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James McNair edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 31 revisions


Here is a list of permissions, if the permission is default it means that all players are given that permission by default and if you want the user to no longer have access to that feature, you need to remove the permission node.

Permission Node Explanation

A permission node can take 3 states:

  • True: The player has this permission no matter what
  • False: The player does not have this permission no matter what
  • Undefined: Which players have the permission node is defined by the individual plugin

In the case that you do not define the permission node, betterteams tells spigot that all players get permissions to do all /team subcommands, this is to save every single server from having to add each individual permission node for every single subcommand to their permissions file (as most servers have all subcommands enabled). but if they want to remove one of the features from betterteams it still can be done in the method described below

Revoking a permission node with LuckPerms

As shown in the screenshot below, when giving the group / player the permission node, set the value to false. This will result in the player not having access to that permission. LuckPerms editor

List of permissions

If you are struggling to find the exact permission node you are after, try using CTRL + F and searching for it. For example, to find /team chat search 'team chat'. For searching purposes, admin commands are demoted by 'teama' instead of 'teamadmin'

Command Permission Description Default?
team betterteams.standard Access to any of /team Yes
team join betterteams.join Joins the specified team Yes
team create betterteams.create Creates a new team Yes
team leave betterteams.leave Leave the players current team Yes
team home betterteams.home Teleports you to your team home Yes
team sethome betterteams.sethome Sets your teams home Yes
team chat Gives access to the team chat Yes
team info Gives access to view information about other teams Yes
team invite betterteams.invite Invites a player to the specified team Yes
team kick betterteams.kick Kicks a player from the specified team Yes
team ban betterteams.ban Bans the specified player from the team Yes
team unban betterteams.unban Unbans the specified player from the team Yes
team disband betterteams.disband Disbands the team the player is in Yes
team name Sets the name for the team Yes
team description betterteams.description Sets the description for the team Yes
team open Toggles if the team is open to everyone Yes
team promote betterteams.promote Promotes the specified player up a rank in the team Yes
team demote betterteams.demote Demotes the specified player down a rank in the team Yes
team bal betterteams.balance View your teams balance Yes
team withdraw betterteams.balance Withdraw money from the teams balance Yes
team deposit betterteams.balance Deposit money into the teams balance Yes
team title betterteams.title Change that players title within the team Yes
team title betterteams.title.color.color Allows the user to add color codes into their titles No
team title betterteams.title.color.format Allows the user to add format codes into their titles No
team title betterteams.title.self Allows the user to change their own title even if they are not the team owner No
team rank betterteams.rank View the rank of a team Yes
team top View the top teams Yes
team color betterteams.color Change the color of the team name Yes
team ally Add an alliance for your team Yes
team neutral betterteams.neutral Remove an alliance from your team Yes
team allychat betterteams.allychat Send a message that only your team allies will see Yes
team setowner betterteams.setowner Set a player to be the new owner of the team Yes
team warp betterteams.warp Warp to the location set by team members Yes
team setwarp betterteams.setwarp Create a new warp for your team to warp to Yes
team delwarp betterteams.delwarp Delete a warp from you team Yes
team warps betterteams.warps View a list of your teams warps Yes
team chest claim betterteams.chest.claim Claim a chest Yes
team chest remove betterteams.chest.remove Remove a chest claimed by your team Yes
team chest removeall betterteams.chest.removeall Removes all team chest claims Yes
team echest betterteams.echest Opens your team's ender chest Yes
teama betterteams.admin Allows access to admin commands No
teama reload betterteams.admin.reload Reloads the config No
teama chatspy betterteams.admin.chatspy Spy on messages sent to team chats No
teama version betterteams.admin.version View better teams plugin version No
teama home betterteams.admin.home Teleport to any teams home No
teama title betterteams.admin.title Change other users titles No
teama name Change the name of a team No
teama description betterteams.admin.description Change the description of a team No
teama open Set if a team is open or invite only No
teama invite betterteams.admin.invite Invite a player to a team No
teama create betterteams.admin.create Create a team without an owner No
teama join betterteams.admin.join Allow a player to join a team No
teama demote betterteams.admin.demote Demote a player within their team No
teama promote betterteams.admin.promote Promote a player within their team No
teama setowner betterteams.admin.setowner Used to set a player to team owner when "singleOwner" is set to true No
teama leave betterteams.admin.leave Force a player to leave a team No
teama warp betterteams.admin.warp Warp to a location set by a team No
teama setwarp betterteams.admin.setwarp Set a warp for a team No
teama delwarp betterteams.admin.delwarp Delete a warp for a team No
teama purge betterteams.admin.purge Purges all team scores and resets them back to 0 No
teama score set betterteams.admin.score.set Sets the teams score to the specified amount No
teama score add betterteams.admin.score.add Adds the specified amount to the team's score No
teama score remove betterteams.admin.score.remove Removes the specified amount from the team's score No
teama disband betterteams.admin.disband Disbands the specified team No
teama color betterteams.admin.color Sets the specified teams color No
teama chest claim betterteams.admin.chest.claim Claim a chest for a team No
teama chest remove betterteams.admin.chest.remove Remove a claim from a chest No
teama chest removeall betterteams.admin.chest.removeall Remove all chest claims from a team No
teama chest disableclaims betterteams.admin.chest.disable Disable chest claims No
teama chest enableclaims betterteams.admin.chest.enable Enable chest claims No
teama echest betterteams.admin.echest Open that team's echest No
teama holo create betterteams.admin.holo Creates a hologram at your location (Requires HolographicDisplays) No
teama holo delete betterteams.admin.holo Deletes the closest better teams hologram to you (Requires HolographicDisplays) No
Command cooldown betterteams.cooldown.bypass Bypass the command cooldown which can be configured in team.yml No
Price bypass betterteams.cost.bypass Bypass the command cost which can be configured in team.yml No
Warmup bypass betterteams.warmup.bypass Bypass the warmup for teleport commands No
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