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Library to read/write flatbuffers and CLI to generate Zig code from .fbs files.


Install library


    .name = "yourProject",
    .version = "0.0.1",

    .dependencies = .{
        .@"flatbuffers-zig" = .{
            .url = "",


const flatbuffers_dep = b.dependency("flatbuffers-zig", .{
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,
your_lib_or_exe.addModule("flatbuffers", flatbuffers_dep.module("flatbuffers"));

Run zig build and then copy the expected hash into build.zig.zon.

Code generation

If you have some .fbs files you'd like to read/write, run flatc-zig to generate code to do so.

$ ./zig-out/flatc-zig --help
    -h, --help
            Display this help and exit

    -i, --input-dir <str>
            Directory with .fbs files to generate code for

    -o, --output-dir <str>
            Code generation output path

    -e, --extension <str>
            Extension for output files (default .zig)

    -m, --module-name <str>
            Name of flatbuffers module (default flatbuffers)

    -s, --single-file
            Write code to single file (default false)

    -d, --no-documentation
            Don't include documentation comments (default false)

    -f, --function-case <str>
            Casing for function names (camel, snake, title) (default camel)

You can also create a gen step in your build.zig like so:

const gen_step = b.step("gen", "Run flatc-zig for codegen");
const run_flatc = b.addRunArtifact(flatbuffers_dep.artifact("flatc-zig"));
run_flatc.addArgs(&[_][]const u8{