bdd's Vim
Target version is Vim 8 on macOS and Linux.
macOS High Sierra still ships with a busted terminfo for xterm-256color
It is missing escape codes for italics even though supports them.
I recommend patching instead of creating a variant.
% export TERM=xterm-256color
% {infocmp && echo -e '\tsitm=\E[3m, ritm=\E[23m,'} > ~/.$TERM-patched.terminfo && tic ~/.$TERM-patched.terminfo
Tmux with set -g default-terminal xterm-256color
works as expected after
fixing terminfo.
You won't see italics in the terminal if your choice of font family doesn't have them. Under macOS, Monaco—the default monospaced typeface, doesn't have italics, but Menlo does.
I find Go Mono family to be delightful both in the terminal and GUI. If you use Homebrew, you can install them from 'homebrew/cask-fonts' Homebrew Tap.
% brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
% brew cask install font-go-mono
Third party plugins are managed with minpac, a minimal package manager for Vim 8, using native support for packages. It clones and updates plug-in repositories from GitHub.
To bootstrap:
% vim --cmd 'call install#()'