaicloud/service-tools
# or
yarn add @banzaicloud/service-tools
This library is written in TypeScript, refer to the published types or the source code for argument and return types.
Examples are available for Express and Koa frameworks. Check out the examples folder!
Catch uncaught exceptions and unhandled Promise rejections. It is not safe to resume normal operation after 'uncaughtException'.
const { catchErrors } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
// ...
// the handlers return a Promise
// the handlers are called in order
catchErrors([closeServer, closeDB])
// the error will be caught and the handlers will be called before exiting
throw new Error()
Graceful shutdown: release resources (databases, HTTP connections, ...) before exiting. When the application receives SIGTERM
signals, the close handlers will be called. The handlers should return a Promise
const { gracefulShutdown } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
// ...
// the handlers return a Promise
// the handlers are called in order
gracefulShutdown([closeServer, closeDB])
A pino structured JSON logger instance configured with config.pino
const { logger } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools'){ metadata: true }, 'log message')
// > {"level":30,"time":<ts>,"msg":"log message","pid":0,"hostname":"local","metadata":true,"v":1}
Globally overwrite the console
and use the logger provided by the library to print out messages.
const { logger } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
console.log('log message')
// > log message
console.log('log message')
// > {"level":30,"time":<ts>,"msg":"log message","pid":0,"hostname":"local","v":1}
Load configurations dynamically.
Uses the NODE_ENV
environment variable, with accepted values of: production, development, test.
const { config } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
// validates the NODE_ENV environment variable
// > { nodeEnv: 'production' }
Used by the provided logger. Uses the LOGGER_LEVEL
environment variables. The LOGGER_LEVEL
can be one of the following: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace. LOGGER_REDACT_FIELDS
is a comma separated list of field names to mask out in the output (defaults to: 'password, pass, authorization, auth, cookie, _object'
const pino = require('pino')
const { config } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
const logger = pino(config.pino){ metadata: true, password: 'secret' }, 'log message')
// > {"level":30,"time":<ts>,"msg":"log message","pid":0,"hostname":"local","metadata":true,"password":"[REDACTED]","v":1}
Several middleware for the Koa web framework.
Koa error handler middleware.
const Koa = require('koa')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
const app = new Koa()
// this should be the first middleware
Koa health check endpoint handler.
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
// the checks return a Promise
router.get('/health', middleware.healthCheck([checkDB]))
Koa Prometheus metrics endpoint handler. By default it collects some default metrics.
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
router.get('/metrics', middleware.prometheusMetrics())
Koa request validator middleware. Accepts Joi schemas for body
(body parser required), params
and query
(query parser required). Returns with 400
if the request is not valid. Assigns validated values to ctx.state.validated
const joi = require('joi')
const qs = require('qs')
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
const paramsSchema = joi
id: joi
const bodySchema = joi.object({ name: joi.string().required() }).required()
const querySchema = joi.object({ include: joi.array().default([]) }).required()
middleware.requestValidator({ params: paramsSchema, body: bodySchema, query: querySchema }),
async function routeHandler(ctx) {
const { params, body, query } = ctx.state.validated
// ...
// query parser
app.use(async function parseQuery(ctx, next) {
ctx.query = qs.parse(ctx.querystring, options)
ctx.request.query = ctx.query
await next()
Koa request logger middleware. Useful for local development and debugging.
const Koa = require('koa')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
// this should be the second middleware after the error handler
// ...
Several middleware for the Express web framework.
Express error handler middleware.
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
const app = express()
// this should be the last middleware
Express health check endpoint handler.
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = express()
// the checks return a Promise
app.get('/health', middleware.healthCheck([checkDB]))
Express Prometheus metrics endpoint handler. By default it collects some default metrics.
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = express()
app.get('/metrics', middleware.prometheusMetrics())
Express request validator middleware. Accepts Joi schemas for body
(body parser required), params
and query
. Returns with 400
if the request is not valid. Assigns validated values to req
const joi = require('joi')
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = express()
const paramsSchema = joi
id: joi
const bodySchema = joi.object({ name: joi.string().required() }).required()
const querySchema = joi.object({ include: joi.array().default([]) }).required()
middleware.requestValidator({ params: paramsSchema, body: bodySchema, query: querySchema }),
function routeHandler(req, res) {
const { params, body, query } = req
// ...