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v1 Application created for CBD Wholesale sellers so that they can create single websites, adding products and resources to it. A double registration implemented 1. user, 2.customer in a user site.

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eCannaB API

eCannab is not a ecommerce platform, is the v1 application created for CBD wholesale sellers looking to start their online business, in a simple and efficient way, by creating their own website, adding products and resources to it, and providing a registration system to their customers so that they can navigate privately to see the resources, and add products to the cart. (Orders made by customers cooming soon)

As a user, you will have the option to:

  • Register and Login.
  • Create/Edit/Delete your site, with your own subdomain.
  • Create/Edit/Delete/Add Products to your site.
  • Create/Edit/Delete/Add Resources to your site.

As a customer of a user site you will have the option to:

  • Register to be able to add products to the cart and see the resources available.
  • 🔜Cooming soon (placing orders by customers in a site)

🌐 1. Working Prototype

You can access a working prototype of the React app here:

and Node app here:


✍️ 2. User Stories

This app is for 4 types of users:

  • a user=CBD Wholesale seller visitor.
  • a login user.
  • a customer visitor
  • a login customer in a user site.
Landing Page (Importance - Low) (Est: 1h)
  • as a visitor
  • I want to understand what I can do with this app (or sign up, or log in)
  • so I can decide if I want to use it.
Login Page / User and Customer (Importance - High) (Est: 3h)
  • As a returning register user or customer
  • I want to enter my password and email to use this app,
  • So I can have access to my account.
Sign Up / User and Customer (Importance - High) (Est: 3h)
  • As a visitor,
  • I want to register to use this app
  • So I can create a personal account.
Dashboard (Importance - High) (Est: 5h)
  • As a logged-in user,
  • I want to be able to preview the content of the app (Site Creation/ Resources / Products / Orders).
  • So I can decide what section I want to navigate to.
SiteHome (Importance - High) (Est: 2h)
  • As a customer visitor I can see the list of products, search and filter.
  • As a logged-in customer I can add products to the cart and make orders.

📳 3. Functionality

The app's functionality includes:

  • Every User has the ability to create an account and login.

  • Every User has the ability to create/edit/delete a site.

  • Every User has the ability to create/edit/delete products and adds it to a site.

  • Every User has the ability to create/edit/delete products and adds it to a site.

  • Every Customer in a User Site can create an account and login.

  • Every Customer in a User Site has the ability to add products to the cart

  • Every Customer has the ability to search products by title and more.

  • Further implementation every customer will be able to make orders in a User Site.

👩🏽‍💻 4. Technology

  • Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React
  • Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API Endpoints, Postgres
  • Development Environment: Heroku, DBeaver.

🎨 5. Screenshots

  • eCannaB User Experience: User Experience

  • Customer in user site experience: User Experience

🟡 6. Back-end Structure - Business Objects

  • Users (database table)

    • id (auto-generated)
    • username (email validation)
    • password (at least 8 chars, at least one alpha and a special character validation)
  • Resources(database table)

    • id(auto-generated)
    • name (text not null)
    • link (text not null)
    • r_image(text not null)
    • site_id(foreign key)
  • Sites (database table)

    • id (auto-generated)
    • brand (text not null)
    • logo (text not null)
    • seller_description (text not null)
    • subdomain (text not null)
    • resources (an array of id resources)
    • user_id(foreign key)
  • Products (database table)

    • id (auto-generated)
    • title (text not null)
    • brand (text not null)
    • p_image (text not null)
    • price (decimal)
    • in_stock (integer)
    • p_description (text not null)
    • site_id(foreign key)
  • Customers (database table)

    • id (auto-generated)
    • username (email validation)
    • password (at least 8 chars, at least one alpha and a special character validation)
    • site_id(foreign key)
  • Orders (database table)

    • id (auto-generated)
    • total_paid
    • products (an array of the products ids )
    • customer_id(foreign key)

📑API Documentation

API Overview

    ├── /auth
    │   └── POST
    │       ├── /login
    ├── /users
    │   └── POST
    │       └── /
    ├── /s
    │   └── GET
    │       POST
    │       PUT
    │       DELETE
    │       └── /
    ├── /resources
    │   └── GET
    │       POST
    |       PUT
    |       DELETE
    │       └──/
    ├── /products
    │   └── GET
    │       POST
    │       PUT
    │       DELETE
    │       └── /
    ├── /authcustomer
    │   └── POST
    │       ├── /login
    ├── /customers
    │   └── POST
    │       └── /

API Detail

Method Path Purpose
GET /api/users Get the user
POST /api/users Register the user
POST /api/auth/login Validates username & password
GET /api/s Get all sites from a user.
POST /api/s Create a site in user session.
PUT /api/s/:id Edit site.
DELETE /api/s/:id Delete site.
GET /api/resources Get all resources from a site.
POST /api/resources Create resources for a site.
PUT /api/resources/:id Edit resources.
DELETE /api/resources/:id Delete resources.
GET /api/products Get all products from a site.
POST /api/products Create products for a site.
PUT /api/products/:id Edit products.
DELETE /api/products/:id Delete products.
GET /api/customers Get the customer.
POST /api/customers Register the customer in a site.
POST /api/authcustomer/login Validates username & password

❓❔ 9. How to run it

Use command line to navigate into the project folder and run the following in terminal

Local React scripts
  • To install the react project ===> npm install
  • To run react (on port 3000) ===> npm start
  • To run tests ===> npm run test
Local Node scripts
  • To install the node project ===> npm install
  • To migrate the database ===> npm run migrate -- 1
  • To run Node server (on port 8000) ===> npm run dev
  • To run tests ===> npm run test


v1 Application created for CBD Wholesale sellers so that they can create single websites, adding products and resources to it. A double registration implemented 1. user, 2.customer in a user site.







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