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101 lines (84 loc) · 5.78 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (84 loc) · 5.78 KB


  • Fixed PHPUnit 7.2 compatibility.
  • Introduced RunBefore extension to execute scripts before running tests. See #5049 by @aashmelev.
  • [Db] Added two options for MySQL by @bangertz
    • ssl_cipher - list of one or more permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption
    • ssl_verify_server_cert - disables certificate CN verification
  • [Db] Always disconnect before connect when reconnect is set. By @ashnazg
  • [Db] More explicit PDO closing upon destruction and close opened transactions by @ashnazg.
  • [Recorder Extension] Improved error logging by @OneEyedSpaceFish. See #5101
  • [Lumen] Fixed file uploads via REST module. By @retnek.
  • Fixed: function getMetadata() may not exist, results in fatal error. See #4913 by @marcovtwout


  • Recently added extends property in the codeception.yml and *.suite.yml files now support absolute paths; by @silverfire
  • Fixed absolute paths handling on Windows in ParamLoader; by @silverfire
  • [Yii2] Refactored database connection handling by @SamMousa. Database connections should now always be closed after tests no matter how you have opened them or who is holding references to them. See #5045
  • [Symfony] Email handling improved by @mbohal. Fixes #5058.
    • Added optional argument $expectedCount to seeEmailIsSent
    • Added dontSeeEmailIsSent
  • [Recorder Extension] Added ignore_steps option to disable recording of specific steps. By @sspat.
  • [WebDriver] Fixed "No Session Timeout" fatal error by @davertmik.
  • [WebDriver] Added ability to locate clickable element by its title. See #5065 by @gimler
  • [Db] Add waitlock config option for the database session to wait for lock in Oracle. By @ashnazg. See #5069
  • [REST] Fixed seeXmlResponseEquals by @Voziv


  • Create your own test formats (e.g., Cept, Cest, ...); by @mlambley
  • [Symfony] Fixed a bug in order to use multiple Kernels; by @alefcastelo
  • [Asserts] Added new methods assertNotTrue and assertNotFalse methods; by @johannesschobel
  • [REST][PhpBrowser][Frameworks] Added new methods to check for Http Status Ranges with nice "wrappers" (e.g., seeHttpStatusCodeIsSuccessful() checks the code between 200 and 299); by @johannesschobel
  • Improved the docs; by community


  • Added support for extends in the codeception.yml and *.suite.yml files; by @johannesschobel. Allows to inherit current config from a provided file. See example for functional.suite.yml:
actor: FunctionalTester
extends: shared.functional.suite.yml
        - \App\Modules\X\Tests\Helper\Functional
  • [Yii2] Restore null check for client in Yii2 by @wkritzinger. See #4940
  • [Yii2] Resetting Yii application in _after. By @SamMousa. See #4928
  • [Yii2] Breaking $settings['configFile'] now supports absolute paths. In you have defined relative path to config in absolute manner
  • [WebDriverIO] Added deleteSessionSnapshot by @vi4o
  • [Symfony] Added support for custom kernel names with kernel_class config option. By @omnilight.
  • [Asserts] Better exception message for expectException by @Slamdunk
  • [REST] Decode all non-arrays to array. See #4946 by @Amunak, fixes #4944.
  • [ZF2] Fixed compatibility with ZF2 ServiceManager by @omnilight.
  • [Laravel5] Fixed memory leak when using Laravel factories inside Codeception. See #4971 by @AdrianSkierniewski
  • [Db] Added support for null values in MSSQL driver by @philek
  • Handle absolute paths in ParamsLoader by @SilverFire
  • Fix error on single file test. See #4986 by @mikbox74
  • Upgraded to Codeception/Stub 2.0 by @Naktibalda, fixed compatibility.


  • Fixed "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Codeception\Test\Descriptor::getTestDataSetIndex()" error when filtering tests.
  • Better support of PHPUnit warning status by @edno:
    • support PHPUnit addWarning()
    • display 'W' instead of success for warning test cases
  • Fixed Running test with invalid dataprovider by @okneloper. Fixed #4888 by @edno
  • [Yii2] Request flow and database transactions refactored (by @sammousa):
    • Breaking Application is no longer available in helpers via $this->getModule('Yii2'')->app, now you must use \Yii::$app everywhere
    • Multiple databases are now supported
    • More reliable application state before and during test execution
    • Fixtures method is now configurable
    • Subset of misconfigurations are now detected and informative messages created
  • Fixed using $settings['path'] in Codeception\Configuration::suiteSettings() on Windows by @olegpro
    (starting with /), you must change it. @silverfire
  • [Laravel5] Added Laravel 5.4+ (5.1+ backward compatible) support for callArtisan method in Laravel5 module. See #4860 by @mohamed-aiman
  • Fixed #4854: unnecessary escaping in operation arguments logging by @nicholascus
  • Fixed humanizing steps for utf8 strings by @nicholascus. See #4850
  • Fixed parsing relative urls in parse_url. See #4853 by @quantum-x


  • PHPUnit 7.x compatibility
  • Dropped PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 support (PHP 5.5 still may work)
  • Internal API refactored:
    • Modern PHP class names used internally
    • Moved PHPUnit related classes to codeception/phpunit-wrapper package.
    • Removed shims for underscore PHPUnit classes > namespaced PHP classes
  • Cest hooks behavior changed (by @fffilimonov):
    • _failed called when test fails
    • _passed called when tests is successful
    • _after is called for failing and successful tests

Upgrade Notice: If you face issues with underscore PHPUnit class names (like PHPUnit_Framework_Assert) you have two options:

  • Lock version for PHPUnit in composer.json: "phpunit/phpunit":"^5.0.0"
  • Update your codebase and replace underscore PHPUnit class names to namespaced (PHPUnit 6+ API)