Interested in taking notes for a meeting? Sign up for the next session!
Notes files mirror the file structure of the agendas; namely they should be in
files to match the date that the meeting took place.
All notes files should begin with the following format:
# GraphQL (NAME) WG Notes - <Month> <Year>
**Watch the replay:**
[GraphQL Working Group Meetings on YouTube](
## Agenda
<Copy of agenda section in agenda file>
When adding notes: use H2 (##
) to indicate new topics, use bullet points to
track discussion, try and keep track of who said each thing, and keep in mind
this is not a transcription - everything is assumed to be
paraphrased/simplified. When inserting meta-notes (notes on the notes), use
curly braces to avoid conflicts with markdown - e.g. {inaudible}
{could not keep up with discussion}
, or {time - 22:03}
It's beneficial to insert timestamps periodically throughout the notes as it allows for easier lookup of the discussion in the video on YouTube.
Actions should be recorded in the following format:
- <Speaker>: **ACTION - <assignee>**: <assignment>
For example:
- Lee: ACTION - Benjie Write an implementation in GraphQL.js
Sometimes ACTIONS are inferred rather than explicit, try and write down the inferred action as best you can - it's okay to omit the speaker, the critical thing is to have an assignee and a brief description of the assignment.
Sometimes actions are on everyone; in these cases **ACTION - everyone**
appropriate, but when filing the action item it should be assigned on GitHub to
the champion for that topic.