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organic-oval v5

organic front-end components as custom HTML tags

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install dependencies

npm i organic-oval webpack babel-loader @babel/core @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx

add webpack.config.js

const webpack = require('webpack')

module.exports = {
  'resolve': {
    'extensions': ['.webpack.js', '.web.js', '.js', '.tag'],
  'module': {
    'rules': [
        test: /\.tag$/,
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          options: {
            plugins: [ require.resolve('@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx') ]
        test: /\.tag$/,
        use: [
          {loader: require.resolve('organic-oval/webpack/oval-loader')}


<!-- ./index.html -->
    <script src='./bundle.js'></script>
// ./bundle.js
<!-- ./my-app.tag -->


    this.state.links = {
      home: '#home',
      about: '#about'
  <ul class="navigation">
    <li><a href={this.state.links.home}>Home</a></li>
    <li><a href={this.state.links.about}>About</a></li>
  • The tag name must be unique for global components. See also Nesting local components section bellow.
  • The script is optional and contains the component's constructor logic.


<!-- ./navigation.tag -->
  <navigation-item ...>...</navigation-item>

local components

<!-- ./navigation-item.tag -->
<navigation-item not-global>

<!-- ./navigation.tag -->
    const MyItem = require('./navigation-item')
  <MyItem ...>...</MyItem>

render components with different tag name

<!-- ./my-table-row.tag -->

<!-- ./my-table.tag -->
    const MyTableRow = require('./my-table-row')
      <MyTableRow as='tr'>...</MyTableRow>

Props, attributes and handlers

<!-- ./navigation.tag -->
    this.itemValue = 'item'
    this.obj = {with_references: true}
    this.handler = (value) => {
      console.log(value) // 'response'
    this.clickHandler = (e) => {}
    onclick={this.clickHandler} />

<!-- ./navigation-item.tag -->
    console.log(this.props['d-value']) // "item"
    console.log(this.props.obj) // {with_references: true}
    this.emit('eventName', 'response') // triggers eventName handlers
    this.on('mounted', () => {
      this.el.triggerEvent(new Event('click')) // triggers click

Render inner content

<!-- ./my-container.tag -->
  <slot name='header' />
  <slot name='content' />
  <slot name='footer'>
    <div>default footer</div>

<!-- ./app.tag -->
    <h2 slot='content'>inner content 1</h2>
    <loggedin-header slot='header' />
    <main slot='content' />

Conditional control statements

  <script> = false
  <h1 if={}>
    H1 Text

Loop control statements

    this.items = [1, 2, 3]
    <each itemValue, itemIndex in {this.items}>
      <li>{itemIndex} - {itemValue}</li>

control re-rendering of tags

The following tag won't re-render itself and will not be replaced by parent tag updates as long as it is instantiated and part of the dom.

    tag.on('mounted', function () {
      tag.shouldRender = false

find oval component reference

<!-- custom-element.tag -->
    this.on('mounted', () => {
      let el = this.el.querySelector('another-custom-element')
      let component = el.component
      console.log(component) // reference to another-custom-element component
  <another-custom-element />



The method defines a component accordingly to its options:

  • tagName: String
  • tagLine: String
  • onconstruct: Function

⚠️ Note that the method also upgrades any document.body elements by tagName, to skip that action provide a tagLine with not-global attribute.

/** @jsx createElement */
  tagName: 'my-tag',
  onconstruct: function () {
    // this equals to OvalComponent instance and is executed
    // during component construction


The method upgrades given NodeElement el accordingly to previously defined component with matching el.tagName.

Returns reference to the newly created component. Calling the method also sets el.component reference to the created component.

let el = document.createElement('my-tag')


Every Oval component extending preact Component. All methods are inherited thereafter and you should refer to preact's api refernce as well

static appendAt

Appends component instance at respective root.

const MyComponent = require('./my-component.tag')
MyComponent.appendAt(document.body, props)


Returns reference to the rendered component's element.


Instructs to do a forceUpdate of the component. Fires update related events.


Removes the component and its custom element from dom. Fires unmount events.

on(eventName, eventHandler)

Start receiving emitted events. By default Oval Components self emit their Lifecycle events as follows:

  1. mount - only once on mount
  2. update - every time when tag is updated (respectively on first mount too)
  3. updated - every time after tag is updated and rendered to dom
  4. mounted - only once tag is mounted and updated into dom
  5. unmounted - when tag is removed from dom

Additionally any functions been passed to oval components will automatically subscribe:

    this.myCustomEventHandler = function (eventData) {
      // triggered every second by `my-component`
  <my-component customEvent={this.myCustomEventHandler} />

    this.on('mounted', () => {
      setInterval(() => {
        this.emit('customEvent', 'customEventData')
      }, 1000)

off(eventName, eventHandler)

Stop receiving events

emit(eventName, eventData)

Publish eventName with optional eventData to all subscribers.

appendAt(rootEl, props)

Append the Component to an existing DOM element and provide the relevant component's props

<!-- ./my-component.tag -->
<my-component> ... </my-component>
<!-- ./some-other-file.js -->
const MyComponent = require('./my-component')
let rootEl = ... // a jquery selector or document.querySelectorAll 
let props = { myProp: value, class: 'css-class' }
MyComponent.appendAt(rootEl, props)

Known Implementation Issues

  1. this.props is undefined during component construction and is available after mount event.
  2. this.emit emits only to component's listeners without delegation to dom events

Known Compiler Issues

  1. element declaration with if attribute will work only when if statement is on the first line

will NOT work:

<h1 class='test'
  Some Text

will work as expected:

<h1 if=${condition}
  Some Text
  1. each loops will work only when looped node is declared on the next line

will NOT work:

<each model in ${items}><looped-content>${model}</looped-content></each>

will work as expected:

<each model in ${items}>

Roadmap and Contributions

  • fix known compiler issues
  • implement more plugins for other source code bundlers

Any help and PRs are welcome ❤️


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4
