Distributing end user software on windows should not require the end user to install dependancies, like python.
This tool turns a python program into a package that is suitable to be installed on window via installation software like INNO setup (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php).
The method used to create the package copies the source code of the program, the source code from any python libraries and any required python extensions and the DLLs that depend on.
The inclusion of the source code allows users to modify the program, if they so desire.
win_app_packager supports python 3 for win64.
1.5.0 add supoprt for python 3.11 Fix issue with not finding python3XX.dll
If environment variable PY_WIN_APP_DEBUG is set to 1 then show debug information.
Add GUI test for PyQt6
1.4.3 add support for python 3.10 Add test for cli tzlocal. Kits built for 3.9 and 3.10 only.
1.4.2 add support for python 3.9
1.4.1 add support for python 3.8 (includes patched modulefinder.py)
1.4.0 add support for packaging projects from a virtual env (venv).
1.3.0 supports changing the version resource of the created .EXE. The version fields that name the app are set to the app .EXE name.
The --version option allows the app's version to be set.
Python version 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 are supported.
py -3 -m pip install win-app-packager
C:\Users\barry> py -3 -m win_app_packager python3 -m win_app_packager build <main-script> <package-folder> [<options>...] main-script - python main module package-folder - folder to create package into Where <options> are: --console --cli build a windows console progam (the default). --gui build a windows gui program. --name name the program (defaults to the <main-script> name). --version <version> Set the version of the .EXE to be <version>. e.g --install-key <key> --install-value <value> The install path of the package can be read from the windows registry from key HKLM:<key> value <value> otherwise the install path is assumed to be the same folder that the .EXE files is in. --modules-allowed-to-be-missing-file <file-name> Add all the modules listed in the file <file-name> to the allowed to be missing list. Blank lines and lines starting with a '#' as ignored. --merge Do not clean out the <package-folder> before building the package. Useful for putting multiple programs into one package. --verbose Output extra information about the build process. --debug Developer option. Output lots of details about the build process. --bootstrap-debug Developer option. Copy PDF files and setup a Microsoft Visual Studio solution (.sln) file suitable for running the bootstrap under the debugger. python3 -m win_app_packager flags <exe-file> <verbose>' exe-file - the win_app_package create EXE file to modify verbose - either "0" or "1". The value to see the python verbose flag to.