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370 lines (304 loc) · 19.6 KB

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370 lines (304 loc) · 19.6 KB

protostuff-1.3.3 2015-03-23


  • #105: Add option for generating field maps with original field names [generated code]


  • #98: Fix for messages with sparse/big @Tag values [runtime schemas]
  • #108: Fix for default values in java_bean_model [generated code]
  • #107: Getter of optional enum should return null if not set [generated code]

Compatibility notes

  • Please check protostuff#107 as it changes structure of the schema, generated by java_bean. Now default values are not applied automatically for all field types, unless default value is specified explicitly. If you use protobuf as a serialization format, you should always do check for null and treat null as a default value. For example, you can use Guava's utility method: MoreObjects.firstNonNull(message.getNullableFieldValue(), DEFAULT_FIELD_VALUE).

protostuff-1.3.2 2015-03-01


  • #81: add validation for @Tag annotation value, throw an IllegalArgumentException when value is out of range [protostuff-runtime]
  • #83: add maven "Bill of Materials" module
  • #94: add method getProtoType for Field [code generator]
  • #92: generate equals() and hashCode() for generated messages [code generator]

protostuff-1.3.1 2015-02-12


#86: Configure system properties for maven plugin in the POM

Now it is possible to specify proto-compiler options directly in pom.xml



#84: Value of @Generated annotation is not valid string [code generator] #90:

protostuff-1.3.0 2015-01-13


  • #74: Switch to com.fasterxml.jackson v2.4.4
  • #79: Add @Generated annotation to generated classes


  • #58: Do not wrap lists into Collections.unmodifiableList(source) (code generated by java_bean template)

protostuff-1.2.0 2014-12-15


  • #25: Added @Tag support for enums in protostuff-runtime
  • #32: Added support for messages without fields (empty messages)
  • #35: Added support for RPC service code generation. Example.
  • #38: Added ability to import proto in multi-module project. Example.


  • #34: Fixed issue with CESU-8 charset and Java 8.


  • #29: The minimum requirement for Java has now been raised to Java SE 7.
  • #36: Move protostuff-me to separate project.

protostuff-1.1.0 2014-10-06

  • NOTE: The 1.1.x versions will be not be wire-compatible with the ff:
    • protostuff-runtime-1.0.x
    • protostuff-xml-1.0.x
  • Issue 161: Optimize ProtobufOutput for small nested messages (max size of 127)
  • Issue 157: ConcurrentLinkedDeque support
  • Issue 156: Support for newing object instances on Android 4.3+ devices
    • thanks to eedzjee
  • Issue 153: YamlOutput bug on repeated message fields
  • Issue 151: optimize xml format
  • Issue 141: protostuff ser/der can not keep order of elements in an array which contain null value
    • thanks to lzh0379
  • Issue 119: Reflection-based array operations are rather expensive

protostuff-1.0.8 2013-12-10

  • Issue 140: Multiple runtime schema contexts (IdStrategy groups)
  • new protostuff-runtime-view module
    • select fields to include on ser/deser, without re-creating the expensive runtime fields.
  • Issue 139: Add functionality to load protobuf schema from Reader
  • Issue 138: CodedIpnut.skipRawBytes() incorrectly updates totalBytesRetired when going outside of its buffer.
    • thanks to Max Lanin
  • Issue 135: PluginProtoCompiler throws IllegalStateException when one of the rules (message_block, enum_block) is missing
  • Issue 133: When the varint of large strings (2kb or more) are serialized, unnecessary bytes are written A 2kb string previously needed 3 bytes for its varint. Now anything under 16kb will only need 2 bytes. This is a bug that was overlooked but doesn't have major side effects because of the way varint encoding works.
  • Issue 131: option can't be used as a field name in maven-plugin
  • Issue 129: Default value of optional bool properties is ignored.
  • Issue 128: Maven-Plugin fails for multi-module projects
  • added enums_by_name compiler option for java_v2protoc_schema (thanks to vitalyper)
  • Issue 124: proto-parser throws NPE when an annotation on a field contains a reference
  • update jackson-core-asl to 1.9.13
  • update woodstox-core-asl to 4.1.3

protostuff-1.0.7 2012-05-14

  • bugfix: an abstract class mapped to a single impl was not honored (bug introduced on 1.0.6)

protostuff-1.0.6 2012-05-14

  • allow @Tag annotations to override the field name
    • E.g @Tag(value=1, alias="foo")
    • useful for non-binary formats like json/xml/yaml
  • added Delegate, which handles ser/deser for:
    • singletons
    • pojos with no fields
    • pojos that should not be merged
    • could be used to encode a type to a byte array and write it (for example packing an int[] to a byte[])
  • added @Morph field annotation, which overrides: -Dprotostuff.runtime.morph_non_final_pojos -Dprotostuff.runtime.morph_collection_interfaces (new) -Dprotostuff.runtime.morph_map_interfaces (new)
  • Issue 115: protostuff has problem to serialize java.lang.Throwable Object
  • Issue 120: Add serialization support for empty/singleton/synchronized/unmodifiable/checked collection/set/sortedset/list/map/sortedmap
  • Issue 118: Doc improvement for the compiler help message
  • Issue 104: 2 new compilers: proto_extender, java_bean_model (by Ivan Prisyazhniy and Igor Scherbak)
  • Issue 114: Allow collection/map registration on DefaultIdStrategy
  • Issue 111: NumericIdStrategy fails to use the enum ids when the field is an enum array
  • Issue 110: protostuff has problem serilize java.lang.Class Object
  • Issue 108: Ignore null values in json parser
    • removes recursion and uses a loop instead

protostuff-1.0.5 2012-03-31

  • Issue 107: Fields that are interfaces are not being serialized correctly if assigned an enum/boxed primitive type at runtime To optimize polymorphic ser/deser, use abstract classes or atleast declare the base abstract class.
  • add support for annotations on protostuff-runtime to have explicit control of field numbers (patch by Brice Jaglin). Annotate all non-transient/non-static fields with @Tag(x) or none at all (all or nothing).
  • Issue 77: RuntimeSchema.getSchema on Android and Server (the solution is to use @Tag annotations)
  • Issue 86: Is RuntimeSchema.createFrom safe (the solution is to use @Tag annotations)
  • Issue 106: Use Double.doubleToRawLongBits (was Double.doubleToLongBits) on serialization (protostuff-core)
    • Not applicable to protostuff-me since the method Double.doubleToRawLongBits does not exist on j2me api
  • new protostuff-runtime-registry module (compact ids for your polymorphic pojos)
  • Issue 105: ObjectSchema needs to check clazz.getSuperclass().isEnum() to detect complex enums
  • Issue 88: Add support for transparent handling of non-standard collections
  • Issue 96: user definable mapping: FQNC's --> integer, for serialized stream size-reduction (thanks to Leo Romanoff)
  • Issue 103: Deserialize failed when reading objects from ObjectInput/DataInput
  • Issue 101: Improve ByteString.equals
  • allow message/enum references on options and annotations (proto-parser).
  • add "cache_protos" config (cache/re-use protos being imported/loaded by multiple modules)
  • Issue 94: IllegalArgumentException thrown when instantiating a non-public class
  • Issue 93: Add runtime option to always use the constructor from sun reflection factory
  • Issue 92: [protostuff-me] Preverification fails (patch by thierry.monney)
  • Issue 91: Generated J2ME code not is not compatible

protostuff-1.0.4 2011-10-24

  • Issue 90: byte arrays on protostuff-runtime were not treated as scalar fields Best to update to this version for performance reasons. If you have existing data that came from a pojo with byte[] fields, it will not be compatible on deser. You can safely update the data by deserializing with the old protostuff from a different classloader and writing it back again using the new protostuff on another classloader.

protostuff-1.0.3 2011-10-22

  • Issue 89: graph serialization bug on IdentityHashMap and EnumMap
  • Issue 87: EnumSet and EnumMap without generics are not handled
  • Issue 85: graph serialization bug (protostuff-runtime) on collections/map without generics and dynamic objects

protostuff-1.0.2 2011-09-12

  • add protostuff-uberjar (osgi stuff from Thomas Kock)
  • Issue 83: Kvp input does not properly handle empty strings and misreported size
  • Issue 82: Serializing repeated fields on protostuff-runtime needs a null-check to only serialize non-nulls.
  • Issue 81: Xml input does not check required fields when the nested message is not empty.
  • Issue 80: Yaml does not handle polymorphic/cyclic serialization
  • Issue 79: Provide support for options in messages and enums
  • Issue 78: Field option missing on message fields (thanks to
  • Issue 76: The protostuff compiler does not detect duplicate service/message/enum
  • update jackson to 1.7.9

protostuff-1.0.1 2011-07-13

  • new protostuff-me module (for j2me by Michael Donohue)
  • new protostuff-runtime-md module (for modern mobile devices like android and kindle) api+core works fine but this is for those who prefer runtime schemas.
  • Issue 73: Remove unused enum default value from java_bean generated code
  • Issue 70: Use FQCN everywhere in classes generated by java_v2protoc_schema
  • Issue 69: Maven plugin to attach generated source directory to the project compile source roots
  • Issue 68: RuntimeSchema AccessControlException on amazon kindle
  • Issue 67: RuntimeSchema.getSchema on Android (thanks to matyas.bene)
  • Issue 66: static keyword missing on classes generated by java_v2protoc_schema
  • Issue 64: Merge method for json protobuf classes
  • Issue 62: IOUtil.mergeDelimitedFrom() reports truncated message on stream EOF reached
  • Issue 58: Compilation issues when the projects are loaded.
  • tiny optimizations for protostuff-graph
  • allow protostuff-runtime to use simple reflections or sun.misc.Unsafe(now the default scheme).
  • improve streaming support for large strings
  • update jackson-core-asl to 1.7.7
  • fixed protostuff-parser bug on handling int/double annotation attributes.

protostuff-1.0.0 2011-02-15

  • Issue 57: Add proto_path as a system property read by protostuff-compiler to load imported protos
  • add smile format
  • update jackson to 1.7.3
  • Issue 56: Signed int64 is not correctly serialized (zigzag encoding missing)
  • Issue 51: Compiler option to use primitive numbers if the field is optional
  • Issue 49: protostuff-maven-plugin:Incorrect relative path for from super pom
  • Issue 54: StackOverflow using RuntimeSchema.getSchema()
  • Issue 53: UUIDs cannot be used with RuntimeSchemas
  • Issue 55: Optimize protostuff-runtime serialization of arrays by writing the length first (order dependent)
  • Issue 31: ProtoStuffRuntime cannot handle different subclasses
  • Issue 29: Empty list turns into null after serialization/deserialization
  • Issue 46: RuntimeSchema.getSchema() throws NPE on fields with type Object
  • Issue 48: Polymorphic serialization support for json and xml
  • Issue 52: Allow skipping constructor on immutable objects (fields marked final)
  • LinkedBuffer re-use for JsonIOUtil read/write operations on streams.
  • Issue 50: Xml deser does not handle empty messages well
  • minor xml optimizations
  • Issue 45: Double-checked locking concern
  • Issue 47: IllegalAccessException in when accessing a private Date field with RuntimeSchema
  • add protostuff-collectionschema (jdk standard collections support - map,list,set,queue,deque,etc)
  • Issue 43: Inheritance support for non-abstract base types

protostuff-1.0.0.M7 2011-01-20

  • add ser/deser support for object graphs (cyclic references/dependencies)
  • Issue 42: Support for Self Referential Classes
  • Issue 41: Support for polymorphic ser/deser for protostuff-runtime
  • Issue 40: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using streaming mulitple large delimited utf8 strings that exceeds the buffer size.
  • update jackson to 1.7.1
  • api for re-using the LinkedBuffer as a read-only buffer
  • add protostuff-kvp module
  • Issue 39: The field options (other than default) are ignored by the parser
  • add support for annotations on proto files (extra metadata for better code generation)
  • Issue 38: Parser: cannot import more than one .proto file from the same package (patch by avaskys)
  • add support for java.util.Date in protostuff-runtime

protostuff-1.0.0.M6 2010-10-28

  • Backward-forward compatibility support for runtime schemas via append-only fields in the pojo. To add new fields, append the field in the declaration. To remove existing fields, annotate with @Deprecated.
  • Issue 37: The proto parser doesn't parse extensions without ranges
  • Issue 36: Incorrect deserialization when ProtobufIOUtil merges from InputStream
  • Issue 35: Native methods for repeated fields (patch by nordlig.ulv)
  • Issue 34: Allow schema generated from protostuff-runtime to write enums by their name

protostuff-1.0.0.M5 2010-10-12

  • add IO pipes w/c can transfer/transcode streams efficiently.
  • full streaming capability on protostuff format.
  • update jackson-core-asl to 1.6.1
  • add JsonXOutput for efficient writing of numeric keys and pre-encoded utf8 strings.
  • add base64 encoding/decoding support in protostuff-api
  • Issue 33: GWT json compiler produces unnecessary line wrap
  • IOUtil is no longer publicly accessible. (use ProtobufIOUtil or ProtostuffIOUtil)

protostuff-1.0.0.M4 2010-09-14

  • Issue 28: Class member with signature of interface causes NullPointerException
  • Issue 27: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in StringSerializer.writeUTF8 (patch by Tim Underwood)
  • Add support for BigInteger and BigDecimal in protostuff-runtime
  • Issue 26: Bug in the reflection compiler with nested protobuf types (patch by Joseph Gentle)
  • Issue 25: Allow generating code for message extensions (patch by Philippe Laflamme)
  • Issue 5: Ignore "target" working directories in Subversion

protostuff-1.0.0.M3 2010-07-10

  • faster utf8 string serialization
  • write operations on IOUtil now require a buffer as an extra arg. This allows the developer to determine the appropriate buffer size needed for a particular message (to avoid buffer allocation overhead). The LinkedBuffer can be re-used by calling LinkedBuffer.clear() ... w/c is applicable to application/thread-local/network buffers.
  • added protostuf-yaml for yaml serialization (zero-copy capable).
  • Issue 24: JsonInput not able to skip repeated scalar fields that are unknown
  • support serializing Map fields via the MapSchema.
  • make Schema.typeClass() return the super type.
  • Issue 23: Validation missing (for required fields) when nested messages are "group_encoded"

protostuff-1.0.0.M2 2010-06-22

  • more IO optimizations
  • Issue 22: Enable parsing of service/rpc in proto for code generation
  • Issue 21: Support java-style compilation mode where imported messages do not need to be referenced by full name
  • Issue 20: Compiler throws NPE if no package defined in proto file
  • added protostuff-api (protostuff-core, protostuff-json and protostuff-xml will only contain their respective IO impl).
  • added a runtime option for nested messages to be "group-encoded" for more efficient serialization. (especially for rpc).
  • added an abstract helper class CustomSchema to easily customize how messages can be read/written and for adding filters/hooks as well.
  • added messageName() and messageFullName() methods to the schema to support full xml serialization of existing C++ protoc messages. This also enables aliasing of the message names (especially for xml) by overriding the messageName() method.
  • added protostuff-xml for fast xml ser/deser via stax api.

protostuff-1.0.0.M1 2010-05-20

  • completed Issue 18: Generated GWT Protobuffers - base class, name
  • fixed Issue 17: trying to compile google/protobuf/descriptor.proto from protobuf-2.3.0
  • fixed Issue 15: JsonIOUtil.writeListTo fails when inner messages contain repeated fields
  • completed Issue 14: Allow packages to be overriden via compile time options
  • completed Issue 13: Allow unknown scalar fields to be ignored when parsing json-encoded messages
  • completed Issue 12: Add support for protobuf enums on GWT overlays hosted mode
  • completed Issue 11: Add serialization method (stringify) for GWT overlay types
  • fixed Issue 3: JSON parser converts null values to the string "null"
  • fixed Issue 10: JsonOutput bug when writing a message that contains an inner message with repeated fields
  • completed Issue 8: Use the default values of the optional fields of gwt-overlays
  • completed Issue 9: If enum's default value is not specified, it should be the first value listed in the enum's type definition
  • completed Issue 7: Add optional clear methods on code compiled to gwt_overlay
  • fixed Issue 4: .proto files that use "import" create non-compilable Java files
  • completed Issue 6: Support the header: syntax = "proto2"; (patch by J.D. Zamfirescu)
  • fixed Issue 2: Wrong enum type in generated code of GWT overlays
  • fixed benchmark deser bug on protostuff-json (duplicate parser created)

protostuff-1.0.0.M0 2009-10-24

  • code generator for json, numeric_json, gwt_json, gwt_numeric_json
  • maven archetypes for quick start and rapid development
  • benchmark module to relatively compare with protobuf