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File metadata and controls

2662 lines (2039 loc) · 147 KB


What is Protocol Buffers?

Protocol Buffers (aka Protobuf) is an interface definition language and binary serialization format. Schemas defined in .proto files are platform-independent and can be used in many languages.

For example, the following Protobuf file (example.proto) defines a data structure named User:

syntax = "proto3";
package example;

message User {
  string first_name = 1;
  string last_name = 2;
  bool active = 3;
  User manager = 4;
  repeated string locations = 5;
  map<string, string> projects = 6;

To use the data structure, you generate code with a Protobuf compiler and a plugin for the language of your choice. To learn more about Protobuf's capabilities, read the official language guide.

What is Protobuf-ES?

Protobuf-ES is a complete implementation of Protocol Buffers in TypeScript, suitable for web browsers and Node.js, created by Buf. It's the only fully-compliant JavaScript Protobuf library that passes the Protobuf conformance tests—read more on our blog.

Protobuf-ES consists of three npm packages:

How to generate code

The quickstart below shows a simple example of code generation for a .proto file.

  1. Start with a new project:

    mkdir example
    cd example
    npm init -y
    npm install typescript
    npx tsc --init
  2. Install the compiler @bufbuild/buf, plugin, and runtime library:

    npm install --save-dev @bufbuild/buf @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es
    npm install @bufbuild/protobuf
  3. Create a buf.gen.yaml file that looks like this:

    # Learn more:
    version: v2
      - directory: proto
      - local: protoc-gen-es
        out: src/gen
        opt: target=ts
  4. Create a proto subdirectory and download example.proto into it.

  5. To generate code for all Protobuf files in the proto directory, simply run:

    npx buf generate

The generated code now exists in src/gen/example_pb.ts:

  ├── buf.gen.yaml
  ├── package.json
  ├── proto
  │   └── example.proto
  └── src
      └── gen
+         └── example_pb.ts

Generate with protoc

protoc-gen-es is a standard Protobuf plugin, and can also be used with protoc:

PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin \
    protoc -I . \
    --es_out src/gen \
    --es_opt target=ts \

Note that node_modules/.bin needs to be added to the $PATH so that the Protobuf compiler can find the plugin. This happens automatically with npm scripts.

If you use Yarn, versions v2 and above don't use a node_modules directory, so you need to change the variable a bit:

PATH=$(dirname $(yarn bin protoc-gen-es)):$PATH

Plugin options

Our plugin supports a few options to control the generated code. The example above used target=ts to generate TypeScript files.

With @bufbuild/buf, multiple options can be specified as a YAML list:

# buf.gen.yaml
version: v2
  - local: protoc-gen-es
    out: src/gen
    opt: # multiple options
      - target=ts
      - import_extension=js

With protoc, you specify multiple options with multiple --es_opt flags. Alternatively, both compilers allow you to specify multiple options as a single comma-separated value like target=ts,import_extension=js.


This option controls whether the plugin generates JavaScript, TypeScript, or TypeScript declaration files. Possible values:

  • target=js: Generates a _pb.js file for every .proto input file.
  • target=ts: Generates a _pb.ts file for every .proto input file.
  • target=dts: Generates a _pb.d.ts file for every .proto input file.

You can pass multiple values by separating them with +—for example, target=js+dts.

By default, it generates JavaScript and TypeScript declaration files, which produces the smallest code size and is the most compatible with various bundler configurations. If you prefer to generate TypeScript, use target=ts.


By default, protoc-gen-es doesn't add file extensions to import paths. However, some environments require an import extension. For example, using ECMAScript modules in Node.js requires the .js extension, and Deno requires .ts. With this plugin option, you can add .js/.ts extensions in import paths with the given value. Possible values:

  • import_extension=none: Doesn't add an extension. (Default)
  • import_extension=js: Adds the .js extension.
  • import_extension=ts. Adds the .ts extension.


By default, protoc-gen-es generates ECMAScript import and export statements. For use cases where CommonJS is difficult to avoid, this option can be used to generate CommonJS require() calls. Possible values:

  • js_import_style=module: Generates ECMAScript import/export statements. (Default)
  • js_import_style=legacy_commonjs: Generates CommonJS require() calls.


By default, protoc-gen-es omits empty files from the plugin output. This option disables pruning of empty files to allow for smooth interoperation with Bazel and similar tooling that requires all output files to be declared ahead of time. Unless you use Bazel, you probably don't need this option.


protoc-gen-es generates valid TypeScript for current versions of the TypeScript compiler with standard settings. If you use compiler settings that yield an error for generated code, setting this option generates an annotation at the top of each file to skip type checks: // @ts-nocheck.


Generates JSON types for every Protobuf message and enumeration. Calling toJson() automatically returns the JSON type if available. Learn more about JSON types.

Generated code

This section shows the code that Protobuf-ES generates for each Protobuf definition, based on example.proto.


For every Protobuf source file, it generates a corresponding .js, .ts, or .d.ts file, and adds a _pb suffix to the name. For example, for foo/bar.proto, it generates foo/bar_pb.js.

At the top of each file, it generates a preamble with information about the source file and how it was generated:

// @generated by protoc-gen-es v2.0.0 with parameter "target=dts"
// @generated from file example.proto (package example, syntax proto3)
/* eslint-disable */

Below the preamble are imports. If your Protobuf file imports another Protobuf file, a relative import is generated:

import type { User } from "./example_pb";


By default, it generates ECMAScript modules, which means we use import and export statements. To modify imports, see the plugin options js_import_style and import_extension.

Below the import statements, it generates the schema of the Protobuf file:

 * Describes the file example.proto.
export declare const file_example: GenFile;

You typically only need this export to create a registry, or for advanced use cases with reflection.


Messages are the primary data structures in Protobuf. They're simple objects with an arbitrary number of fields. For the following declaration:

message User {
  string first_name = 1;

Protobuf-ES generates a User type:

import type { Message } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

 * @generated from message example.User
export declare type User = Message<"example.User"> & {
   * @generated from field: string first_name = 1;
  firstName: string;

and its schema:

export declare const UserSchema: GenMessage<User>;

If you've used zod before, it's similar—you use the schema to parse a message:

import { fromBinary } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const bytes = new Uint8Array([10, 3, 84, 105, 109]);
fromBinary(UserSchema, bytes); // User

Schemas are a powerful feature. You can take a deeper dive in the section about reflection.

Scalar fields

A Protobuf message has an arbitrary number of fields, and fields have one of several available types. Scalar field types are primitive types, such as a simple string:

string first_name = 1;

They're generated as the closest matching type in ECMAScript:

 * @generated from field: string first_name = 1;
firstName: string;

Here is a complete list of scalar types, and how they map to ECMAScript:

Protobuf type ECMAScript type Notes Default value
string string UTF-8 ""
bool boolean false
bytes Uint8Array new Uint8Array(0)
double number Double-precision, 64-bit floating point value 0
float number Single-precision, 32-bit floating point value 0
int32 number 32-bit signed integer with variable length 0
uint32 number 32-bit unsigned integer with variable length 0
int64 bigint 64-bit signed integer with variable length 0n
uint64 bigint 64-bit unsigned integer with variable length 0n
fixed32 number 32-bit unsigned integer with fixed length (always 4 bytes) 0
fixed64 bigint 64-bit unsigned integer with fixed length (always 8 bytes) 0n
sfixed32 number 32-bit signed integer with fixed length (always 4 bytes) 0
sfixed64 bigint 64-bit signed integer with fixed length (always 8 bytes) 0n
sint32 number 32-bit signed integer with variable length, most efficient for negative numbers 0
sint64 bigint 64-bit signed integer with variable length, most efficient for negative numbers 0n

Scalar fields use the zero-value as the default.

If bigint isn't available in your environment, you can still serialize and deserialize messages with 64-bit integral fields without losing any data, but the fields hold string values instead of bigint.

If you prefer that a field use string instead of bigint, use the field option jstype = JS_STRING:

  int64 field = 1 [jstype = JS_STRING]; // will generate `field: string`


Set jstype = JS_STRING on all applicable fields automatically with buf. Add the following managed mode config:

# Add to buf.gen.yaml:
  enabled: true
    - field_option: jstype
      value: JS_STRING

Message fields

For the following Protobuf field declaration:

User manager = 4;

Protobuf-ES generates the following property:

 * @generated from field: example.User manager = 4;
manager?: User

Message fields don't have default values in Protobuf. They are always optional in ECMAScript.


google.protobuf.Struct and the messages from wrappers.proto have a special representation in generated code.

Repeated fields

Repeated fields are represented with an ECMAScript Array. For example, the following Protobuf field declaration:

repeated string locations = 5;

is generated as:

 * @generated from field: repeated string locations = 5;
locations: string[] = [];

Repeated fields have an empty array as the default value.

Map fields

For the following Protobuf declaration:

map<string, string> projects = 6;

Protobuf-ES generates the property:

 * @generated from field: map<string, string> projects = 6;
projects: { [key: string]: string } = {};

Map fields have an empty object as the default value.


ECMAScript Map objects have great support for key types, but many popular libraries don't support them correctly yet. For this reason, we use an object to represent map fields.

Oneof fields

A oneof construct in Protobuf guarantees that only one of the contained fields can be selected at a time.

For the following Protobuf definition:

oneof result {
  int32 number = 1;
  string error = 2;

Protobuf-ES generates the following property:

  | { case: "number";  value: number }
  | { case: "error";   value: string }
  | { case: undefined; value?: undefined } = { case: undefined };

The entire oneof group is turned into an object result with two properties:

  • case: The name of the selected field
  • value: The value of the selected field

This property is always defined on the message—similar to the way map or repeated fields are always defined. By default, it's {case: undefined}.

In our example, can be either "number", "error", or undefined. If a field is selected, the property result.value contains the value of the selected field.

To select a field, simply replace the result object:

user.result = { case: "number", value: 123 };
user.result = { case: undefined };

To query a oneof group, you can use if blocks:

if ( === "number") {
  user.result.value; // a number

or a switch statement:

switch ( {
  case "number":
    user.result.value; // a number
  case "error":
    user.result.value; // a string

This representation is particularly useful in TypeScript, because the compiler narrows down the type. The if blocks and switch statements above tell the compiler the type of the value property.


This feature requires the TypeScript compiler option strictNullChecks to be enabled. This option is automatically enabled with the option strict. See the documentation for details.

Proto2 group fields

Groups are a deprecated language feature of proto2 that allows you to declare a field and a message at the same time:

optional group MyGroup = 1 {
  optional int32 int32_field = 1;

For this group field, Protobuf-ES generates the following property and the message User_MyGroup:

 * @generated from field: optional example.User.MyGroup mygroup = 1;
mygroup?: User_MyGroup;


The groups feature is deprecated and shouldn't be used when creating new schemas. Use nested messages instead.

Proto2 required fields

In proto2, fields can use the required keyword to ensure that the field is always set. In Protobuf-ES, required fields are validated when serializing a message, but not when parsing or constructing a message.

With Protobuf-ES v2, required is less of a burden because the properties are no longer optional. However, the improvement only applies to scalar and enum fields, not to message fields. For message fields, the behavior for proto2 required is unchanged between v1 and v2.


required is a legacy feature. The official language guide states: Do not use.

Proto3 optional fields

In proto3, zero values like 0, false, or "" aren't serialized. The optional keyword enables presence tracking for a field, allowing you to distinguish between an absent value and an explicitly set zero value.

optional bool active = 3;

The field is generated as an optional property:

 * @generated from field: optional bool active = 3;
active?: boolean;


See field presence and default values for more information about optional fields.

Field names

Property names are always lowerCamelCase, even if the corresponding Protobuf field uses snake_case. Though there's no official style for ECMAScript, most style guides (AirBnB, MDN, Google) as well as Node.js APIs and browser APIs use lowerCamelCase, and so do we.


For the following Protobuf definition:

enum PhoneType {
  MOBILE = 1;
  LAND_LINE = 2;

Protobuf-ES generates the following TypeScript enum:

 * @generated from enum example.PhoneType
export enum PhoneType {
  MOBILE = 1,
  LAND_LINE = 2,

If all enum values share a prefix that corresponds with the enum's name, the prefix is dropped from all enum value names. For example, given the following enum declaration:

enum PhoneType {

Protobuf-ES generates the following TypeScript enum:

 * @generated from enum example.PhoneType
export enum PhoneType {
  MOBILE = 1,
  LAND_LINE = 2,

A quick refresher about TypeScript enums:

  • You can convert an enum value to a string:
    let val: PhoneType = PhoneType.MOBILE;
    let name = PhoneType[val]; // => "MOBILE"
  • You can convert a string to an enum value:
    let val: PhoneType = PhoneType["MOBILE"];
  • TypeScript enums support aliases, as does Protobuf with the allow_alias option.

Along with the TypeScript enum, we also generate its schema:

 * Describes the enum example.PhoneType.
export declare const PhoneTypeSchema: GenEnum<PhoneType>;

To learn more about the schema, take a look at the section about reflection.


An extension is a field defined outside of its container message. For example, we can add the field age to the message User:

syntax = "proto2";

message User {
  extensions 100 to 200;

// The extension can also be defined in a separate file
extend User {
  optional uint32 age = 100;

Given that extension, Protobuf-ES generates the export:

 * @generated from extension: optional uint32 age = 100;
export declare const age: GenExtension<User, number>;

You can set the age extension field like this:

import { setExtension } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { User, age } from "./example_pb.js";

const user = new User();
setExtension(user, age, 77);

If the message already has a value for the age extension, the value is replaced. You can remove an extension from a message with the function clearExtension. To retrieve an extension value, use getExtension. To check whether an extension is set, use hasExtension.

import {
} from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

setExtension(user, age, 77);
hasExtension(user, age); // true
getExtension(user, age); // 77
clearExtension(user, age);
hasExtension(user, age); // false

Note that getExtension never returns undefined. If the extension isn't set, hasExtension returns false, but getExtension returns the default value, for example:

  • 0 for numeric types
  • [] for repeated fields
  • an empty message instance for message fields

Extensions are stored as unknown fields on a message. If you retrieve an extension value, it's deserialized from the binary unknown field data. To mutate a value, make sure to store the new value with setExtension after mutating. For example, let's say you have the extension field repeated string hobbies = 101, and want to add values:

import {
} from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { hobbies } from "./example_pb.js";

const h = getExtension(user, hobbies);

setExtension(user, hobbies, h);


In proto3, extensions can only be used for custom options.


To use extensions with the JSON format, you need to provide them in the serialization options.


In Protobuf, you can define a service for Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs):

service UserService {
  rpc CreateUser(CreateUserRequest) returns (CreateUserResponse);

For every service, Protobuf-ES generates just the schema that describes the service and its methods:

 * @generated from service example.UserService
export declare const UserService: GenService<{
   * @generated from rpc example.UserService.CreateUser
  createUser: {
    methodKind: "unary";
    input: typeof CreateUserRequestSchema;
    output: typeof CreateUserResponseSchema;

Protobuf-ES doesn't implement RPC itself, but other projects can use this typed schema. See Connect-ES for a project that does.

Reserved names

Some names that are valid in Protobuf can't be used in ECMAScript, either because they are reserved keywords like catch, or because they would clash with built-in properties like constructor. @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es escapes reserved names by adding the suffix $.

Names for nested types

Message and enum declarations can be nested in a message. For example:

syntax = "proto3";
package example;

message User {
  string first_name = 1;
  Type type = 7;

  enum Type {
    USER = 0;
    MANAGER = 1;

Similar to Protobuf in Go, we join the name of a nested type with its parents' names, separated with an underscore. In generated code, the enum User.Type has the identifier User_Type.


We believe that comments in Protobuf source files are important, and take great care to carry them over to the generated code as JSDocs comments. That includes license headers in your file, but also comments on messages, fields, services and methods.

If you deprecate a Protobuf element, we add a JSDoc tag to the generated element:

 * This field is deprecated
 * @generated from field: string deprecated_field = 1 [deprecated = true];
 * @deprecated
deprecatedField = "";


Protobuf files can specify a package for languages that support namespaces, like Java. ECMAScript does not have an equivalent, so Protobuf packages are largely ignored, but are supported in descriptors and type names.

Well-known types

Protobuf has a small standard library of well-known types. @bufbuild/protobuf provides all of them as pre-compiled exports. If you import a well-known type in a Protobuf file, the generated code simply imports from @bufbuild/protobuf/wkt.

Expand to see the list of Well-known types
Protobuf file Well-known types
message Any
message Duration
message Timestamp

message DoubleValue
message FloatValue
message Int64Value
message UInt64Value
message Int32Value
message UInt32Value
message BoolValue
message StringValue
message BytesValue

message Struct
message Value
message ListValue
enum NullValue
message FieldMask
message Empty

message Api
message Method
message Mixin

message Type
message Field
enum Field_Kind
enum Field_Cardinality
message Enum
message EnumValue
message Option
enum Syntax
message SourceContext

message FileDescriptorSet
message FileDescriptorProto
message DescriptorProto
message DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange
message DescriptorProto_ReservedRange
message ExtensionRangeOptions
message ExtensionRangeOptions_Declaration
enum ExtensionRangeOptions_VerificationState
message FieldDescriptorProto
enum FieldDescriptorProto_Type
enum FieldDescriptorProto_Label
message OneofDescriptorProto
message EnumDescriptorProto
message EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange
message EnumValueDescriptorProto
message ServiceDescriptorProto
message MethodDescriptorProto
message FileOptions
enum FileOptions_OptimizeMode
message MessageOptions
message FieldOptions
message FieldOptions_EditionDefault
message FieldOptions_FeatureSupport
enum FieldOptions_CType
enum FieldOptions_JSType
enum FieldOptions_OptionRetention
enum FieldOptions_OptionTargetType
message OneofOptions
message EnumOptions
message EnumValueOptions
message ServiceOptions
message MethodOptions
enum MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel
message UninterpretedOption
message UninterpretedOption_NamePart
message FeatureSet
enum FeatureSet_FieldPresence
enum FeatureSet_EnumType
enum FeatureSet_RepeatedFieldEncoding
enum FeatureSet_Utf8Validation
enum FeatureSet_MessageEncoding
enum FeatureSet_JsonFormat
message FeatureSetDefaults
message FeatureSetDefaults_FeatureSetEditionDefault
message SourceCodeInfo
message SourceCodeInfo_Location
message GeneratedCodeInfo
message GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation
enum GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_Semantic
enum Edition

message Version
message CodeGeneratorRequest
message CodeGeneratorResponse
message CodeGeneratorResponse_File
enum CodeGeneratorResponse_Feature

For some of the well-known types, we provide additional features for convenience:


A Timestamp represents a point in time with nanosecond precision. It's independent of any time zone or local calendar. For convenience, we provide a few functions for conversion:

import {
  type Timestamp,
} from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wkt";

// Create a Timestamp for the current time.
let ts: TimeStamp = timestampNow();

// Create a Timestamp message from an ECMAScript Date.
ts = timestampFromDate(new Date(1938, 0, 10));

// Create a Timestamp message from a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
ts = timestampFromMs(818035920123);

// Convert a Timestamp message to an ECMAScript Date.
let date: Date = timestampDate(ts);

// Convert a Timestamp to a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
let ms: number = timestampMs(ts);


Any stores an arbitrary message as binary data. For convenience, we provide function to pack and unpack messages:

import { type Any, anyPack, anyIs } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wkt";
import { create, createRegistry } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

let user: User = create(UserSchema);

// Create a new Any, and pack the given message into it
let any: Any = anyPack(UserSchema, user);

// Check if the Any contains a specific type
anyIs(any, UserSchema); // true
anyIs(any, "example.User"); // true

// Try to unpack a specific message from an Any
anyUnpack(any, UserSchema); // User | undefined

// Unpack an any, using a registry of known types
const registry = createRegistry(UserSchema);
anyUnpack(any, registry); // Message | undefined


Struct stores a dynamic object with the same range of types as a plain object in JSON. When this message is used in a field, it's generated as the type JsonObject from @bufbuild/protobuf. For example:

 * @generated from field: google.protobuf.Struct struct = 1;
struct?: JsonObject;

This feature makes it very easy to work with Struct fields:

myMessage.struct = {
  text: "abc",
  number: 123,

Wrapper messages from google/protobuf/wrappers.proto

wrappers.proto defines a message for every Protobuf primitive type. The messages are useful for embedding primitives in the google.protobuf.Any type, or to distinguish between the absence of a primitive field and its default value.

For convenience, it generates fields that use one of the wrapper messages as "unboxed" optional primitives:

 * @generated from field: google.protobuf.BoolValue bool_value_field = 1;
boolValueField?: boolean;

Working with messages

Constructing a message

You create a message with the function create, and a message schema:

import { create } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const user: User = create(UserSchema);

For convenience, the function accepts an initializer object. All fields in the initializer object are optional, and if not provided, the default value for the field is used:

import { create } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const user: User = create(UserSchema, {
  firstName: "Homer",
  active: true,
  manager: {
    // Manager is also a message. You can pass an initializer object here,
    // and don't need create().
    lastName: "Burns",

Serializing messages

Messages can be serialized with the binary or the JSON format. The conformance test suite ensures interoperability with implementations in other languages.

To serialize a message, call the function toBinary with the schema and the message. To parse a message, use fromBinary:

import { toBinary, fromBinary } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

declare let user: User;

const bytes: Uint8Array = toBinary(UserSchema, user);
user = fromBinary(UserSchema, bytes);

JSON serialization uses the functions toJson and fromJson:

import { toJson, fromjson, type JsonValue } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

declare let user: User;

const json: JsonValue = toJson(UserSchema, user);
user = fromjson(UserSchema, json);

JsonValue can be serialized to a string with JSON.stringify. For convenience, we also provide the functions toJsonString and fromJsonString that include the step.

To parse into an existing message, use the functions mergeFromBinary and mergeFromJson. To learn about serialization options and other details, see the serialization section.

Identifying messages

The function isMessage is a type guard to check whether a value is a specific message.

import { create, isMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const msg: unknown = create(UserSchema);

msg.firstName; // type error

if (isMessage(msg, UserSchema)) {
  msg.firstName; // string

Messages include their fully qualified name in the $typeName property:

msg.$typeName; // "example.User"


If you don't know the message's schema, you can look it up in a registry.

Field presence and default values

In general, all fields in Protobuf are optional. The rationale is that optional fields allow the schema to evolve, and that applications are more robust if they handle missing fields gracefully. To avoid boilerplate, Protobuf implementations typically implement default values.

For example, if you create a new User message, the boolean field active has the default value false. The value false is never serialized, so it is important to design the schema accordingly.

Protobuf can distinguish between a default value false and a property deliberately set to false with explicit field presence. In proto3, you can use the optional keyword to enable explicit presence for a field:

syntax = "proto3";

message Presence {
  // Implicit presence - false is not serialized.
  bool a = 1;
  // Explicit presence - false is serialized.
  optional bool b = 2;

With Protobuf-ES, you can determine whether a field is present with the function isFieldSet. In the following example, the field with implicit presence always ignores false, while the field with explicit presence tracks that the field has been set:

import { isFieldSet } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { PresenceSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const msg = create(PresenceSchema);
isFieldSet(msg, PresenceSchema.field.a); // false
isFieldSet(msg, PresenceSchema.field.b); // false

msg.a = false;
msg.b = false;
isFieldSet(msg, PresenceSchema.field.a); // false
isFieldSet(msg, PresenceSchema.field.b); // true

For repeated fields, isFieldSet returns true if the Array has one or more elements. For map fields, isFieldSet returns true if the Object has one or more entries. clearField resets a field.


Protobuf-ES uses the prototype chain to track explicit presence for fields with default values.

  • With proto3, your messages will always be plain objects without a custom prototype.
  • With proto2, your messages will always use a custom prototype for default values.
  • With editions, your messages will use a custom prototype, unless all scalar and enum fields use features.field_presence=IMPLICIT.

Comparing messages

Use the function equals to check whether two messages of the same schema have the same field values:

import { equals } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

declare const a: User;
declare const b: User;

equals(UserSchema, a, b); // boolean


NaN does not equal NaN.


Extensions and unknown fields are disregarded by equals().

Cloning messages

Use the function clone to create a deep copy of a message:

import { clone } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

declare const a: User;

const b = clone(UserSchema, a);


clone() clones extensions and unknown fields.


As a general guide when deciding between the binary format and JSON, the JSON format is great for debugging, but the binary format is more resilient to changes. For example, you can rename a field and still parse binary data serialized with the previous version. In general, the binary format is also more performant than JSON.

Binary serialization options

Options for toBinary:

  • writeUnknownFields?: boolean
    Controls whether to include unknown fields in the serialized output. The default behavior is to retain unknown fields and include them in the serialized output.

Options for fromBinary:

  • readUnknownFields?: boolean
    Controls whether to retain unknown fields during parsing. The default behavior is to retain unknown fields and include them in the serialized output.

JSON serialization options

Options for fromJson and fromJsonString:

  • ignoreUnknownFields?: boolean
    By default, unknown properties are rejected. This option overrides that behavior and ignores properties, as well as unrecognized enum string representations.
  • registry?: Registry
    A registry to use for parsing google.protobuf.Any and extensions from JSON.

Options for toJson and toJsonString:

  • alwaysEmitImplicit?: boolean
    By default, fields with implicit presence are not serialized if they are unset. For example, an empty list field or a proto3 int32 field with 0 is not serialized. With this option enabled, such fields are included in the output.
  • enumAsInteger?: boolean
    The name of an enum value is used by default in JSON output. This option overrides the behavior to use the numeric value of the enum value instead.
  • useProtoFieldName?: boolean
    Field names are converted to lowerCamelCase by default in JSON output. This option overrides the behavior to use the proto field name instead.
  • registry?: Registry
    A registry to use for converting extensions and google.protobuf.Any to JSON.
  • prettySpaces?: number
    Only available with toJsonString. A convenience property for the space parameter to JSON.stringify.

Unknown fields

When binary message data is parsed, unrecognized fields are stored on the message as unknown fields in the property $unknown?: UnknownField[]. When the message is serialized, unknown fields are included, preserving them.

This default behavior can be modified with the binary serialization options readUnknownFields and writeUnknownFields.

Extension values are also stored as unknown fields.

Binary encoding

At a low level, the Protobuf binary serialization is implemented with the classes BinaryReader and BinaryWriter. They implement the primitives of the Protobuf binary encoding.

Both classes are part of the public API and can be used on their own. The following example uses BinaryWriter to serialize data for our example message:

import { BinaryWriter } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wire";
import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const bytes = new BinaryWriter()
  // string first_name = 1
  .tag(1, WireType.LengthDelimited)
  // bool active = 3
  .tag(3, WireType.Varint)

const user = fromBinary(UserSchema, bytes);
user.firstName; // "Homer"; // true

Text encoding

We require the WHATWG Text Encoding API to convert UTF-8 from and to binary. The API is widely available, but it is not part of the ECMAScript standard.

If the API is unavailable in your runtime, use the function configureTextEncoding from @bufbuild/protobuf/wire to provide your own implementation. Note that the function must be called early in the initialization.

Base64 encoding

Base64 encoding can be very useful when transmitting binary data. There is no convenient standard API in ECMAScript, but we export two functions for encoding and decoding:

import { base64Encode, base64Decode } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wire";

base64Encode(new Uint8Array([2, 4, 8, 16])); // "AgQIEA=="
base64Decode("AgQIEA=="); // Uint8Array(4) [ 2, 4, 8, 16 ]

Size-delimited message streams

Protobuf-ES supports the size-delimited format for messages. It lets you serialize multiple messages to a stream and parse multiple messages from a stream. A size-delimited message is a varint size in bytes, followed by exactly that many bytes of a message serialized with the binary format. This implementation is compatible with its counterparts in C++, Java, Go, and other languages.

Serialize size-delimited messages with sizeDelimitedEncode:

import { sizeDelimitedEncode } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wire";
import { type User, UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";
import { createWriteStream } from "node:fs";

declare const user: User;

const stream = createWriteStream("delim.bin", { encoding: "binary" });
stream.write(sizeDelimitedEncode(UserSchema, user));

You can parse size-delimited messages with sizeDelimitedDecodeStream. The function expects an AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, so it works with Node.js out of the box and can be easily adapted to other stream APIs:

import { sizeDelimitedDecodeStream } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wire";
import { createReadStream } from "node:fs";

const stream = createReadStream("delim.bin");
for await (const user of sizeDelimitedDecodeStream(UserSchema, stream)) {

JSON types

This is an advanced feature that's set with the plugin option json_types=true. If it's enabled, @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es generates a JSON type for every Protobuf message.

Given this definition:

syntax = "proto3";

message Example {
  int32 amount = 1;
  bytes data = 2;

the following additional export is generated:

 * @generated from message Example
export type ExampleJson = {
   * @generated from field: int32 amount = 1;
  amount?: number;

   * @generated from field: bytes data = 2;
  data?: string;

The JSON type matches exactly what toJson() will emit with standard serialization options, and toJson() automatically returns the JSON type if available:

const example = create(ExampleSchema, { amount: 123 });
const json: ExampleJson = toJson(ExampleSchema, example);

// Without json_types=true, the following would be a type error:
json.amount; // number | undefined; // string | undefined

For enumerations, a similar mechanism applies. We generate a union type with all JSON string values for the enum:

syntax = "proto3";

enum Format {
 * @generated from enum Format

With the enumToJson() and enumFromJson() functions, values can be converted between both representations. With isEnumJson(), unknown input can be narrowed down to known values. If JSON types are available, the functions are type safe:

const strVal: FormatJson = enumToJson(FormatSchema, Format.BINARY);

const enumVal: Format = enumFromJson(FormatSchema, strVal);

const someString: string = "FORMAT_BINARY";
if (isEnumJson(FormatSchema, someString)) {
  someString; // FormatJson



Descriptors describe Protobuf definitions. Every Protobuf compiler parses source files into descriptors, which are Protobuf messages themselves. They are a core feature of Protobuf and of Protobuf-ES—they provide access to custom options and are used to generate code, serialize messages, and many other tasks.

Similar to several other Protobuf implementations, Protobuf-ES provides wrapper types for the Protobuf descriptor messages. If we refer to descriptors, we usually mean the wrapped types, rather than the low-level Protobuf messages. Our descriptor types are easy to identify—their names always start with Desc.

Type Wraps descriptor message Purpose
DescFile google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto The root of the hierarchy. This describes a single source file. It contains references to all top-level types defined in the file: messages, enums, extensions, and services.
DescMessage google.protobuf.DescriptorProto This describes a message. This element may also contain references to other nested types: messages, enums, and extensions that are defined inside another message.
DescField google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto This describes a field, defined in a message.
DescOneof google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto This describes a oneof defined in a message.
DescEnum google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto This describes an enum. It contains enum values.
DescEnumValue google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto This describes an enum value.
DescService google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto This describes a service. It contains methods.
DescMethod google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto This describes a method, also called an “RPC”.
DescExtension google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto This describes an extension, a special kind of field defined outside of its container message.

Descriptors form a hierarchy with a file at the root:

─ DescFile
   ├─ messages: DescMessage
   │   ├─ fields: DescField[]
   │   ├─ oneofs: DescOneof[]
   │   ├─ nestedMessages: DescMessage[]
   │   │   └─ (...more...)
   │   ├─ nestedExtensions: DescExtension[]
   │   └─ nestedEnums: DescEnum[]
   │       └─ values: DescEnumValue[]
   ├─ enums: DescEnum[]
   │   └─ values: DescEnumValue[]
   ├─ extensions: DescExtension[]
   └─ services: DescService[]
       └─ methods: DescMethod[]

To convert descriptor messages to the more convenient wrapper types, you can use a registry. You can also access descriptors from generated code—the schemas generated by @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es are these descriptors, just with some additional type information attached.


You can find a deep dive into the model in Buf's reference about descriptors.

You can fetch descriptors from the Buf Schema Registry.

Walking through a schema

The example.proto file is described by the export file_example. It is a DescFile, and we can easily walk through its elements:

import { file_example as file } from "./gen/example_pb";

// Loop through all messages defined at the root
for (const message of file.messages) {
  message; // DescMessage
  message.typeName; // The fully qualified name, e.g. "example.User"

  // Loop through all fields for this message
  for (const field of message.fields) {
    field; // DescField

  // Messages, enumerations, and extensions can be nested in a message definition
  message.nestedMessages; // DescMessage[]
  message.nestedEnums; // DescEnum[]
  message.nestedExtensions; // DescExtension[]

// Loop through all enumerations defined at the root
for (const enumeration of file.enums) {
  enumeration; // DescEnum
  enumeration.typeName; // The fully qualified name, e.g. "example.PhoneType"

  // Loop through all values of this enumeration
  for (const value of enumeration.values) {
    value; // DescEnumValue; // The name as specified in the source, e.g. "PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE"

// Loop through all services
for (const service of {
  service; // DescService
  service.typeName; // The fully qualified name, e.g. "example.UserService"

  // Loop through all methods of this service
  for (const method of service.methods) {
    method; // DescMethod; // The name as specified in the source, e.g. "CreateUser"

// Loop through all extensions defined at the root
for (const extension of file.extensions) {
  method; // DescExtension
  extension.typeName; // The fully qualified name, e.g. "example.sensitive"

Messages, enumerations, and extensions can be defined at the root, but they can also be nested in a message definition. With the nestedTypes() utility, you can iterate through all nested types recursively with a single loop. The function accepts a DescFile or DescMessage.

import { nestedTypes } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/reflect";
import { file_example as file } from "./gen/example_pb";

for (const type of nestedTypes(file)) {
  type; // DescMessage | DescEnum | DescExtension | DescService
  type.kind; // "message" | "enum" | "extension" | "service"

The schemas generated by @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es have some additional type information attached and allow for a type-safe lookup for some elements:

import { UserSchema, PhoneTypeSchema, UserService } from "./gen/example_pb";

// Look up fields by their localName
UserSchema.field.firstName; // DescField; // "first_name"

// Look up enum values by their number
PhoneTypeSchema.value[PhoneType.MOBILE]; // DescEnumValue
PhoneTypeSchema.value[PhoneType.MOBILE].name; // "PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE"

// Look up methods by their localName
UserService.method.createUser; // DescMethod; // "CreateUser"

Walking through message fields

To walk through the fields of a message, there are several options depending on how you prefer to handle fields in a oneof group.

For example, let's use the following message:

syntax = "proto3";

message Question {
  string text = 1;
  oneof result {
    int32 number = 2;
    string error = 3;

You can use DescMessage.fields to list all fields, including fields in oneof:

import type { DescMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

function walkFields(message: DescMessage) {
  for (const field of message.fields) {
    console.log(; // prints "text", "number", "error"
    field.oneof; // DescOneof | undefined

You can use DescMessage.oneofs to list oneof groups, and descend into fields:

import type { DescMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

function walkOneofs(message: DescMessage) {
  for (const oneof of message.oneofs) {
    console.log(; // prints "result"
    for (const field of oneof.fields) {
      console.log(; // prints "number", "error"

You can use DescMessage.members to list both regular fields, and oneof groups:

import type { DescMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

function walkMembers(message: DescMessage) {
  for (const member of message.members) {
    console.log(; // prints "text", "result"
    if (member.kind == "oneof") {
      for (const field of member.fields) {
        console.log(; // prints "number", "error"

Field descriptors

Protobuf has scalar, enum, map, repeated, and message fields. They are all represented by the type DescField, and share the following properties:

  • name: The name as specified in source—for example, "first_name"
  • number: The field number as specified in source
  • localName: A safe and idiomatic name for ECMAScript—for example, "firstName"

Depending on the field type, DescField provides more details, for example the descriptor for the message of a message field. To discriminate between the different kinds of fields, use the property fieldKind, which can be one of "scalar", "enum", "message", "list", and "map".

The following example exhaustively inspects all field kinds:

import type { DescField } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

function handleField(field: DescField) {
  field.scalar; // ScalarType | undefined
  field.message; // DescMessage | undefined
  field.enum; // DescEnum | undefined
  switch (field.fieldKind) {
    case "scalar":
      field.scalar; // ScalarType.STRING for a Protobuf field string first_name = 1
    case "enum":
      field.enum; // DescEnum
    case "message":
      field.message; // DescMessage
    case "list":
      field.listKind; // "scalar" | "message" | "enum"
      switch (field.listKind) {
        case "scalar":
          field.scalar; // ScalarType.INT32 for the values in `repeated int32 numbers = 2`
        case "message":
          field.message; // DescMessage for the values in `repeated User users = 2`
        case "enum":
          field.enum; // DescEnum for the values in `repeated PhoneType types = 2`
    case "map":
      field.mapKey; // ScalarType.STRING for the keys in `map<string, int32> map = 2`
      switch (field.mapKind) {
        case "scalar":
          field.scalar; // ScalarType.INT32 for the values in `map<string, int32> map = 2`
        case "message":
          field.message; // DescMessage for the values in `map<string, User> map = 2`
        case "enum":
          field.enum; // DescEnum for the values in `map<string, PhoneType> map = 2`


The fieldKind and related properties are also available on extension descriptors, DescExtension.


Registries are collections of descriptors that enable you to look up a type by its qualified name. When serializing or parsing extensions or google.protobuf.Any from JSON, registries are used to look up types.

Registry is a set of descriptors for messages, enumerations, extensions, and services:

import type { Registry } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

declare const registry: Registry;

// Retrieve a type by its qualified name
registry.getMessage("example.User"); // DescMessage | undefined
registry.getEnum("example.PhoneType"); // DescEnum | undefined
registry.getService("example.MyService"); // DescService | undefined
registry.getExtension("example.sensitive"); // DescExtension | undefined

// Loop through types
for (const type of registry) {
  type.kind; // "message" | "enum" | "extension" | "service"

Registries can be composed with the createRegistry function:

import { createRegistry } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { UserSchema, file_example } from "./gen/example_pb";

const registry = createRegistry(
  UserSchema, // Initialize with a message, enum, extension, or service descriptor
  file_example, // add all types from the file descriptor
  otherRegistry, // Adds all types from the other registry

Mutable registries allow you to add descriptors after creation:

import { createMutableRegistry } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const registry = createMutableRegistry();

// Adds a message, enum, extension, or service descriptor to the registry

// Removes a descriptor

File registries provide access to file descriptors, and can be created from a google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet from the well-known types. The following command compiles all Protobuf files in the directory proto:

buf build proto --output set.binpb

You can read the data and create a file registry with just two steps:

import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";
import {
  type DescMessage,
} from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { FileDescriptorSetSchema } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wkt";

// Read a google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet from disk.
// The set can be compiled with `buf build --output set.binpb`
const fileDescriptorSet = fromBinary(

// Create a FileRegistry from the google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet message:
const registry = createFileRegistry(fileDescriptorSet);

// Loop through files
for (const file of registry.files) {;

// Loop through types
for (const type of registry) {
  type.kind; // "message" | "enum" | "extension" | "service"

Custom options

With custom options, you can annotate elements in a Protobuf file with arbitrary information.

Custom options are extensions to the google.protobuf.*Options messages defined in google/protobuf/descriptor.proto. Let's define an option to mark sensitive fields.

Create a proto/options-example.proto file:

syntax = "proto3";
package example.options;
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";

extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
  // This field should be redacted
  bool sensitive = 8765;

To use this option, edit example.proto:

syntax = "proto3";
package example;

message User {
  string first_name = 1;
- string last_name = 2;
+ string last_name = 2 [(example.options.sensitive) = true];
  bool active = 3;
  User manager = 4;
  repeated string locations = 5;
  map<string, string> projects = 6;

When the compiler parses this file, it sets the custom option value on the options field of the google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto for the field last_name.

After re-generating code with buf generate, you can read the field option with the function getOption:

import { getOption, hasOption } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";
import { sensitive } from "./gen/example-option_pb";

getOption(UserSchema.field.lastName, sensitive); // true

The companion function hasOption returns true if an option is present. The functions behave the same as the functions hasExtension and getExtension, but accept any descriptor.


Custom options can be read from generated code, from the schema passed to a plugin, or from any other descriptor.

To learn more about custom options in Protobuf, see the language guide.

Reflection API

Reflection allows you to inspect a schema and dynamically manipulate data. This section explains the core primitives and shows how to write a function to redact sensitive information from messages.

The reflection API provides a simple interface to access and manipulate messages without knowing their type. As an example, let's write a simple function to redact sensitive fields from a message, using the custom option we created above:

import { getOption, type Message, type DescMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { reflect } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/reflect";
import { sensitive } from "./gen/example-option_pb";

export function redact(schema: DescMessage, message: Message) {
  const r = reflect(schema, message);
  for (const field of r.fields) {
    if (getOption(field, sensitive)) {
      // This field has the option (example.options.sensitive) = true

We can use this function to redact any message:

import { create } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import { redact } from "./redact";
import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

const msg = create(UserSchema, {
  firstName: "Homer",
  // This field has the option (example.options.sensitive) = true
  lastName: "Simpson",

msg.lastName; // "Simpson"
redact(UserSchema, msg);
msg.lastName; // ""

There is one gotcha with our redact function—it doesn't ensure that the schema and message match—but we can solve this with a type inference and constraints:

import type { DescMessage, MessageShape } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

export function redact<Desc extends DescMessage>(
  schema: Desc,
  message: MessageShape<Desc>,
) {
  // ...


  • EnumShape extracts the enum type from an enum descriptor.
  • MessageShape extracts the type from a message descriptor.
  • MessageInitShape extracts the init type from a message descriptor - the initializer object for create().


The function reflect returns a ReflectMessage. Its most important methods are:

isSet(field: DescField): boolean

Returns true if the field is set, exactly like the function isFieldSet (see Field presence and default values).

clear(field: DescField): void

Resets the field, so that isSet() will return false.

get<Field extends DescField>(field: Field): ReflectMessageGet<Field>

Returns the field value, but in a form that's most suitable for reflection:

  • Scalar fields: Returns the value, but converts 64-bit integer fields with the option jstype=JS_STRING to a bigint value. If the field is not set, the default value is returned. If no default value is set, the zero value is returned.

  • Enum fields: Returns the numeric value. If the field is not set, the default value is returned. If no default value is set, the zero value is returned.

  • Message fields: Returns a ReflectMessage. If the field is not set, a new message is returned, but not set on the field.

  • List fields: Returns a ReflectList object.

  • Map fields: Returns a ReflectMap object.


get() never returns undefined. To determine whether a field is set, use isSet().


If you use a switch statement on DescField.fieldKind, the return type of ReflectMessage.get will be narrowed down. In case that's insufficient, the guard functions isReflectMessage, isReflectList, isReflectMap from @bufbuild/protobuf/reflect can help.

set<Field extends DescField>(field: Field, value: unknown): void;

Set a field value, expecting values in the same form that get() returns. This method throws an error with helpful information if the value is invalid for the field.


undefined is not a valid value. To reset a field, use clear().


Repeated fields are represented with ReflectList. Similar to ReflectMessage, it provides values in a form most suitable for reflection:

  • Scalar 64-bit integer fields with the option jstype=JS_STRING are converted to bigint.
  • Messages are wrapped in a ReflectMessage.
import type { DescField } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import type { ReflectMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/reflect";

declare const field: DescField;
declare const message: ReflectMessage;

if (field.fieldKind == "list") {
  const list: ReflectList = message.get(field);
  for (const item of list) {
    // ReflectList is iterable
  list.get(123); // can be undefined
  list.add(123); // throws an error for invalid values


Map fields are represented with ReflectMap. Similar to ReflectMessage, it provides values in a form most suitable for reflection:

  • A map field is a record object on a message, where keys are always strings. ReflectMap converts keys to their closest possible type in TypeScript.
  • Messages are wrapped in a ReflectMessage.
import type { DescField } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
import type { ReflectMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/reflect";

declare const field: DescField;
declare const message: ReflectMessage;

if (field.fieldKind == "map") {
  const map: ReflectMap = message.get(field);
  for (const [key, value] of map) {
    // ReflectMap is iterable
  map.has(123); // boolean
  map.get(123); // can be undefined
  map.set(123, "abc"); // throws an error for invalid keys or values

Writing plugins

Code generator plugins are a unique feature of Protobuf compilers like protoc and the Buf CLI. Using a plugin, you can generate files based on Protobuf schemas as the input. Plugins can generate outputs like RPC clients and server stubs, mappings from Protobuf to SQL, validation code, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Plugins are implemented as simple executables, named protoc-gen-x, where x is the name of the language or feature that the plugin provides. They receive the schema via stdin and return generated files via stdout.


The plugin contract is defined in google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto.

Example "Hello world" plugin

First, make sure you've completed all steps from the quickstart. You'll add two new dependencies:

npm install @bufbuild/protoplugin tsx

Create a new file named src/protoc-gen-hello.ts:

import {
  type Schema,
} from "@bufbuild/protoplugin";

const plugin = createEcmaScriptPlugin({
  name: "protoc-gen-hello",
  version: "v1",
  generateTs(schema: Schema) {
    // Loop through all Protobuf files in the schema
    for (const file of schema.files) {
      // Generate a file for each Protobuf file
      const f = schema.generateFile( + "_hello.ts");
      // Print text to the file
      f.print("// hello world");

// Reads the schema from stdin, runs the plugin, and writes the generated files to stdout.

Run the plugin with tsx to see it working. It prints its name and version:

npx tsx src/protoc-gen-hello.ts --version

To feed a schema to the plugin, add the plugin to your buf.gen.yaml file:

# Learn more:
version: v2
  - directory: proto
  - local: protoc-gen-es
    out: src/gen
    opt: target=ts
+ - local: ["tsx", "./src/protoc-gen-hello.ts"]
+   opt: target=ts
+   out: src/gen

Run npx buf generate again and a new file appears with the contents // hello world:

├── buf.gen.yaml
├── package.json
├── proto
│   └── example.proto
└── src
    ├── gen
    │   ├── example_pb.ts
+   │   └── example_hello.ts
    └── protoc-gen-hello.ts

Generating files

Typically, a plugin loops through files of the schema, and generates a file for each Protobuf file. The property Schema.files is an array of file descriptors, which contain descriptors for every message and all other Protobuf elements.

To generate a file, call the Schema.generateFile method—it takes a file name as an argument. By convention, you should add a suffix to distinguish files generated by your plugin from files generated by other plugins. For example, we're adding the suffix _hello for our plugin protoc-gen-hello:

for (const file of schema.files) {
  // is the name of the Protobuf file, minus the .proto extensions
  schema.generateFile( + "_hello.ts");

We recommend adding a preamble to every generated file. It provides helpful information about the plugin, and about the Protobuf file it was generated from:

const f = schema.generateFile( + "_hello.ts");

// Generates the lines:
// @generated by protoc-gen-hello v1 with parameter "target=ts"
// @generated from file example.proto (package example, syntax proto3)


If you don't print anything to a generated file, it won't be generated.

Printing to a file

The method print adds a line of text to a generated file:

f.print("// hello world");

// Generates the line:
// hello world

If you pass multiple arguments, they are joined:

const world = "world";
f.print("// hello ", world);

// Generates the line:
// hello world

Arguments can also be numbers, booleans, and other types. They are printed as literals:

f.print("const num = ", 123, ";");
// Generates:
// const num = 123;

f.print("const bool = ", true, ";");
// Generates:
// const bool = true;

f.print("const bytes = ", new Uint8Array([0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef]), ";");
// Generates:
// const bytes = new Uint8Array([0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF]);

To print string or array literals, wrap them with a function call:

f.print("const str = ", f.string("hello"), ";");
// Generates:
// const str = "hello";

f.print("const arr = ", f.array([1, 2, 3]), ";");
// Generates:
// const arr = [1, 2, 3];

To print documentation comments, take a look at the jsDoc method. You can pass it text or a descriptor. For descriptors, it uses any comments on the Protobuf element, and adds a helpful @generated from ... annotation.


If you want to generate complex expressions in multiple places, you can move the logic to a function that returns Printable. You can pass Printable to GeneratedFile.print.


If you prefer, you can use GeneratedFile.print with template literals:

const world = "world";
f.print`// hello ${world}`;

// Generates the line:
// hello world


You can generate import statements with a combination of the import and print methods.

For example, importing the useEffect hook from React:

const useEffect = f.import("useEffect", "react");

returns an ImportSymbol that you can print:

f.print(useEffect, "(() => {");
f.print("  document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;");
f.print("}, [count]);");

When the ImportSymbol is printed, an import statement is automatically generated for you:

import { useEffect } from "react";

useEffect(() => {
  document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
}, [count]);


If you need a type-only import, call toTypeOnly() on ImportSymbol.

It's common to import from protoc-gen-es generated code in other plugins. To make it as easy as possible, the importSchema method imports the schema for a descriptor, and the importShape method imports the type:

for (const message of file.messages) {
  const { create } = f.runtime;
  const schema = f.importSchema(message);
  const shape = f.importShape(message);
  f.print("const msg: ", shape, " = ", create, "(", schema, ");");

// Generates:
// import { create } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
// import type { User } from "./example_pb";
// import { UserSchema } from "./example_pb";
// const msg: User = create(UserSchema);


GeneratedFile.runtime provides common imports from @bufbuild/protobuf.

Importing with the GeneratedFile methods has many advantages:

  • Conditional imports: Import statements belong at the top of a file, but you usually only find out later in your
    code whether you need the import, such as in a nested if statement. Conditionally printing the import symbol only generates the import statement when it's actually used.
  • Preventing name collisions: For example, if you import { Foo } from "bar" and import { Foo } from "baz", f.import() automatically renames one of them Foo$1, preventing name collisions.
  • Import styles: If the plugin option js_import_style=legacy_commonjs is set, code is automatically generated with require() calls instead of import statements.


To export a declaration from your code, use export:

f.print(f.export("const", "foo"), " = 123;");

// Generates:
// export const foo = 123;

This method takes two arguments:

  1. The declaration—for example const, enum, abstract class, or anything you might need.
  2. The name of the declaration, which is also used for the export.

The method automatically generates CommonJS exports if the plugin option js_import_style=legacy_commonjs is set.


If you generate exports based on Protobuf names, make sure to escape any reserved words with the function safeIdentifier from @bufbuild/protoplugin.

Parsing plugin options

The plugin framework recognizes a set of options that can be passed to all plugins when executed (for example target, import_extension, etc.), but if your plugin needs to have additional parameters passed, you can provide parseOptions to createEcmaScriptPlugin:

parseOptions(rawOptions: {key: string, value: string}[]): T;

This function is invoked by the framework, passing in any key/value pairs that it doesn't recognize from its pre-defined list. The returned option is merged with the pre-defined options and passed to the generate functions via the options property of the schema.


Our runnable plugin example shows a custom plugin option, and also custom Protobuf options.

Automatic transpilation to JavaScript and TypeScript Declarations

Our Hello world plugin only implements generateTs, but it can still generate JavaScript and TypeScript Declaration files with the plugin option target=js+dts. Under the hood, @bufbuild/protoplugin uses the TypeScript compiler to transpile the output from generateTs to .js and .d.ts files if necessary.


Transpiling on the fly works well for many applications, but it comes at the cost of long code generation times for large sets of Protobuf files. To provide the best possible user experience for your plugin, we recommend that you also provide generateJs and generateDts to createEcmaScriptPlugin.

Releasing your plugin

To release a plugin on, you can use the "bin" field of package.json to provide it as an executable. Users who install the package will automatically have the executable in their PATH when running commands with npm scripts or npx.


To provide the best possible user experience for your plugin, we recommend that you avoid transpilation.

Testing plugins

We recommend testing generated code just like handwritten code. Identify a representative Protobuf file for your use case, generate code, and then run tests against the generated code. If you implement your own generator functions for the js and dts targets, we also recommend running all tests against both.


For a runnable example that uses Protocol Buffers to manage a list of users, see packages/protobuf-example. For a custom plugin, see packages/protoplugin-example. It generates Twirp clients for your services, and also uses custom options.

Migrating from version 1

Version 2 provides many new features around reflection, and support for Protobuf editions. To upgrade, you'll need to update your dependencies, re-generate code, and update call sites in your application.

The following npm packages are available with version 2.0.0:

Update the ones you use with npm:

npm install @bufbuild/protobuf@^2.0.0 @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es@^2.0.0

Make sure to re-generate code with the new plugin, and verify that the package versions match the generated code.

Plugin options now have more convenient default behavior:

  • import_extension is now none by default, which means we don't add a .js extension to import paths. If you use the plugin option import_extension=none, you can delete it. If you require imports to have the .js extension, use import_extension=js.
  • ts_nocheck is now off by default. If you require a // @ts-nocheck annotation at the top of generated code, use ts_nocheck=true.

Update your buf.gen.yaml file if you require the previous behavior.

Are you using the remote plugin?

If you're using the remote plugin instead of the locally installed protoc-gen-es, make sure to update the version in your config:

# buf.gen.yaml
version: v2
  - remote:
    out: gen
Are you using a generated SDK?

If you're using a generated SDK, install latest with plugin version v2.0.0:

Generated SDK

Update your code

Next, you'll need to update call sites that construct or serialize messages. For small applications, this will only take a few minutes. For more complex applications, migration can be more involved. If necessary, you can run both versions in parallel to migrate the application piece by piece.

The biggest change is that the generated code no longer uses classes. To create a new instance, you call the function create() and pass the generated schema:

- import { User } from "./gen/example_pb";
+ import { create } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";
+ import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";

- let user = new User({
+ let user = create(UserSchema, {
  firstName: "Homer",

Methods like toBinary and toJson are no longer attached to the object. Similar to create(), they're simple functions that you call with two arguments: the schema and the message:

import type { User } from "./gen/example_pb";
+ import { UserSchema } from "./gen/example_pb";
+ import { toJsonString } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

function show(user: User) {
-  alert(user.toJsonString());
+  alert(toJsonString(UserSchema, user));

Note that messages also no longer implement the special method toJSON. Before you pass a message to JSON.stringify, convert it to a JSON value first (using toJson).

The generated properties remain largely unchanged. There are two improvements:

The toPlainMessage function and the PlainMessage<T> type are no longer necessary. If you create a proto3 message with create(UserSchema), the returned object is already a plain object. You can replace the PlainMessage<User> type with User. The only difference is that User has a property $typeName, which is a simple string with the full name of the message like "example.User". This property makes sure you don't pass the wrong message to a function by accident.

Well-known types have moved to a subpath export @bufbuild/protobuf/wkt.


What features are implemented?

Protobuf-ES is intended to be a solid, modern alternative to existing Protobuf implementations for the JavaScript ecosystem. It's the first project in this space to provide a comprehensive plugin framework and decouple the base types from RPC functionality.

Some additional features that set it apart from the others:

  • ECMAScript module support
  • First-class TypeScript support
  • Generation of idiomatic JavaScript and TypeScript code
  • Generation of much smaller bundles
  • Implementation of all proto3 features, including the canonical JSON format
  • Implementation of all proto2 features except for the text format
  • Support for Editions
  • Usage of standard JavaScript APIs instead of the Closure Library
  • Compatibility is covered by the Protocol Buffers conformance tests
  • Descriptor and reflection support

Why not use string unions for Protobuf enumerations instead of TypeScript enum?

TypeScript's enum definitely has drawbacks. It requires an extra import, console.log loses the name, and they don't have a native equivalent in JavaScript. Admittedly, { species: "DOG" } looks a bit more straight-forward than { species: Species.DOG }.

But enums also have some nice properties that union types don't provide. For example, the numeric values can actually be meaningful (enum {ONE=1, TWO=2} for a silly example), and they can be used for bitwise flags.

TypeScript enums also have a property that's important for backwards compatibility in Protobuf. Like enumerations in C# and C++, you can actually assign values other than the declared ones to an enum. For example, consider the following Protobuf file:

enum Species {
  CAT = 1;
  DOG = 2;
message Animal {
  Species species = 1;

If we were to add HAMSTER = 3; to the enumeration, old generated code can still (de)serialize an Animal created by new generated code:

enum Species {
  CAT = 1,
  DOG = 2,
const hamster: Species = 3;

As a result, there is a range of Protobuf features we wouldn't be able to model if we were using string union types for enumerations. Many users may not need those features, but this also has downstream impacts on frameworks such as Connect-ES, which couldn't be a fully featured replacement for gRPC-web if we didn't use TypeScript enums.

Why aren't enum values generated in PascalCase?

We generate our enum values based on how they are written in the source Protobuf file. The reason is that the Protobuf JSON spec requires that the name of the enum value be whatever is used in the Protobuf file and keeping them identical makes it very easy to encode/decode JSON.

The Buf style guide further says that enum values should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, which will result in your generated TypeScript enum values being in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE if you follow it.

We don't provide an option to generate different cases for your enum values because we try to limit options to those we feel are necessary. PascalCase seems to be more of a stylistic choice, as even TypeScript's documentation uses various ways to name enum members. For more about our thoughts on options, see this question.

Why use BigInt to represent 64-bit integers?

The short answer is that they're the best way to represent the 64-bit numerical types allowable in Protobuf. BigInt has widespread browser support, and for those environments where it isn't supported, we fall back to a string representation.

Though it's true that an int32 type's 2^32 size isn't enough to represent a 64-bit value, Javascript's MAX_SAFE_INTEGER can safely represent integers between -(2^53 – 1) and 2^53 – 1. However, this is obviously only effective if you can guarantee that no number in that field will ever exceed that range. Exceeding it could lead to subtle and potentially serious bugs, so the clear-cut usage of BigInt makes more sense.

How does Protobuf-ES compare to protoc's JavaScript generator? is rarely updated and has fallen behind the quickly moving world of JavaScript. For example:

  • It doesn't support ECMAScript modules
  • It can't generate TypeScript (third-party plugins are necessary)
  • It doesn't support the canonical JSON format
  • It doesn't carry over comments from your .proto files

Because of this, we want to provide a solid, modern alternative with Protobuf-ES. The main differences of the generated code are:

  • We use plain properties for fields, whereas protoc uses getter and setter methods
  • We implement the canonical JSON format
  • We generate much smaller bundles
  • We rely on standard APIs instead of the Closure Library

What is your stance on adding options to the plugin?

In general, we feel that an abundance of options makes the plugin less approachable. It can be daunting to new users to sift through numerous configuration choices when they're just beginning to use the plugin. Our default position is to be as opinionated as possible about the generated code, and this results in fewer knobs that need turning at configuration time. In addition, too many options also makes debugging more difficult. It's much easier to reason about the generated code when it conforms to a predictable standard.

There are also more concrete reasons why we prefer to add options judiciously. Consider a popular option request, which is to add the ability to generate snake_case field names as opposed to camelCase. If we provided this option, any plugin downstream that accesses these fields or uses the base types has to also support it and ensure that it's set to the same value across plugins every time files are generated. Any functionality that uses the generated code must also now stay in sync. Exposing options, especially those that affect the generated code, introduces an entirely new way for breaking changes to happen. The generated code is no longer predictable, which defeats the purpose of generating code.

This isn't to say that we're completely against adding any options to the plugin. There are obviously cases where adding an option is necessary. However, for cases such as stylistic choices or user preferences, we tend to err on the side of caution.

Parcel/Metro fails to resolve imports

Protobuf-ES uses package exports. If you see the following error with Parcel, make sure to enable package exports:

@parcel/core: Failed to resolve '@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1'

If you see the following error with Metro or Expo, make sure to enable package exports:

Metro error: Unable to resolve module @bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1

Is serialization deterministic?

Serialization to JSON and binary is deterministic within a version of protobuf-es, but map entries, repeated fields and extensions are ordered by insertion. Regular fields are sorted by field number.