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Update 2024.06.16: Release V1.2.4

Key Changes:

  • Support for YOLO Detector based on Ultralytics.

Update 2023.06.30: Release V1.2.3

Key Changes:

For more details:

CnSTD is a Scene Text Detection (STD) toolkit under Python 3, supporting text detection in languages such as Chinese and English. It comes with several pre-trained detection models ready for use upon installation. From V1.2.1, CnSTD includes a Mathematical Formula Detection (MFD) model, offering pre-trained models for detecting mathematical formulas (both inline embedding and standalone isolated).

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The author also maintains a Knowledge Planet group CnOCR/CnSTD/P2T Private Group. This group provides private materials related to CnOCR/CnSTD/P2T, including detailed training tutorials, unpublished models, solutions to challenges, and the latest research materials on OCR/STD.

Starting from V1.0.0, CnSTD transitioned from an MXNet-based implementation to a PyTorch-based implementation. The new model training incorporates the ICPR MTWI 2018, ICDAR RCTW-17, and ICDAR2019-LSVT datasets, comprising 46,447 training samples and 1,534 test samples.

Compared to previous versions, the new version features:

  • Support for PaddleOCR detection models.
  • Adjusted the expression of box in detection results to uniformly use 4 coordinate points.
  • Bug fixes.

For text recognition within detected text boxes, use the OCR toolkit cnocr.


Scene Text Detection (STD)

STD Example

Mathematical Formula Detection (MFD)

The MFD model detects mathematical formulas in images, categorizing them as embedding for inline formulas and isolated for standalone formulas. The model is trained using the English IBEM and Chinese CnMFD_Dataset datasets.

Chinese MFD Example
Chinese MFD Example
English MFD Example

Layout Analysis

The layout analysis model identifies different layout elements in images. The model is trained using the CDLA dataset and can recognize the following 10 layout elements:

Text Title Figure Figure Caption Table Table Caption Header Footer Reference Equation
Layout Analysis Example


Installation is straightforward:

pip install cnstd

To use ONNX models (model_backend=onnx), use the following commands:

  • For CPU:
    pip install cnstd[ort-cpu]
  • For GPU:
    pip install cnstd[ort-gpu]
    • Note: If onnxruntime is already installed, uninstall it first (pip uninstall onnxruntime) before running the above commands.

For faster installation, specify a domestic source like Douban:

pip install cnstd -i


  • Use Python3 (version 3.6 or later).
  • Dependency: opencv.

Available STD Models

Starting from V1.2, CnSTD includes two types of models: 1) models trained by CnSTD, usually available in PyTorch and ONNX versions; 2) pre-trained models from other OCR engines, converted to ONNX for use in CnSTD.

Downloadable models are available in the cnstd-cnocr-models project.

1. CnSTD Trained Models

The current version (Since V1.1.0) uses DBNet, which significantly reduces detection time and improves accuracy compared to the previous PSENet model.

Available models:

Model Name Parameters File Size Test Accuracy (IoU) Average Inference Time (s/img) Download Link
db_resnet34 22.5 M 86 M 0.7322 3.11 Automatic
db_resnet18 12.3 M 47 M 0.7294 1.93 Automatic
db_mobilenet_v3 4.2 M 16 M 0.7269 1.76 Automatic
db_mobilenet_v3_small 2.0 M 7.9 M 0.7054 1.24 Automatic
db_shufflenet_v2 4.7 M 18 M 0.7238 1.73 Automatic
db_shufflenet_v2_small 3.0 M 12 M 0.7190 1.29 Automatic
db_shufflenet_v2_tiny 1.9 M 7.5 M 0.7172 1.14 Download Link

The above times are based on a local Mac. Absolute values may not be very useful, but relative values are for reference. IoU calculation has been adjusted, so only relative values are for reference.

Models based on MobileNet and ShuffleNet are smaller and faster than those based on ResNet, making them suitable for lightweight scenarios.

2. External Models

The following models are ONNX versions from PaddleOCR, so they do not depend on PaddlePaddle and do not support further fine-tuning on specific domain data. These models support vertical text detection.

model_name PyTorch Version ONNX Version Supported Languages Model File Size
ch_PP-OCRv3_det X Chinese, English, Numbers 2.3 M
ch_PP-OCRv2_det X Chinese, English, Numbers 2.2 M
en_PP-OCRv3_det X English, Numbers 2.3 M

For more models, refer to [PaddleOCR/models_list

.md]( If you need models for other languages (e.g., Japanese, Korean), you can suggest them in the Knowledge Planet CnOCR/CnSTD Private Group.


When using CnSTD for the first time, the system will automatically download the model zip file and store it in the ~/.cnstd directory (default path for Windows is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\cnstd). The download is fast, and the code will automatically unzip and place the extracted model in the ~/.cnstd/1.2 directory.

If the system cannot automatically download the zip file, manually download it from Baidu Cloud (password: nstd) and place it in the ~/.cnstd/1.2 (Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\cnstd\1.2) directory. You can also download the model from cnstd-cnocr-models. Once the zip file is in place, the code will automatically handle the rest.

Scene Text Detection (STD)

Use the CnStd class for scene text detection. The CnStd class initializer is as follows:

class CnStd(object):
    Scene Text Detection (STD) class. Despite the "Cn" (Chinese) in the name, it can also detect English text.

    def __init__(
        model_name: str = 'ch_PP-OCRv3_det',
        auto_rotate_whole_image: bool = False,
        rotated_bbox: bool = True,
        context: str = 'cpu',
        model_fp: Optional[str] = None,
        model_backend: str = 'onnx',  # ['pytorch', 'onnx']
        root: Union[str, Path] = data_dir(),
        use_angle_clf: bool = False,
        angle_clf_configs: Optional[dict] = None,

Key parameters:

  • model_name: Model name, corresponding to the first column in the model table. Default is ch_PP-OCRv3_det.
  • auto_rotate_whole_image: Automatically adjust the rotation of the entire image. Default is False.
  • rotated_bbox: Support detection of angled text boxes; Default is True. If False, only horizontal or vertical text is detected.
  • context: Resource for prediction, can be cpu, gpu, or cuda:0.
  • model_fp: Custom model file (.ckpt). Default is None, using the system's pre-trained model.
  • model_backend: str: 'pytorch' or 'onnx'. Indicates the backend for prediction. Default is onnx.
  • root: Root directory for model files.
    • Default for Linux/Mac is ~/.cnstd.
    • Default for Windows is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\cnstd.
  • use_angle_clf: Use angle classification model to adjust detected text boxes (useful for boxes that may be rotated 180 degrees). Default is False.
  • angle_clf_configs: Parameters for the angle classification model, mainly:
    • model_name: Default is 'ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls'.
    • model_fp: Custom model file (.onnx). Default is None.

All parameters have default values, so you can initialize without any parameters: std = CnStd().

To detect text, use the detect() method of the CnStd class. Detailed explanation:


    def detect(
        img_list: Union[
            List[Union[str, Path, Image.Image, np.ndarray]],
        resized_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = (768, 768),
        preserve_aspect_ratio: bool = True,
        min_box_size: int = 8,
        box_score_thresh: float = 0.3,
        batch_size: int = 20,
    ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

Function Explanation:

Input parameters:

  • img_list: Supports single or multiple images (list). Each value can be an image path, or already read PIL.Image.Image or np.ndarray, in RGB format with shape (height, width, 3), value range: [0, 255].
  • resized_shape: int or tuple, tuple means (height, width), int means both height and width are this value. Default is (768, 768).
  • preserve_aspect_ratio: Keep original aspect ratio when resizing. Default is True.
  • min_box_size: Filter out text boxes with height or width smaller than this value. Default is 8.
  • box_score_thresh: Filter out text boxes with a score lower than this value. Default is 0.3.
  • batch_size: Number of images per batch when processing many images. Default is 20.
  • kwargs: Reserved parameters, currently unused.

Output type is list, where each element is a dictionary representing the detection result for an image. The dictionary includes the following keys:

  • rotated_angle: float, rotation angle of the entire image. Only non-zero if auto_rotate_whole_image==True.
  • detected_texts: list, each element is a dictionary with information about a detected text box:
    • box: Detected text box; np.ndarray, shape: (4, 2), coordinates of the box's 4 points (x, y).
    • score: Score; float type; higher score means more reliable.
    • cropped_img: Image patch corresponding to "box" (RGB format), with tilted images rotated to horizontal. np.ndarray, shape: (height, width, 3), value range: [0, 255].
    • Example:
      [{'box': array([[416,  77],
                      [486,  13],
                      [800, 325],
                      [730, 390]], dtype=int32),
        'score': 1.0, 
        'cropped_img': array([[[25, 20, 24],
                               [26, 21, 25],
                               [25, 20, 24],
                               [11, 11, 13],
                               [11, 11, 13],
                               [11, 11, 13]]], dtype=uint8)},


from cnstd import CnStd
std = CnStd()
box_info_list = std.detect('examples/taobao.jpg')


from PIL import Image
from cnstd import CnStd

std = CnStd()
img_fp = 'examples/taobao.jpg'
img =
box_infos = std.detect(img)

Text Recognition within Detected Text Boxes (OCR)

The cropped_img values in the detection result can be recognized using the cnocr CnOcr class. For example:

from cnstd import CnStd
from cnocr import CnOcr

std = CnStd()
cn_ocr = CnOcr()

box_infos = std.detect('examples/taobao.jpg')

for box_info in box_infos['detected_texts']:
    cropped_img = box_info['cropped_img']
    ocr_res = cn_ocr.ocr_for_single_line(cropped_img)
    print('ocr result: %s' % str(ocr_res))

To run the example, first install cnocr:

pip install cnocr

Mathematical Formula Detection (MFD) and Layout Analysis

Both MFD and Layout Analysis detect elements of interest in images using YOLOv7-based models. In CnSTD, they are implemented in the same class LayoutAnalyzer, with the difference being the data used for training.

The training code for these models is in yolov7 (forked from WongKinYiu/yolov7). Thanks to the original author.

The LayoutAnalyzer class initializer:

class LayoutAnalyzer(object):
    def __init__(
        model_name: str = 'mfd',  # 'layout' or 'mfd'
        model_type: str = 'yolov7_tiny',  # current support ['yolov7_tiny', 'yolov7']
        model_backend: str = 'pytorch',
        model_categories: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        model_fp: Optional[str] = None,
        model_arch_yaml: Optional[str] = None,
        root: Union[str,

 Path] = data_dir(),
        device: str = 'cpu',

Key parameters:

  • model_name: String, model type. Options: 'mfd' for mathematical formula detection; 'layout' for layout analysis. Default: 'mfd'.
  • model_type: String, model type. Current options: 'yolov7_tiny' and 'yolov7'. Default: 'yolov7_tiny'. 'yolov7' models are currently only available to Planet members. Details: P2T YoloV7 Mathematical Formula Detection Model Available for Planet Members |
  • model_backend: String, backend. Current support: 'pytorch'. Default: 'pytorch'.
  • model_categories: Detection category names. Default: None, determined based on model_name.
  • model_fp: Path to model file. Default: None, using default path.
  • model_arch_yaml: Path to architecture file, e.g., 'yolov7-mfd.yaml'. Default: None, auto-selected.
  • root: String or Path, root directory for model files.
    • Default for Linux/Mac is ~/.cnstd.
    • Default for Windows is C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/cnstd.
  • device: String, device for running the model, options: 'cpu' or 'gpu'. Default: 'cpu'.
  • kwargs: Additional parameters.


Analyze specified images (or list of images) for layout analysis.

def analyze(
    img_list: Union[
        List[Union[str, Path, Image.Image, np.ndarray]],
    resized_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 700,
    box_margin: int = 2,
    conf_threshold: float = 0.25,
    iou_threshold: float = 0.45,
) -> Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], List[List[Dict[str, Any]]]]:

Function Explanation:

Input parameters:

  • img_list: str or list, path(s) to image(s) to be analyzed.
  • resized_shape: int or tuple (H, W), resize image to this size for analysis. Default: 700.
  • box_margin: int, pixel margin to expand detected content boxes. Default: 2.
  • conf_threshold: float, confidence threshold. Default: 0.25.
  • iou_threshold: float, IOU threshold for NMS. Default: 0.45.
  • kwargs: Additional parameters.

Output is a list, where each element represents an identified layout element, including:

  • type: Type of layout element, options from self.categories.
  • box: Bounding box coordinates; np.ndarray, shape: (4, 2).
  • score: Confidence score.


from cnstd import LayoutAnalyzer
img_fp = 'examples/mfd/zh5.jpg'
analyzer = LayoutAnalyzer('mfd')
out = analyzer.analyze(img_fp, resized_shape=700)

Using Scripts

cnstd includes several command-line tools, available after installation.

STD Prediction for a Single File or Directory

Use the cnstd predict command to predict text in a single file or all images in a directory. Usage:

(venv) ➜  cnstd git:(master) ✗ cnstd predict -h
Usage: cnstd predict [OPTIONS]

  Predict text in a single file or all images in a directory.

  -m, --model-name [ch_PP-OCRv2_det|ch_PP-OCRv3_det|db_mobilenet_v3|db_mobilenet_v3_small|db_resnet18|db_resnet34|db_shufflenet_v2|db_shufflenet_v2_small|db_shufflenet_v2_tiny|en_PP-OCRv3_det]
                                  Model name. Default: db_shufflenet_v2_small.
  -b, --model-backend [pytorch|onnx]
                                  Model type. Default: `onnx`.
  -p, --pretrained-model-fp TEXT  Pre-trained model. Default: `None`.
  -r, --rotated-bbox              Detect angled text boxes. Default: `True`.
  --resized-shape TEXT            Format: "height,width". Resize image to this size for prediction. Values should be multiples of 32. Default: `768,768`.
  --box-score-thresh FLOAT        Filter out text boxes with a score lower than this value. Default: `0.3`.
  --preserve-aspect-ratio BOOLEAN Preserve original aspect ratio when resizing. Default: `True`.
  --context TEXT                  Use `cpu`, `gpu`, or specific gpu (e.g., `cuda:0`). Default: `cpu`.
  -i, --img-file-or-dir TEXT      Path to image file or directory.
  -o, --output-dir TEXT           Directory for prediction results. Default: `./predictions`.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Example to detect text in examples/taobao.jpg and save results to outputs:

cnstd predict -i examples/taobao.jpg -o outputs

See the Makefile for more usage.

MFD or Layout Analysis for a Single File

Use the cnstd analyze command for MFD or Layout Analysis results for a single file. Usage:

(venv) ➜  cnstd git:(master) ✗ cnstd analyze -h
Usage: cnstd analyze [OPTIONS]

  Perform MFD or Layout Analysis on a given image.

  -m, --model-name TEXT           Model type. `mfd` for mathematical formula detection, `layout` for layout analysis. Default: `mfd`.
  -t, --model-type TEXT           Model type. Current options: [`yolov7_tiny`, `yolov7`].
  -b, --model-backend [pytorch|onnx]
                                  Model backend. Current support: `pytorch`.
  -c, --model-categories TEXT     Model detection categories (comma-separated). Default: None.
  -p, --model-fp TEXT             Pre-trained model. Default: `None`.
  -y, --model-arch-yaml TEXT      Path to model configuration file.
  --device TEXT                   `cuda` device, e.g., `0` or `0,1,2,3` or `cpu`.
  -i, --img-fp TEXT               Path to image or directory.
  -o, --output-fp TEXT            Output path for analysis results. Default: `None`, saved in current folder with `out-` prefix.
  --resized-shape INTEGER         Resize image to this size for analysis. Default: `608`.
  --conf-thresh FLOAT             Confidence threshold. Default: `0.25`.
  --iou-thresh FLOAT              IOU threshold for NMS. Default: `0.45`.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Example for MFD on examples/mfd/zh.jpg and save results to out-zh.jpg:

(venv) ➜  cnstd analyze -m mfd --conf-thresh 0.25 --resized-shape 800 -i examples/mfd/zh.jpg -o out-zh.jpg

See the Makefile for more usage.

Model Training

Use the cnstd train command to train text detection models. Usage:

(venv) ➜  cnstd git:(master) ✗ cnstd train -h
Usage: cnstd train [OPTIONS]

  Train text detection models.

  -m, --model-name [db_resnet50|db_resnet34|db_resnet18|db_mobilenet_v3|db_mobilenet_v3_small|db_shufflenet_v2|db_shufflenet_v2_small|db_shufflenet_v2_tiny]
                                  Model name. Default: `db_shufflenet_v2_small`.
  -i, --index-dir TEXT            Directory for index files containing `train.tsv` and `dev.tsv`. [required]
  --train-config-fp TEXT          JSON configuration file for training. [required]
  -r, --resume-from-checkpoint TEXT
                                  Resume training from a checkpoint.
  -p, --pretrained-model-fp TEXT  Pre-trained model to use as initial model. Lower priority than `--restore-training-fp`.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

See the Makefile for more usage.

Model Resaving

Use the cnstd resave command to resave trained models, removing unnecessary data and reducing size.

(venv) ➜  cnstd git:(master) ✗ cnstd resave -h
Usage: cnstd resave [OPTIONS]

  Resave trained models, removing unnecessary data and reducing size.

  -i, --input-model-fp TEXT   Path to input model file. [required]
  -o, --output-model-fp TEXT  Path to output model file. [required]

, --help                  Show this message and exit.

Future Work

  • Further simplify the model structure, reducing model size.
  • Explore faster STD algorithms.
  • Add more training data.
  • Support external models.
  • Add MFD and Layout Analysis models.
  • Add document structure and table detection.

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