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Version: 0.7.0 Type: application AppVersion: 1.13.0

A Helm Chart for cortex-tenant

Source Code


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity and anti-affinity
annotations object {} Annotations for deployment
autoscaling.enabled bool false If enabled, HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources are created
autoscaling.maxReplica int 3 Max number of pod replica autoscaled
autoscaling.minReplica int 1 Min number of pod replica autoscaled
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 60 Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int 60 Target memory utilization percentage for autoscaling
config.auth.enabled bool false Egress HTTP basic auth -> add Authentication header to outgoing requests
config.auth.existingSecret string nil Secret should pass the CT_AUTH_EGRESS_USERNAME and CT_AUTH_EGRESS_PASSWORD env variables
config.auth.password string nil Password (env: CT_AUTH_EGRESS_PASSWORD)
config.auth.username string nil Username (env: CT_AUTH_EGRESS_USERNAME)
config.concurrency int 1000 Max number of parallel incoming HTTP requests to handle (env: CT_CONCURRENCY)
config.enable_ipv6 bool false Whether to enable querying for IPv6 records (env: CT_ENABLE_IPV6)
config.listen string "" Where to listen for incoming write requests from Prometheus (env: CT_LISTEN)
config.listen_pprof string "" Profiling API, leave empty to disable (env: CT_LISTEN_PPROF)
config.log_level string "warn" Log level (env: CT_LOG_LEVEL)
config.log_response_errors bool true If true response codes from metrics backend will be logged to stdout. This setting can be used to suppress errors which can be quite verbose like 400 code - out-of-order samples or 429 on hitting ingestion limits Also, those are already reported by other services like Cortex/Mimir distributors and ingesters (env: CT_LOG_RESPONSE_ERRORS)
config.max_connection_duration string "0s" Maximum duration to keep outgoing connections alive (to Cortex/Mimir) Useful for resetting L4 load-balancer state Use 0 to keep them indefinitely (env: CT_MAX_CONN_DURATION)
config.max_conns_per_host int 64 This parameter sets the limit for the count of outgoing concurrent connections to Cortex / Mimir. By default it's 64 and if all of these connections are busy you will get errors when pushing from Prometheus. If your target is a DNS name that resolves to several IPs then this will be a per-IP limit. (env: CT_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST)
config.metadata bool false Whether to forward metrics metadata from Prometheus to Cortex Since metadata requests have no timeseries in them - we cannot divide them into tenants So the metadata requests will be sent to the default tenant only, if one is not defined - they will be dropped (env: CT_METADATA) string "http://cortex-distributor.cortex.svc:8080/api/v1/push" Where to send the modified requests (Cortex) (env: CT_TARGET)
config.tenant.accept_all bool false Enable if you want all metrics from Prometheus to be accepted with a 204 HTTP code regardless of the response from Cortex. This can lose metrics if Cortex is throwing rejections. (env: CT_TENANT_ACCEPT_ALL)
config.tenant.default string "cortex-tenant-default" Which tenant ID to use if the label is missing in any of the timeseries If this is not set or empty then the write request with missing tenant label will be rejected with HTTP code 400 (env: CT_TENANT_DEFAULT)
config.tenant.header string "X-Scope-OrgID" To which header to add the tenant ID (env: CT_TENANT_HEADER)
config.tenant.label string "tenant" Which label to look for the tenant information (env: CT_TENANT_LABEL)
config.tenant.label_list list [] List of labels examined for tenant information. If set takes precedent over label (env: CT_TENANT_LABEL_LIST)
config.tenant.label_remove bool false Whether to remove the tenant label from the request (env: CT_TENANT_LABEL_REMOVE)
config.tenant.prefix string "" Optional hard-coded prefix with delimeter for all tenant values. Delimeters allowed for use: (env: CT_TENANT_PREFIX)
config.tenant.prefix_prefer_source bool false If true will use the tenant ID of the inbound request as the prefix of the new tenant id. Will be automatically suffixed with a - character. Example: Prometheus forwards metrics with X-Scope-OrgID: Prom-A set in the inbound request. This would result in the tenant prefix being set to Prom-A-. (env: CT_TENANT_PREFIX_PREFER_SOURCE)
config.timeout string "10s" HTTP request timeout (env: CT_TIMEOUT)
config.timeout_shutdown string "10s" Timeout to wait on shutdown to allow load balancers detect that we're going away. During this period after the shutdown command the /alive endpoint will reply with HTTP 503. Set to 0s to disable. (env: CT_TIMEOUT_SHUTDOWN)
envs list [] Additional environment variables
fullnameOverride string nil Application fullname override
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Policy when pulling images
image.repository string "" Repository to pull the image
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag (default is .Chart.appVersion)
livenessProbe.enabled bool false Enable the liveness probe
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3 Liveness probe failure threshold
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 5 Initial delay seconds
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 20 Liveness probe period
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1 Liveness probe success threshold
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 Liveness probe timeout
nameOverride string nil Application name override
nodeSelector object {} Node Selection
podAnnotations object {} Annotations for pods
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool true If enabled, PodDisruptionBudget resources are created
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Minimum number of pods that must remain scheduled
podSecurityContext object {} Security Context
podTopologySpreadConstraints list [] Pod Topology Spread Constraints
priorityClassName string "" Priority Class
readinessProbe.enabled bool false Enable the readiness probe
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3 Readiness probe failure threshold
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 10 Initial delay seconds
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10 Readiness probe period
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1 Readiness probe success threshold
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 Readiness probe timeout
replicas int 2 Number of replicas. Ignored if autoscaling.enabled is true
resources.limits object {"memory":"256Mi"} Resources limits
resources.requests object {"cpu":"100m","memory":"128Mi"} Resources requests
securityContext object {} Security Context
service.port int 8080 The port on which the service listens for traffic
service.targetPort int 8080 The target port to which traffic is forwarded
service.type string "ClusterIP" The type of service
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} ServiceMonitor annotations
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false If enabled, ServiceMonitor resources for Prometheus Operator are created
serviceMonitor.interval string nil ServiceMonitor scrape interval
serviceMonitor.labels object {} Additional ServiceMonitor labels
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] ServiceMonitor relabel configs to apply to samples as the last step before ingestion (defines metric_relabel_configs)
serviceMonitor.namespace string nil Alternative namespace for ServiceMonitor resources
serviceMonitor.namespaceSelector object {} Namespace selector for ServiceMonitor resources
serviceMonitor.prometheusRule object {"additionalLabels":{},"enabled":false,"rules":[]} Prometheus rules will be deployed for alerting purposes
serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] ServiceMonitor relabel configs to apply to samples before scraping (defines relabel_configs)
serviceMonitor.scheme string "http" ServiceMonitor will use http by default, but you can pick https as well
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout string nil ServiceMonitor scrape timeout in Go duration format (e.g. 15s)
serviceMonitor.targetLabels list [] ServiceMonitor will add labels from the service to the Prometheus metric
serviceMonitor.targetPort int 9090 ServiceMonitor targetPort
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig string nil ServiceMonitor will use these tlsConfig settings to make the health check requests
tolerations list [] Taints and Tolerations

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2