sbt clean compile test docker
docker push carlpulley/helloworld:v0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
git clone
cd coreos-vagrant
INSTANCE=1,2 CLOUD_CONFIG=helloworld/akka METADATA="akka=true" vagrant up
INSTANCE=3 CLOUD_CONFIG=helloworld/akka METADATA="akka=true,load-balancer=true" vagrant up
INSTANCE=4 CLOUD_CONFIG=cassandra METADATA="cassandra=true" vagrant up
# You should now have a 4 machine cluster provisioned
ssh-add ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
vagrant ssh core-01 -- -A
fleetctl start app@{1..4} vulcand cassandra seed
# You should now have:
# - a 'Hello World!' Akka cluster running with 4 members
# - a Vulcan load balancer interfacing with the cluster
# - events being persisted to a Cassandra journal/snapshot store!
# TERMINAL 1 - execute the following command:
fleetctl ssh app@1
docker logs -f app-1 | grep -v akka.cluster.ClusterHeartbeatSender
# TERMINAL 2 - execute the following shell commands:
for i in 1 2 3 4; do
echo -n "GET /ping/$i -> "
curl -H "Host:"$i
# In viewing terminal 1, you should see evidence that:
# - Vulcand has round-robin delivered a GET request to app-1
# - cluster sharding is used to route messages to the correct 'Hello World' actor endpoint hosting app-1
# - evidence of actor spin up and passivation
# - each curl request should return the IP address of the 'Hello World' application that handled the request