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Getting Started

Brian Lau edited this page Mar 1, 2014 · 25 revisions

##Prerequisites MatlabStan has the following dependencies:

  1. C++ compiler
  2. CmdStan: 2.0.1 or greater
  3. MatlabProcessManager: 0.4.0 or greater

The first two are covered in detail for different platforms in the Stan Manual (Section 2 and Appendix B).

MatlabProcessManager is two Matlab files; install by simply adding them to your Matlab path.

##Installation MatlabStan is written in pure Matlab. To install:

  1. Obtain a copy here or clone the repo.
  2. Add the resulting folder to your Matlab path. +mstan is a package folder that does not need to be added to the path, although its parent folder does.
  3. Edit the file stan_home.m in the +mstan directory to point to the parent folder of your CmdStan installation.

###Optional Installing Steve Eddins's linewrap function is useful for dealing with unwrapped messages. His xUnit test framework is required if you want to run the unit tests.

##Using MatlabStan

Example: eight schools

This is a classic example from Section 5.5 of Gelman et al (2003). The following can be compared to the Rstan and Pystan versions.

schools_code = {
   'data {'
   '    int<lower=0> J; // number of schools '
   '    real y[J]; // estimated treatment effects'
   '    real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // s.e. of effect estimates '
   'parameters {'
   '    real mu; '
   '    real<lower=0> tau;'
   '    real eta[J];'
   'transformed parameters {'
   '    real theta[J];'
   '    for (j in 1:J)'
   '    theta[j] <- mu + tau * eta[j];'
   'model {'
   '    eta ~ normal(0, 1);'
   '    y ~ normal(theta, sigma);'
schools_dat = struct('J',8,...
                     'y',[28 8 -3 7 -1 1 18 12],...
                     'sigma',[15 10 16 11 9 11 10 18]);

fit = stan('model_code',schools_code,'data',schools_dat);


eta = fit.extract('permuted',true).eta;

Stan models can also be defined using a file. For example, download the file eight_schools.stan into your working directory and use the following call:

fit1 = stan('file','eight_schools.stan','data',schools_dat,'iter',1000,'chains',4);

Once a model is fitted, we can reuse the result as an input to stan with other data or settings. This saves us from having to compile the C++ code again (see also ). For example, if we want to sample more iterations:

fit2 = stan('fit',fit1,'data',schools_dat,'iter',10000,'chains',4);

The stan function returns a StanFit object, which contains samples from the posterior distribution. StanFit objects possess a number of methods, including print, traceplot and extract. For example, a summary of the posterior samples as well as the log-posterior (which has the name lp__) is obtained using


which should look something like this:

Inference for Stan model: eight_schools_model
4 chains: each with iter=(5000,5000,5000,5000); warmup=(0,0,0,0); thin=(1,1,1,1); 20000 iterations saved.
Warmup took (0.16, 0.18, 0.22, 0.20) seconds, 0.77 seconds total
Sampling took (0.29, 0.30, 0.30, 0.25) seconds, 1.1 seconds total
                    Mean     MCSE  StdDev        5%       50%    95%  N_Eff  N_Eff/s    R_hat
lp__            -4.8e+00  4.0e-02     2.6  -9.4e+00  -4.6e+00  -0.92   4364     3828  1.0e+00
accept_stat__    7.2e-01  7.0e-02    0.30   3.4e-02   8.5e-01    1.0     19       16  1.1e+00
stepsize__       4.7e-01  5.3e-02   0.075   3.7e-01   4.9e-01   0.58    2.0      1.8  1.5e+13
treedepth__      1.7e+00  1.8e-01    0.61   0.0e+00   2.0e+00    2.0     11     10.0  1.1e+00
n_divergent__    8.7e-03  1.7e-03   0.093   0.0e+00   0.0e+00   0.00   3095     2715  1.0e+00
mu               8.0e+00  9.4e-02     5.1  -9.5e-02   7.9e+00     16   2970     2605  1.0e+00
tau              6.7e+00  1.0e-01     5.5   5.3e-01   5.5e+00     17   2873     2520  1.0e+00
eta[1]           4.0e-01  9.1e-03    0.93  -1.2e+00   4.1e-01    1.9  10496     9206  1.0e+00
eta[2]          -2.7e-03  8.9e-03    0.87  -1.4e+00  -7.3e-03    1.4   9545     8372  1.0e+00
eta[3]          -2.0e-01  9.0e-03    0.93  -1.7e+00  -2.2e-01    1.4  10578     9279  1.0e+00
eta[4]          -3.2e-02  8.4e-03    0.89  -1.5e+00  -3.3e-02    1.4  11090     9727  1.0e+00
eta[5]          -3.5e-01  8.8e-03    0.87  -1.8e+00  -3.7e-01    1.1   9694     8503  1.0e+00
eta[6]          -2.2e-01  9.1e-03    0.90  -1.6e+00  -2.4e-01    1.3   9764     8564  1.0e+00
eta[7]           3.5e-01  8.7e-03    0.87  -1.1e+00   3.7e-01    1.7  10018     8787  1.0e+00
eta[8]           5.5e-02  8.9e-03    0.93  -1.5e+00   5.6e-02    1.6  10972     9624  1.0e+00
theta[1]         1.1e+01  1.0e-01     8.3   2.2e-01   1.0e+01     27   6320     5544  1.0e+00
theta[2]         7.9e+00  6.3e-02     6.3  -2.2e+00   7.8e+00     18  10076     8838  1.0e+00
theta[3]         6.1e+00  8.9e-02     7.8  -7.3e+00   6.6e+00     18   7582     6651  1.0e+00
theta[4]         7.7e+00  6.6e-02     6.6  -3.2e+00   7.7e+00     19   9987     8760  1.0e+00
theta[5]         5.1e+00  6.4e-02     6.4  -6.2e+00   5.6e+00     15  10122     8878  1.0e+00
theta[6]         6.1e+00  6.9e-02     6.8  -5.7e+00   6.4e+00     17   9765     8566  1.0e+00
theta[7]         1.1e+01  7.7e-02     6.8   8.4e-01   1.0e+01     23   7782     6826  1.0e+00
theta[8]         8.6e+00  1.0e-01     8.2  -3.9e+00   8.3e+00     22   6297     5523  1.0e+00
Samples were drawn using hmc with nuts.
For each parameter, N_Eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and R_hat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, R_hat=1).

The extract method returns a struct or struct arrayfor parameters of interest

% return a struct with all parameters
la = fit.extract('permuted',true);  
mu =

% return an array with selected parameter
mu2 = fit.extract('pars','mu').mu;

% returns individual chains (each array element is a chain)
a = fit.extract('permuted',false);

Plotting traces is pretty basic at the moment


###Example: rats Classic hierarchical normal model; a description and corresponding BUGS model can be found here. You can find the Stan model rats.stan, and the data rats.txt. Fitting the model

rats = importdata('rats.txt');
y =;
x = [8 15 22 29 36];
rats_dat = struct('N',size(y,1),'TT',size(y,2),'x',x,'y',y,'xbar',mean(x));

rats_fit = stan('file','rats.stan','data',rats_dat,'verbose',true);

should produce output that looks something like this (compare to Rstan run here):

Inference for Stan model: rats_model
4 chains: each with iter=(1000,1000,1000,1000); warmup=(0,0,0,0); thin=(1,1,1,1); 4000 iterations saved.
Warmup took (5.0, 6.6, 0.86, 0.67) seconds, 13 seconds total
Sampling took (0.28, 1.3, 0.38, 0.41) seconds, 2.4 seconds total
                Mean     MCSE  StdDev     5%   50%   95%  N_Eff  N_Eff/s    R_hat
lp__            -439  2.3e-01     7.0   -451  -438  -428    930      389  1.0e+00
accept_stat__   0.81  4.1e-02    0.18   0.45  0.86   1.0     19      8.0  1.1e+00
stepsize__      0.43  1.4e-01    0.20  0.078  0.54  0.58    2.0     0.84  4.7e+14
treedepth__      2.5  1.6e-02    0.99    2.0   2.0   5.0   4000     1672  4.8e+00
n_divergent__   0.00  0.0e+00    0.00   0.00  0.00  0.00   4000     1672      nan
alpha[1]         240  4.3e-02     2.7    235   240   244   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[2]         248  4.3e-02     2.7    243   248   252   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[3]         252  4.2e-02     2.7    248   252   257   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[4]         233  4.3e-02     2.7    228   233   237   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[5]         232  4.2e-02     2.6    227   232   236   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[6]         250  4.2e-02     2.6    245   250   254   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[7]         229  4.2e-02     2.7    224   229   233   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[8]         248  4.2e-02     2.7    244   248   253   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[9]         283  4.4e-02     2.8    279   283   288   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[10]        219  4.5e-02     2.8    215   219   224   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[11]        258  4.1e-02     2.6    254   258   263   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[12]        228  4.3e-02     2.7    224   228   233   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[13]        242  4.4e-02     2.8    238   242   247   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[14]        268  4.3e-02     2.7    264   268   273   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[15]        243  4.2e-02     2.7    238   243   247   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[16]        245  4.2e-02     2.7    241   245   250   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[17]        232  4.2e-02     2.7    228   232   236   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[18]        240  4.2e-02     2.6    236   240   245   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[19]        254  4.2e-02     2.6    249   254   258   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[20]        242  4.2e-02     2.7    237   242   246   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[21]        249  4.2e-02     2.6    244   249   253   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[22]        225  4.2e-02     2.6    221   225   230   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[23]        228  4.3e-02     2.7    224   229   233   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[24]        245  4.2e-02     2.6    241   245   249   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[25]        235  4.3e-02     2.7    230   235   239   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[26]        254  4.3e-02     2.7    249   254   258   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[27]        254  4.2e-02     2.7    250   254   259   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[28]        243  4.2e-02     2.7    238   243   247   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[29]        218  4.4e-02     2.8    213   218   222   4000     1672  1.0e+00
alpha[30]        241  4.2e-02     2.7    237   241   246   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[1]          6.1  3.8e-03    0.24    5.7   6.1   6.5   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[2]          7.1  4.1e-03    0.26    6.6   7.1   7.5   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[3]          6.5  3.9e-03    0.25    6.1   6.5   6.9   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[4]          5.3  4.2e-03    0.26    4.9   5.3   5.8   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[5]          6.6  3.8e-03    0.24    6.2   6.6   7.0   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[6]          6.2  3.7e-03    0.23    5.8   6.2   6.6   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[7]          6.0  3.9e-03    0.25    5.6   6.0   6.4   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[8]          6.4  3.9e-03    0.24    6.0   6.4   6.8   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[9]          7.1  4.1e-03    0.26    6.6   7.1   7.5   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[10]         5.8  3.8e-03    0.24    5.5   5.8   6.2   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[11]         6.8  4.0e-03    0.25    6.4   6.8   7.2   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[12]         6.1  3.9e-03    0.25    5.7   6.1   6.5   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[13]         6.2  3.8e-03    0.24    5.8   6.2   6.6   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[14]         6.7  3.9e-03    0.25    6.3   6.7   7.1   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[15]         5.4  4.0e-03    0.25    5.0   5.4   5.8   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[16]         5.9  4.0e-03    0.26    5.5   5.9   6.3   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[17]         6.3  3.8e-03    0.24    5.9   6.3   6.7   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[18]         5.8  3.9e-03    0.25    5.4   5.8   6.2   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[19]         6.4  3.9e-03    0.25    6.0   6.4   6.8   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[20]         6.1  3.9e-03    0.25    5.6   6.1   6.5   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[21]         6.4  3.8e-03    0.24    6.0   6.4   6.8   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[22]         5.9  3.9e-03    0.25    5.5   5.9   6.3   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[23]         5.7  4.0e-03    0.25    5.3   5.7   6.2   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[24]         5.9  3.9e-03    0.25    5.5   5.9   6.3   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[25]         6.9  4.1e-03    0.26    6.5   6.9   7.3   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[26]         6.5  3.8e-03    0.24    6.2   6.5   6.9   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[27]         5.9  3.9e-03    0.25    5.5   5.9   6.3   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[28]         5.8  3.9e-03    0.25    5.4   5.8   6.3   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[29]         5.7  3.8e-03    0.24    5.3   5.7   6.1   4000     1672  1.0e+00
beta[30]         6.1  3.9e-03    0.25    5.7   6.1   6.5   4000     1672  1.0e+00
mu_alpha         242  4.4e-02     2.8    238   242   247   4000     1672  1.0e+00
mu_beta          6.2  1.7e-03    0.11    6.0   6.2   6.4   4000     1672  1.0e+00
sigmasq_y         37  1.3e-01     5.8     29    37    48   2125      888  1.0e+00
sigmasq_alpha    219  1.0e+00      65    137   207   342   4000     1672  1.0e+00
sigmasq_beta    0.28  1.9e-03    0.10   0.15  0.26  0.47   2995     1252  1.0e+00
sigma_y          6.1  1.0e-02    0.47    5.4   6.1   6.9   2124      888  1.0e+00
sigma_alpha       15  3.3e-02     2.1     12    14    18   4000     1672  1.0e+00
sigma_beta      0.52  1.7e-03   0.093   0.38  0.51  0.68   2838     1187  1.0e+00
alpha0           106  5.8e-02     3.6    100   106   112   4000     1672  1.0e+00
Samples were drawn using hmc with nuts.
For each parameter, N_Eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and R_hat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, R_hat=1).