The main node is
. It performs segmentation, feature extraction and classification separately.
Organized in OOP paradigm it has the following components (Python-like pseudocode):
class VisionNode:
def __init__(parameters):
create ROS node, publisher, subscribers, service for inference
Create services for training for new object
initialize recognition_wrapper
def service_inference_callback(request):
read messages from RGB and Depth topics of camera
return ServiceResponse
def callback_rgbd(rgb, depth):
convert incoming rgb and depth messages to Numpy arrays
def run_segmentation():
infer recognition model
visualize predicted masks and classes
convert results to ROS message
send results
def service_train_callback():
segment current image and save the nearest object
return trigger success response
def service_end_train_callback():
add saved images to classifier
return trigger success response
Object recognition wrapper contains taks specific wrappers (for class-agnostic segmentation, feature extraction (not completely) and classification). Specifying segmentation model wrapper, we can change framework for segmentation.
Currently, the following wrappers are supported:
- MMDetection
- Detectron2
- MMDeploy
- TensorRT
MMDetection and Detectron2 are the most common frameworks for object detection and instance segmentation tasks. MMDeploy and TensorRT are frameworks for faster inference of trained models. Instructions about them can be found here.
All wrappers have the same call intefrace and slightly different constructors.