diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 277fd756..5abd614e 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
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|8|Козлович Антон|||||||||||
|9|Козловская Анна|||||||||||
|10|Колодич Максим|||||||||||
-|11|Крагель Алина|||||||||||
+|11|Крагель Алина|[as0006311](./trunk/as0006311/)|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:||||||||
|12|Куликович Иван|||||||||||
|13|Кульбеда Кирилл|||||||||||
|14|Кухарчук Илья|[as0006314](trunk/as0006314)||||||||||
diff --git a/trunk/as0006311/task_01/doc/readme.md b/trunk/as0006311/task_01/doc/readme.md
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Министерство образования Республики Беларусь
+Учреждение образования
+“Брестский Государственный технический университет”
+Кафедра ИИТ
+Лабораторная работа №1
+По дисциплине “Теория и методы автоматического управления”
+Тема: “Моделирования температуры объекта”
+Студент 3 курса
+Группы АС-63
+Крагель А. М.
+Ситковец Я. С.
+Брест 2024
+Let's consider the wrong object, the control of which consists of controlling its temperature, described by the following differential equations:
+After transformations we have the following linear (2) and nonlinear (3) models:
+The goal is to write a program in C++ that will simulate the temperature of a given object.
+Пример вывода программы:
+``` bash
+Enter the constant alpha for the model: 0.08
+Enter the constant beta for the linear model: 0.06
+Enter the constant gamma for the nonlinear model: 0.02
+Enter the constant delta for the nonlinear model: 0.01
+Enter the initial temperature (initialTemp): 20
+Enter the number of discrete time moments: 5
+Enter the heat values (heatInput) for each time moment:
+heatInput[1]: 10
+heatInput[2]: 15
+heatInput[3]: 20
+heatInput[4]: 25
+heatInput[5]: 30
+Linear Model Simulation:
+Time 1: Temperature = 20
+Time 2: Temperature = 2.2
+Time 3: Temperature = 1.076
+Time 4: Temperature = 1.28608
+Time 5: Temperature = 1.60289
+Non-linear Model Simulation:
+Time 1: Temperature = 20
+Time 2: Temperature = -22.2054
+Time 3: Temperature = -31.0548
+Time 4: Temperature = -59.9394
+Time 5: Temperature = -219.86
diff --git a/trunk/as0006311/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt b/trunk/as0006311/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt
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index 00000000..8d932959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/as0006311/task_01/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.0)
+project(main VERSION 0.1.0 LANGUAGES C CXX)
+add_executable(main main.cpp)
diff --git a/trunk/as0006311/task_01/src/main.cpp b/trunk/as0006311/task_01/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8f5a2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/as0006311/task_01/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+using namespace std;
+// Function to simulate the linear model
+vector calculateLinearTemp(double alpha, double beta, double initialTemp, const vector& heatInput, int steps) {
+ vector temperature(steps);
+ temperature[0] = initialTemp; // Initial temperature
+ // Loop through each time step to calculate the temperature
+ for (int time = 1; time < steps; ++time) {
+ temperature[time] = alpha * temperature[time - 1] + beta * heatInput[time - 1]; // Update temperature based on the linear model
+ }
+ return temperature; // Return the vector of temperatures
+// Function to simulate the nonlinear model
+vector calculateNonLinearTemp(double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double delta, double initialTemp, const vector& heatInput, int steps) {
+ vector temperature(steps);
+ temperature[0] = initialTemp; // Initial temperature
+ // Loop through each time step to calculate the temperature
+ for (int time = 1; time < steps; ++time) {
+ double prev_temp = temperature[time - 1];
+ double prev_input = heatInput[time - 1];
+ temperature[time] = alpha * prev_temp - beta * pow(prev_temp, 2) + gamma * prev_input + delta * sin(prev_input); // Nonlinear model update
+ }
+ return temperature; // Return the vector of temperatures
+int main() {
+ // Input constants from user
+ double alpha, beta, gamma, delta, initialTemp;
+ cout << "Enter the constant alpha for the model: ";
+ cin >> alpha;
+ cout << "Enter the constant beta for the linear model: ";
+ cin >> beta;
+ cout << "Enter the constant gamma for the nonlinear model: ";
+ cin >> gamma;
+ cout << "Enter the constant delta for the nonlinear model: ";
+ cin >> delta;
+ cout << "Enter the initial temperature (initialTemp): ";
+ cin >> initialTemp;
+ // Input the number of time moments
+ int steps;
+ cout << "Enter the number of discrete time moments: ";
+ cin >> steps;
+ // Input the heat values
+ vector heatInput(steps);
+ cout << "Enter the heat values (heatInput) for each time moment:" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i) {
+ cout << "heatInput[" << i + 1 << "]: ";
+ cin >> heatInput[i]; // Read input for each heat value
+ }
+ // Simulate the linear model
+ vector linearTemp = calculateLinearTemp(alpha, beta, initialTemp, heatInput, steps);
+ // Simulate the nonlinear model
+ vector nonLinearTemp = calculateNonLinearTemp(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, initialTemp, heatInput, steps);
+ // Output results
+ cout << "\nLinear Model Simulation:" << endl;
+ for (int time = 0; time < steps; ++time) {
+ cout << "Time " << time + 1 << ": Temperature = " << linearTemp[time] << endl;
+ }
+ cout << "\nNon-linear Model Simulation:" << endl;
+ for (int time = 0; time < steps; ++time) {
+ cout << "Time " << time + 1 << ": Temperature = " << nonLinearTemp[time] << endl;
+ }
+ return 0; // Indicate successful completion