Rodney is a 2WD robot controlled by a Nintendo Switch Pro bluetooth controller
- 2WD
- controlled by a Nintendo Switch Pro bluetooth controller
- yellow LED on power on
- blue LED for bluetooth: blink when not paired, still when paired
- white LED when process started/running
- red LED obstacle too close
- 2WD robot chassis
- Raspberry Pi with Bluetooth
- USB battery pack x1
- L293D x1
- HCSR04 range sensor x1
- 220Ω resistor x4
- 1kΩ resistor x1
- 2kΩ resistor x1
- yellow LED x1
- white LED x1
- blue LED x1
- red LED x1
- should work with any Raspberry Pi with Bluetooth but tested only on zero WH
- go >= 1.14
MIT License