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714 lines (705 loc) · 61.1 KB

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714 lines (705 loc) · 61.1 KB

CHANGELOG for 6.2.x

This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 6.2 minor versions.

To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to


Addition / Changes

  • Administration

    • Added onDuplicate to sw-product-detail and sw-product-list
    • Added Overwrites parameter to clone in Overwrites contain entity field which should be overwritten with the given data. Example in sw-product-detail -> onDuplicate
    • Added disabled attribute of fields to sw-customer-address-form component
    • Deprecated tagStore in sw-newsletter-recipient-list
    • Moved sw-manufacturer, it now uses repositoryFactory instead of StateDeprecated for fetching and editing data
      • Deprecated mediaStore
      • Deprecated customFieldSetStore
      • Deprecated import of StateDeprecated
      • Added mediaRepository
      • Added customFieldSetRepository
      • Added customFieldSetCriteria as an computed property
      • Rewritten loadEntityData so it uses the new data handling
    • Added disabled attribute of fields to sw-customer-address-form component
    • Refactored sw-radio-field
      • Deprecated currentValue, use value instead
      • Deprecated watcher for value
    • Added "Cache & Indexes" Module to system settings
    • The component sw-integration-list was refactored to use the repositoryFactory instead of StateDeprecated to fetch and save data
      • Changed default data integrations from [] to null
      • Deprecated StateDeprecated
      • Deprecated computed id
      • Deprecated computed integrationStore
      • Deprecated block sw_integration_list_grid_inner
      • Deprecated block sw_integration_list_grid_inner_slot_columns
      • Deprecated block sw_integration_list_grid_pagination
    • Deprecated the use of fixed-top class in header-minimal.html.twig
    • sw-settings-custom-field-set
      • Add computed property listingCriteria
    • sw-settings-document-list
      • Add computed property listingCriteria
    • Refactor sw-settings-snippet-list
      • Added computed property snippetSetRepository
      • Added computed property snippetSetCriteria
    • Refactor sw-settings-snippet-set-list
      • Added computed property snippetSetRepository
      • Added computed property snippetSetCriteria
      • Theed method onConfirmClone is now an asynchronous method
    • Refactor mixin sw-settings-list.mixin
      • Added computed property entityRepository
      • Added computed property listingCriteria
    • Fixed disabled click event of router-link in sw-context-menu-item
      • Added event and target attribute to <router-link> to handle with disabled prop
      • Added target prop to set target options for <router-link>
    • Added block sw_sales_channel_detail_content_tab_analytics to sw-sales-channel-detail, which contains the new Google Analytics tab
    • Added property isRecordEditable and isRecordselectable to sw-data-grid
    • lerna package management is marked as optional, got marked as deprecated and will be removed with 6.4
    • Refactored mapErrorService
      • Deprecated mapApiErrors, use mapPropertyErrors
      • Added mapCollectionPropertyErrors to mapErrorService for Entity Collections
    • Fix that user can delete SEO templates accidentally with an empty string in the template text field
    • Changed sw-text-editor to ignore addProtocol when the domainPlaceholder is used as a link
    • Added sw-multi-tag-select component which can now be used to allow users to enter data into a tagged input field
    • Added sw-multi-tag-ip-select as an extension which includes IP-validation
    • The sw-multi-ip-select-component is now deprecated and will be removed with version 6.4
    • Replaced Store based datahandling with repository based datahandling in media specific components and modules, including the following changes
      • sw-tag-field
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added async computed property associationRepository
      • sw-media-add-thumbnail-form
        • Added prop disabled
        • Added method widthInputCHanged
        • Added method heightInputChanged
        • Added method inputChanged
      • sw-media-field is deprecated and replaced by sw-media-field-v2
      • sw-media-folder-content
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Method getSubFolders is now async
        • Method fetchParentFolder is now async
        • Method updateParentFolder is now async
      • sw-media-folder-item
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added computed property mediaFolderRepository
        • Added computed property mediaFolder
        • Replaced computed property mediaDefaultFolderStore with mediaDefaultFolderRepository
        • Added created hook
        • Added method createdComponent
        • Added async method refreshIconConfig
        • Method getIconConfigFromFolder is now async
        • Method onChangeName is now async
      • sw-media-list-selection is deprecated and replaced by sw-media-list-selection-v2
      • sw-media-media-item
        • Method onChangeName is now async
        • Method emitItemDeleted is now async
        • Method onMediaItemMoved is now async
        • Added method emitRefreshLibrary
      • sw-media-modal-delete
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added computed property mediaRepository
        • Added computed property mediaFolderRepository
        • Added method _deleteSelection
        • Added method getEntityRepository
        • Method deleteSelection is now async
        • Method updateSuccessNotification is now async
      • sw-media-modal-folder-dissolve
        • Method dissolveSelection is now async
        • Added async method _dissolveSelection
      • sw-media-modal-folder-settings
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added data property mediaFolderConfigurationThumbnailSizeRepository
        • Added data property deselectedMediaThumbnailSizes
        • Added data property disabled
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaThumbnailSizeStore with mediaThumbnailSizeRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaDefaultFolderStore with mediaDefaultFolderRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderConfigurationStore with mediaFolderConfigurationRepository
        • Method createdComponent is now async
        • Method getThumbnailSizes is now async
        • Method addThumbnail is now async
        • Method deleteThumbnail is now async
        • Method onChangeInheritance is now async
        • Method onClickSave is now async
        • Method ensureUniqueDefaultFolder is now async
        • Added method checkIfThumbnailExists
        • Replaced component sw-select with sw-entity-single-select
      • sw-media-modal-move
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaStore with mediaRepository
        • Method mountedComponent is now async
        • Method updateParentFolder is now async
        • Method moveSelection is now async
        • Added async method _moveSelection
      • sw-media-modal-replace
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Method replaceMediaItem is now async
        • Added event media-replace-modal-item-replaced
      • sw-media-preview is deprecated and replaced by sw-media-preview-v2
      • sw-media-upload is deprecated and replaced by sw-media-upload-v2
      • sw-media-compact-upload is deprecated and replaced by sw-media-compact-upload-v2
      • sw-sidebar-media-item
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Replaced computed property mediaStore with mediaRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Method getSubFolders is now async
        • Method extendList is now async
        • Method getList is now async
        • Replaced method getListingParams with getListingCriteria
      • sw-admin
        • Added injection of loginService
        • Added computed property isAuthenticated
      • sw-duplicated-media is deprecated and replaced sw-duplicated-media-v2
      • sw-media-folder-info
        • Method onChangeFolderName is now async
        • Added event media-folder-renamed
      • sw-media-quickinfo
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Replaced computed property mediaStore with mediaRepository
        • Replaced computed property customFieldSetStore with customFieldSetRepository
        • Added async method getCustomFieldSets
        • Added method emitRefreshMediaLibrary
        • Method onSaveCustomFields is now async
        • Method onSubmitTitle is now async
        • Method onSubmitAltText is now async
        • Method onChangeFileName is now async
        • Added event media-item-replaced
      • sw-media-sidebar
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Method fetchCurrentFolder is now async
        • Added method onMediaFolderRenamed
        • Added event media-sidebar-folder-renamed
      • sw-media-tag
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added computed property mediaRepository
        • Renamed method onChange to handleChange
        • Replaced component sw-tag-field with sw-entity-tag-select
      • sw-media-breadcrumbs
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added data property parentFolder
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Method updateFolder is now async
      • sw-media-library
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Replaced computed property mediaStore with mediaRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderConfigurationStore with mediaFolderConfigurationRepository
        • Added method isLoaderDone
        • Method refreshList is now async
        • Method loadItems is now async
        • Method nextFolders is now async
        • Method fetchAssociatedFolders is now async
        • Method createFolder is now async
      • sw-media-modal is deprecated and replaced by sw-media-modal-v2
      • sw-media-index
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added injection of mediaService
        • Added data property parentFolder
        • Added data property currentFolder
        • Added watcher for routeFolderId
        • Replaced computed property mediaStore with mediaRepository
        • Replaced computed property mediaFolderStore with mediaFolderRepository
        • Added created hook
        • Added method createdComponent
        • Added async method updateFolder
        • Method onUploadsAdded is now async
      • sw-product-variants-delivery-media
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Added injection of mediaService
        • Replaced computed property mediaStore with mediaRepository
        • Method onUploadsAdded is now async
        • Method successfulUpload is now async
      • `sw-property-option-detail
        • Added injection of repositoryFactory
        • Method successfulUpload is now async
      • sw-upload-store-listener is deprecated and replaced by sw-upload-listener
      • sw-cms/elements/image-gallery/config/index.js
        • Method createdComponent is now async
      • sw-cms/elements/image-slider/config/index.js
        • Method createdComponent is now async
      • sw-cms/elements/image/config/index.js
        • Method onImageUpload is now async
        • Added method discard
        • The delete method now throws an exception when the delete request is not successful
      • media.api.service
        • Added method hasListeners
        • Added method hasDefaultListeners
        • Added method addListener
        • Added method removeListener
        • Added method removeDefaultListener
        • Added method addDefaultListener
        • Added method getListenerForTag
        • Added method _createUploadEvent
        • Added method addUpload
        • Added method addUploads
        • Added method removeByTag
        • Added method runUploads
        • Added method _startUpload
      • Added possibility to add tabs to Theme Manager
        • Deprecated method getFields, use getStructuredFields instead
        • Deprecated data themeFields, use structuredThemeFields instead
        • Added method getStructuredFields to themeApiService
    • Added sw-order-create page, sw-order-create-base view, and create route to sw-order module
    • Added order state in sw-order module
    • Added cart-sales-channel.api.service to handle cart line item services in create order page
    • Added check-out-sales-channel.api.service to handle save order service in create order page
    • Added component sw-order-create-details-header handle customer selection in create order page
    • Added component sw-order-create-details-body to handler customer contact information in create order page
    • Added component sw-order-create-details-footer to handle sales channel context in create order page
    • Added component sw-order-new-customer-modal to create new customer
    • Added component sw-order-create-address-modal to create new address of selected customer in create order page
    • Added component sw-order-line-items-grid-sales-channel which can be used to display line items list in create order page
    • Added component sw-order-create-promotion-modal which can be used to display and disable the automatic promotions
    • Refactor sw-order-product-select
      • Deprecated displayProductSelection prop. It will be removed with version 6.4
      • Added inheritance: true in context of productRepository in sw-order-product-select
    • Refactor sw-order-line-items-grid * Deprecated isItemCredit prop. It will be removed with version 6.4 * Removed slot and slot-scope attribute in favor of new v-slot directive
    • Added component sw-order-promotion-tag-input to handle showing promotion code list, entering and removing promotion code
    • Added component sw-order-create-invalid-promotion-modal to show recent invalid promotion codes after clicking on Save Order button
    • Fixed error of showing shipping cost value in sw-order-detail-base when order detail has shipping cost discount
    • Refactor sw-order-savable-field, changed style and position of Save button and Cancel button " Added slice in array of utils.service
    • Fixed hover style of sw-label
    • Added an error notification for user when he deletes a customer group that has a SalesChannel and/or a customer assigned to it.
    • Added bulk-modal-cancel, bulk-modal-delete-items, delete-modal-cancel and delete-modal-delete-item slots to sw-entity-listing.html.twig
    • Added twig blocks sw_cms_page_form_section_empty_state_block_text and sw_cms_page_form_section_empty_state_block to sw-cms-page-form.html.twig
    • The fixed directive is now deprecated and will be removed with version 6.4
    • Ordered settings items on settings list index page alphabetically
    • Show error when theme compiling in theme manager throws an error
    • Moved "Customer Group" settings-item from settings-index page to navigation sidebar
    • Moved "Salutation" settings-item from settings-index page to navigation sidebar
    • Add automatic versions to HttpClient. You can override the default version in the config argument
    • Add Hide products after clearance option in Setting -> Shop -> Listing
    • Add Product listings tab in the Storefront presentation modal to configure the variant preselection
    • Updated Node Dependencies
    • Added new sw-settings-captcha-select component
      • This component allows users to define active captchas via Settings -> Basic information
    • Fix renaming of duplicated media names
    • Added new blocks in sw-settings-user-detail to allow overriding each card by its own:
      • sw_settings_user_detail_content_inner to override card view only
      • sw_setting_user_detail_card_basic_information to override basic information
      • sw_setting_user_detail_card_integrations to override integration settings
    • Fixed a bug where the pages content could not be overridden because sw_settings_user_detail_content existed twice
    • Fixed a bug in sw-profile-index that caused media requests to fail
    • Added new component sw-text-preview to display an expandable preview of a text. It will show a "Read more" button if the text has a certain length. On click a modal shows the whole text.
    • Fixed a bug in sw-description-list, added display: grid CSS property to the component and changed default of grid property to 1fr to ensure usages of this component have the same behaviour
    • Added sw-import-export-activity-detail component
    • Added new condition-type sw-condition-line-item-dimension-height
    • Added new condition-type sw-condition-line-item-dimension-width
    • Added new condition-type sw-condition-line-item-dimension-length
    • Added new condition-type sw-condition-line-item-custom-field
      • Added new method getOperatorSetByComponent in rule-condition.service.js
      • Added new property customFields to entityBlacklist in product-stream-condition.service.js
      • Added new condition cartLineItemCustomField in condition-type-data-provider.decorator.js
    • Added support of module favicons from plugins, set the faviconSrc prop of your module to the name of your bundle in the public bundles folder.
    • Added media-upload-cancel to media.api.service
    • Fixed a bug in sw-duplicated-media-v2 to reload media list when user clicked to cancel
    • Fixed a bug in sw-sales-channel-detail-base for IP whitelist on maintenance mode on new sales channel
    • Added mapping validation for import/export profiles
    • Added improved error handling in importer and exporter
    • Fixed a bug in sw-media-quickinfo-usage to show media in used information
    • Added prop routerLinkTarget attribute to sw-media-quickinfo-usage for can set target options in <router-link>
    • sw-media-modal-delete now shows where media is used
    • For batch delete sw-media-modal-delete shows all used media entities
    • Fixed to check row parameter exist data
    • Added sw_order_detail_actions_slot_smart_bar_actions block to sw-order/page/sw-order-detail/sw-order-detail.html.twig
    • Fixes missing snippets in deleting cache notifications
    • Added block sw_settings_content_card_content to sw-settings-index to override the content of the settings card
    • Fixed variants name in cross selling preview listing
    • Added rawUrl Twig function
    • The SalesChannel url is now available in every mail template
    • Fixed after order link in the following mail templates:
      • order_confirmation_mail
      • order_delivery.state.cancelled
      • order_delivery.state.returned
      • order_delivery.state.shipped_partially
      • order_delivery.state.shipped
      • order_delivery.state.returned_partially
      • order.state.cancelled
      • order.state.in_progress
      • order.state.completed
      • order_transaction.state.refunded_partially
      • order_transaction.state.reminded
      • order_transaction.state.paid
      • order_transaction.state.cancelled
      • order_transaction.state.refunded
      • order_transaction.state.paid_partially
    • If you edited one of these mail templates you need to add the rawUrl function manually like this: {{ rawUrl('', { 'orderId': }, salesChannel.domain|first.url) }}
  • Core

    • Added support of module favicons from plugins, set the faviconSrc prop of your module to the name of your bundle in the public bundles folder.
    • Set crossSellingAssignedProducts and tags to CascadeDelete in ProductDefinition
    • The clone method of the ApiController now passes overwrites to the EntityRepository
    • The clone method of the VersionManager now accepts overwrites and combines the overwrites with the cloned data using array_replace_recursive.
    • Added variant preselection logic
      • Added Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing\ProductListingLoader to handle product variant preselection
      • Moved the available stock and display group filters from
        Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing\ProductListingFeaturesSubscriber to the new Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing\ProductListingLoader
      • These classes use the new ProductListingLoader instead of querying over the SalesChannelRepositoryInterface for products directly
        • Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing\ProductListingRoute
        • Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Suggest\ProductSuggestRoute
        • Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Search\ProductSearchRoute
    • The Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\Filter\MultiFilter no longer supports || and &&.
    • The usage of entity in the shopware.entity.definition tag is deprecated and will be removed with 6.4.
    • Added SalesChannelAnalyticsEntity to define the Google Analytics configuration
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\LongTextWithHtmlField, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\LongTextField with AllowHtml flag instead
    • Added length, width, height variables to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Delivery\Struct\DeliveryInformation
    • CartBehavior::isRecalculation is deprecated and will be removed in version 6.3
    • Please use context permissions instead:
      • Permissions can be configured in the SalesChannelContext.
      • CartBehavior is created based on the permissions from SalesChannelContext, you can check the permissions at this class.
      • Define permissions for AdminOrders at class SalesChannelProxyController within the array constant ADMIN_ORDER_PERMISSIONS.
      • Define permissions for the Recalculation at class OrderConverter within the array constant ADMIN_EDIT_ORDER_PERMISSIONS.
      • Extended permissions with subscribe event SalesChannelContextPermissionsChangedEvent, see detail at class SalesChannelContextFactory
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemIsNewRule to check for newcomers in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemOfManufacturerRule to check the manufacturer of a product in the cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemPurchasePriceRule to check the purchase price of a product in the cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemCreationDateRule to check the creation date of a product in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemReleaseDateRule to check the release date of a product in the cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemClearanceSaleRule to check if a clearance sale product is in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemPromotedRule to check if a promoted product is in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemInCategoryRule to check product categories in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemTaxationRule to check specific taxation in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemDimensionWidthRule to check the width of a product in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemDimensionHeightRule to check the height of a product in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemDimensionLengthRule to check the length of a product in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemDimensionWeigthRule to check the weight of a product in cart
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemListPriceRule to check if a product with a specific list price is in cart
    • Added hreflang support
    • Added new supported types for the plugin configuration
      • colorpicker
      • url
      • checkbox
      • date
      • time
    • Added support for several components in the plugin configuration
      • sw-entity-multi-id-select
      • sw-text-editor
      • sw-media-field
    • Added trackingUrl property to the Shopware\Core\Checkout\Shipping\ShippingMethodEntity.php
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\NamespaceHierarchy\NamespaceHierarchyBuilder and \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\NamespaceHierarchy\TemplateNamespaceHierarchyBuilderInterface, that allows to modify twig namespace inheritance
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\TemplateFinderInterface::registerBundles use TemplateNamespaceHierarchyBuilderInterface to modify twig namespace hierarchy.
    • Added novelty rule builder condition-type
    • Added OrderTransactionStates failed and in_progress
    • Deprecated OrderTransactionStateHandler::pay use OrderTransactionStateHandler::doPay instead
    • Deprecated Action Constant StateMachineTransitionActions::PAY use StateMachineTransitionActions::DO_PAY instead
    • Deprecated route _action/theme/{themeId}/fields, use _action/theme/{themeId}/structured-fields instead
    • Added new route _action/theme/{themeId}/structured-fields
    • Added new Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Aggregate\ProductCrossSellingAssignedProducts to provide the possibility to assign individual products to cross selling
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\BundleConfigGenerator to generate webpack bundle config and moved the according logic from \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\BundleConfigDumper to the new class
    • Added methods cancelOder and setPaymentMethod in Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\SalesChannel\OrderService
    • Added methods cancelOrder and setPaymentMethod in Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\SalesChannel\OrderService
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\Criteria::$source, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\Criteria::$includes instead
    • Added a dynamic_mapping for elasticsearch fields which converts all none mapped string fields to keyword fields instead of text fields. This allows developers to filter to customFields or none mapped associations with elasticsearch.
    • We changed the PaymentHandlerRegistry: This change uses the handler identifier as formatted handler identifier in case it is not splittable by \. Furthermore the PaymentHandlerRegistry retrieves the payment handlers via the tagged_locator selector which include the id of the payment handler. This change allows paymentHandler to use different ids while using the same Class
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\PaymentHandler\PaymentHandlerRegistry:__construct() TypeHint for both parameters will be changed to ServiceProviderInterface
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\PaymentHandler\PaymentHandlerRegistry:addHandler() will be removed in 6.3.0
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityExtensionInterface, extend from abstract class \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityExtension instead.
    • Added defineProtections method on \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition, which allows to define entity based protections
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\Routing\RouteScopeInterface use abstract class \Shopware\Core\Framework\Routing\AbstractRouteScope instead
    • Changed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\RequestCriteriaBuilder to not set default limit for the api listing
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\ContactForm\SalesChannel\ContactFormRoute route to make the contact form available using the Store-API
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\SalesChannel\PaymentMethodRoute to provide payment methods about the new api route /store-api/v1/payment-method
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Shipping\SalesChannel\ShippingMethodRoute to provide shipping methods about the new api route /store-api/v1/shipping-method
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\System\Currency\SalesChannel\CurrencyRoute to provide currencies about the new api route /store-api/v1/currency
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\System\Language\SalesChannel\LanguageRoute to provide languages about the new api route /store-api/v1/language
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Category\SalesChannel\CategoryRoute to provide category page with resolved cms about the new api route /store-api/v1/category/{categoryId}
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Cms\SalesChannel\CmsRoute to provide resolved cms page about the new api route /store-api/v1/cms/{uuid}
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Category\SalesChannel\NavigationRoute to provide navigation tree of a category about the new api route /store-api/v1/navigation/{categoryId}
      • Following alias can be used instead the uuid
        • main-navigation
        • service-navigation
        • footer-navigation
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Listing\ProductListingRoute to provide listing results about the new api route /store-api/v1/product-listing/{categoryId}
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Search\ProductSearchRoute to provide search page results about the new api route /store-api/v1/search?term=MyKeyword
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\Suggest\ProductSuggestRoute to provide search suggest results about the new api route /store-api/v1/search-suggest?term=MyKeyword
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\SalesChannel\SeoUrlRoute to make seo urls available about the new api route /store-api/v1/seo-url
    • Added new header sw-include-seo-urls for the store-api to enrich the seo urls in the response
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\System\Salutation\SalesChannel\SalutationRoute to provide all available salutations with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/order
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\SalesChannel\AccountOrderRoute to provide taken orders of the logged-in customer with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/order
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\ChangeCustomerProfileRoute to allow changing profile information of the logged-in customer with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/change-profile
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\ChangeEmailRoute to allow changing email of the logged-in customer with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/change-email
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\ChangePasswordRoute to allow changing password of the logged-in customer with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/change-password
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\ChangePaymentMethodRoute to allow changing payment-method of the logged-in customer with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/change-payment-method/{uuid}
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\CustomerRoute to provide information about the current logged-in customer with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/customer
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\LoginRoute to login as customer and obtain a context-token with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/login
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\LogoutRoute to login as customer and obtain a context-token with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/logout
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\SendPasswordRecoveryMailRoute to send a new password recovery mail with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/send-recovery-mail
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\ResetPasswordRoute to process the reset password form with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/reset-password
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Newsletter\SalesChannel\NewsletterSubscribeRoute to subscribe to the newsletter with the new api route /store-api/v1/newsletter/subscribe
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Newsletter\SalesChannel\NewsletterUnsubscribeRoute to unsubscribe to the newsletter with the new api route /store-api/v1/newsletter/unsubscribe
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Content\Newsletter\SalesChannel\NewsletterConfirmRoute to confirm the newsletter registration with the new api route /store-api/v1/newsletter/confirm
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\RegisterRoute to register a new customer with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/register
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\RegisterConfirmRoute to confirm a double optin registration with the new api route /store-api/v1/account/register-confirm
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\SalesChannel\CancelOrderRoute to cancel a order with the new api route /store-api/v1/order/state/cancel
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\SalesChannel\SetPaymentOrderRoute to change the payment method of a order with the new api route /store-api/v1/order/set-payment
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Converter\DefaultApiConverter to handle deprecated fields from DAL in the api versions
      • When the new field and the old field is send, the converter will prefer the new field
      • Added new header sw-ignore-deprecations to ignore deprecations and receive all fields
      • This header is used now in all api calls in the administration
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\IndexerRegistry use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\IndexerRegistry instead
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\Aggregate\OrderLineItem\OrderLineItemCollection::getPayloadsProperty function which allows to extract a property value of all line item payloads.
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\Aggregate\OrderLineItem\OrderLineItemCollection::filterByType function which allows to filter the line item collection by the provided line item type
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\PromotionExclusionIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\DataAbstractionLayer\PromotionExclusionUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\PromotionRedemptionIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Promotion\DataAbstractionLayer\PromotionRedemptionUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Category\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\BreadcrumbIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Category\DataAbstractionLayer\CategoryBreadcrumbUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\MediaFolderConfigIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DataAbstractionLayer\MediaFolderConfigurationIndexer instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\MediaFolderSizeIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DataAbstractionLayer\MediaFolderConfigurationIndexer instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\MediaThumbnailIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Media\DataAbstractionLayer\MediaIndexer instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ProductCategoryTreeIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\ProductCategoryDenormalizer instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ProductListingPriceIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ListingPriceUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ProductRatingAverageIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\RatingAverageUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ProductStockIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\StockUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\VariantListingIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\VariantListingUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SearchKeyword\ProductSearchKeywordIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\DataAbstractionLayer\SearchKeywordUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\ProductStream\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ProductStreamIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\ProductStream\DataAbstractionLayer\ProductStreamIndexer instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Rule\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\RulePayloadIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Rule\DataAbstractionLayer\RuleIndexer instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\SeoUrlIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\SeoUrlUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\Indexer\ChildCountIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ChildCountUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\Indexer\InheritanceIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\InheritanceUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\Indexer\ManyToManyIdFieldIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\ManyToManyIdFieldUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\Indexer\TreeIndexer, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\TreeUpdater instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\Indexing\EntityIndexer, use \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\Indexing\ElasticsearchIndexer instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\IndexerInterface, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Indexing\EntityIndexer instead
    • Fixed a bug when the criteria contains a list of ids and no sortings, queries or a term, the search result will be sorted by the provided ids
    • Added new route /api/v{version}/_action/container_cache which clears the Symfony Container cache
    • Added customerComment property to the Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\OrderEntity.php
    • Added page_checkout_confirm_shipping_invalid_tooltip
    • Changed level of ShippingMethodBlockedError from LEVEL_ERROR to LEVEL_WARNING
    • Added CheckoutConfirmControllerTest
    • Added BLUE_GREEN_DEPLOYMENT environment variable
    • bin/setup asks if you want to enable blue/green deployment
    • Removed custom cache from \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeService to fix http cache invalidation issues
    • Marked \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\EntityWriterInterface as internal
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\EntityWriterInterface::sync function
    • Added single-operation header in _action/sync endpoint
    • Added errorUrl to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\Token\TokenStruct to define an explicit redirect for failed payments
    • Added exception to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\Token\TokenStruct to provide the thrown exception for calling Instances of \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\PaymentService::finalizeTransaction
    • Added errorUrl to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\PaymentTransactionChainProcessor::process to provide the errorUrl for the TokenStruct
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\Token\JWTFactory use \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\Token\JWTFactoryV2 instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\Token\TokenFactoryInterface use \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\Cart\Token\TokenFactoryInterfaceV2 instead
    • Added new Field afterOrderEnabled to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Payment\PaymentMethodDefinition
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\Requirement\RequirementsValidator::resolveActiveDependants method
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\Exception\PluginHasActiveDependantsException exception
      • This exception is now thrown before a plugin which other plugins depend on is deactivated
    • Added a new translatable label property to \Shopware\Core\Content\ImportExport\ImportExportProfileDefinition
    • Marked name property of \Shopware\Core\Content\ImportExport\ImportExportProfileDefinition as nullable
    • Added possibility to write all sync operation in a single transaction by providing the single-operation header
    • Added possibility to move dal indexing to message queue when using the sync api by providing the indexing-behavior header
    • Deprecated sort parameter for product listing, search and suggest gateway, use order instead
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\RequestCriteriaBuilder::getAllowedLimits
    • Deprecated shopware.api.allowed_limits configuration
    • Added definition parameter in \Shopware\Elasticsearch\Framework\ElasticsearchHelper::addTerm
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\SearchController::pagelet, use \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\SearchController::ajax instead
    • Deprecated route, use instead
  • Storefront

    • Deprecated $connection->executeQuery() for write operations
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Controller\CaptchaController which provides a list of all available captchas to the administration
    • Added new \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Rule\LineItemCustomFieldRule to check available attributes in cart
    • Deprecated $connection->executeQuery() for write operations
    • The theme.json now supports a new option for the style files. The placeholder @StorefrontBootstrap gives you the ability to use the Bootstrap SCSS without the Shopware Storefront "skin":
           "style": [
      • The @StorefrontBootstrap placeholder also includes the SCSS variables from your theme.json.
      • Please beware that this option is only available for the style section.
      • You can only use either @StorefrontBootstrap or @Storefront. They should not be used at the same time. The @Storefront bundle includes the Bootstrap SCSS already.
    • We changed the storefront ESLint rule comma-dangle to never, so that trailing commas won't be forcefully added anymore
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\Twig\ThemeTemplateFinder use TemplateNamespaceHierarchyBuilderInterface instead
    • Added JS plugin to add a Google Analytics integration: google-analytics.plugin.js
    • Added additional data to the JS plugin events SearchWidget::handleInputEvent, FormValidation::onFormSubmit and AddToCart::beforeFormSubmit
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\StorefrontPluginConfiguration\StorefrontPluginConfigurationFactory and deprecated the factory methods of \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\StorefrontPluginConfiguration\StorefrontPluginConfiguration in favor of the new factory class
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\StorefrontPluginRegistryInterface
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeFileImporterInterface which is used by ThemeCompiler, ThemeFileResolver and ThemeLifecycleService to import theme files
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeLifecycleHandler to handle theme lifecycle.
    • \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\Subscriber\PluginLifecycleSubscriber now uses \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeLifecycleHandler, constructor arguments changed because of that.
    • Added Twig Filter replace_recursive for editing values in nested Arrays
    • All javascript plugin options can now be overwritten in Twig
    • Added Shopware\Storefront\Event\ThemeCompilerEnrichScssVariablesEvent to be able to add custom SCSS variables.
    • When Hide products after clearance is enabled, products marked as on "clearance sale" are hidden, as soon as their stock depletes back to 0
    • We have removed the fallback mechanism of theme.json for the views array. If @Storefront or @Plugins are not defined in the views array, they will not be added automatically.
    • It is now possible to inherited several themes from each other. Themes that are not defined in the views array of the active theme are excluded from template inheritance.
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Captcha\Annotation\Captcha annotation to mark storefront routes which require a captcha check
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Captcha\AbstractCaptcha as a base class for captchas
      • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Captcha\HoneypotCaptcha
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Captcha\Exception\CaptchaInvalidException
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Captcha\CaptchaRouteListener on KERNEL_CONTROLLER_EVENT_SCOPE_VALIDATE
    • Added base template for captchas at platform/src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/captcha/base.html.twig
      • Added honeypot captcha template at platform/src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/captcha/honeypot.html.twig
    • Update Babel compiler to support "> 1%, IE 11, not dead"
    • Non ES5 modules are now compiled with babel to support IE11
    • Terser Minifier works now in ES5 for better IE11 support
    • Add babel polyfill for IE11
    • Added rel="noopener" to all target="_blank" links
    • Add polyfill for object fit for IE11
    • All javascript plugin options can now be overwritten in Twig
    • Added Shopware\Storefront\Page\Account\Order\AccountEditOrderPageLoader
    • Added Shopware\Storefront\Page\Account\Order\AccountEditOrderPage
    • Added Shopware\Storefront\Page\Account\Order\AccountEditOrderPageLoadedEvent
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_payment_invalid_tooltip twig block
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_shipping_invalid_tooltip twig block
    • Added Javascript plugin form-preserver.plugin.js to preserve entered values of a form. Add the data attribute data-form-preserver="true" to your form to enable the plugin. It will preserve the entered values in the local storage, and restore the values after a page reload. Once the form is submitted, the values are cleared from the storage.
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeCompilerInterface
    • Fixed a bug that html purifier config could be overriden for future calls to sw_sanitize
    • Added bundle configuration to HTMLPurifiers behaviour
      • storefront.htmlPurifier.cacheDir: Directory to write HTMLPurifier cache (defaults to kernel.cache_dir)
      • storefront.htmlPurifier.enableCache: Boolean to turn HTMLPurifiers cache cache on or off (defaults to true)
    • Deprecated sort parameter for product listing, search and suggest gateway, use order instead
    • Added block document_line_item_table_iterator to @Framework\documents\base.html.twig to override the lineItem iterator
    • Added StoreApiClient which allows to send requests to store-api and sales-channel-api routes.


  • Administration
    • common folder with private packages got removed, the packages are public now and are installed from the NPM registry (see:
    • Refactored sw-newsletter-recipient-list, it now uses repositoryFactory instead of StateDeprecated for fetching and editing data
      • Removed LocalStore
      • Removed StateDeprecated
      • Removed computed salesChannelStore
      • Removed computed tagStore
      • Removed computed tagAssociationStore
    • The component sw-plugin-box was refactored to use the repositoryFactory instead of StateDeprecated to fetch and save data
      • Removed StateDeprecated
      • Removed computed pluginStore
    • The component sw-settings-payment-detail was refactored to use the repositoryFactory instead of StateDeprecated to fetch and save data
      • Removed StateDeprecated
      • Removed computed paymentMethodStore
      • Removed computed ruleStore
      • Removed computed mediaStore
    • sw-settings-custom-field-set
      • Removed method which overrides the mixin method getList
    • sw-settings-document-list
      • Removed method which overrides the mixin method getList
    • Refactor sw-settings-snippet-list
      • Removed StateDeprecated
      • Removed computed property snippetSetStore
    • Refactor sw-settings-snippet-set-list
      • Removed StateDeprecated
      • Removed computed property snippetSetStore
    • Refactor mixin sw-settings-list.mixin
      • Removed StateDeprecated
      • Removed computed property store
    • Refactor the module sw-settings-number-range-detail
      • Removed LocalStore
      • Removed StateDeprecated
      • Removed data typeCriteria
      • Removed data numberRangeSalesChannelsStore
      • Removed data numberRangeSalesChannels
      • Removed data numberRangeSalesChannelsAssoc
      • Removed data salesChannelsTypeCriteria
      • Removed computed numberRangeStore
      • Removed computed firstSalesChannel
      • Removed computed salesChannelAssociationStore
      • Removed computed numberRangeStateStore
      • Removed computed salesChannelStore
      • Removed computed numberRangeTypeStore
      • Removed method onChange
      • Removed method showOption
      • Removed method getPossibleSalesChannels
      • Removed method setSalesChannelCriteria
      • Removed method enrichAssocStores
      • Removed method onChangeSalesChannel
      • Removed method configHasSaleschannel
      • Removed method selectHasSaleschannel
      • Removed method undeleteSaleschannel
    • Removed watcher on width from component sw-media-add-thumbnail-form
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-media-list-selection
    • Removed computed property mediaStore from component sw-media-media-item
    • Removed computed property mediaFolderConfigurationThumbnailSizeStore from component sw-media-modal-folder-settings
    • Removed injection of mediaFolderService from sw-media-modal-move
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-media-modal-replace
    • Removed computed property mediaItemStore from component sw-media-modal-replace
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-media-upload
    • Removed computed property mediaItemStore from component sw-media-upload
    • Removed computed property folderStore from component sw-media-upload
    • Removed computed property folderConfigurationStore from component sw-media-upload
    • Removed computed property thumbnailSizesStore from component sw-media-upload
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-duplicated-media
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-upload-store-listener
    • Removed computed property mediaStore from component sw-upload-store-listener
    • Removed computed property productStore from component sw-media-quickinfo-usage
    • Removed computed property parentFolder from component sw-media-breadcrumbs
    • Removed data property done from component sw-media-library
    • Removed computed property folderLoader from component sw-media-library
    • Removed computed property mediaLoader from component sw-media-library
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-media-modal
    • Removed method hideSelectedItems from component sw-media-modal
    • Removed method unhideSelectedItems from component sw-media-modal
    • Removed computed property mediaItemStore from component sw-media-index
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-media-index
    • Removed computed property currentFolder from component sw-media-index
    • Removed computed property currentFolderName from component sw-media-index
    • Removed computed property parentFolder from component sw-media-index
    • Removed computed property parentFolderName from component sw-media-index
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-product-media-form
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-product-variants-delivery-media
    • Removed computed property uploadStore from component sw-property-option-detail
    • Removed computed property mediaStore from component sw-property-option-detail
    • CustomFields are now sorted naturally when custom position is used with customFieldPosition (for example 1,9,10 instead of 1,10,9)
    • Fix endless loading spinner in categories when user changes content language without having a category selected
    • Add rel="noopener" to all target="_blank" links
    • Fix wrong behavior of switch fields, checkboxes and radio fields when clicking on the label
    • Moved bearerAuth location from localStorage to Cookies
    • Removed v-fixed directive in sw-entity-single-select of sw-order-product-select
  • Storefront
    • Removed duplicated StorefrontPluginRegistryInterface param from \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeServices constructor
    • Removed duplicated StorefrontPluginRegistryInterface param from \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeServices constructor.
    • Add rel="noopener" to all target="_blank" links
    • Deprecated layout_header_minimal_switch in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/layout/header/header-minimal.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_overview_newest_order_table_header in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_overview_newest_order_table_header_date in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_overview_newest_order_table_header_number in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_overview_newest_order_table_header_payment_method in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_overview_newest_order_table_header_shipping_method in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_overview_newest_order_table_header_actions in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_orders_table_header in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_orders_table_header_date in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_orders_table_header_number in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_orders_table_header_payment_method in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_orders_table_header_shipping_method in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_orders_table_header_actions in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/index.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_action in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_reorder in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_reorder_form_action in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_reorder_csrf in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_reorder_redirect_input in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_reorder_lineitems_input in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_reorder_lineitem_input in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_detail_reorder_button in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-detail-list.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_date in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_date_label in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_date_value in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_number in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_number_label in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_number_value in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_payment_method in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_payment_method_label in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_payment_method_value in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_shipping_method in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_shipping_method_label in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_shipping_method_value in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_actions in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_actions_value in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_account_order_item_actions_value_text in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/order-history/order-item.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_payment_form in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-payment.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_payment_form_csrf in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-payment.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_payment_form_redirect in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-payment.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_payment_form_fields in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-payment.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_payment_form_submit in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-payment.html.twig
    • Deprecated page_checkout_confirm_payment_cancel in src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-payment.html.twig
    • Deprecated window.accessKey and window.contextToken, the variables contains now an empty string
    • Removed HttpClient() constructor parameters in src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/service/http-client.service.js