Practica profesional supervisada UNLP parte analisis de codigo Deep-SE
Tener instalado python 2.7 Theano keras 1.0.6 scikit-learn, cpickle, pandas, numby export KERAS_BACKEND=theano
pruebas hechas solo con repositorio apache cuyos proyectos son mesos y usergrid
There are three folders:
- data: contains the dataset in csv and the code for spliting data into training set, validation set, and test set
- NCE: contains pretraining modules, LSTM modules, and LSTM feature extraction.
- classification: contains the Highway Net.
--- step-by-step to run DEEP SE ---(LSTM+Highway)
- put the csv files in /data
- run command "python" in /data to divide data and prepare dictionary
- run command "python" in /NCE for pretraining (this step takes very very long time!!!. It can be skipped since the model has been trained.)
- run commnad "python" in /classification for running DEEP SE