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Portable Test Execution Framework

This is the PTEF specification, a document outlining standard behavior of PTEF runner implementations. Its primary purpose is to actually define what PTEF is - a POSIX-compatible interface for test execution - and, in doing so, standardize the inputs/outputs and behavior of programs implementing PTEF.

This document assumes the reader is familiar with basic concepts of PTEF and is meant to refine and clarify the concepts, serving as an authoritative reference for developers implementing PTEF.

End uses are expected to deviate from the specification as they customize the behavior of PTEF tooling to suit their use cases. This is fine.

1. Execution and recursion


A runner is any executable file or process implementing this specification, fully or partially.

An executable is any executable (runnable) file, either a runner or any other file, ie. an actual test.

1.1. Running without arguments

When running without arguments, a runner must search the current working directory (CWD) for files and directories and process them in an alphanumerical order according to the current locale.

  • Special files . and .. must be ignored, the search must be limited to CWD only

  • Any hidden files (beginning with .) must be ignored

  • Any non-executable files (as indicated by access(2)) must be ignored

  • A file matching a name specified by a PTEF_BASENAME environment variable must be ignored

  • Any directories without an executable file matching the name from the PTEF_BASENAME variable must be ignored

If the PTEF_BASENAME variable is not defined or is empty, the runner should default to basename (as implemented by basename(3)) of the first element of the argv array of the runner, eg. basename(argv[0]).
The runner must however guarantee a non-empty PTEF_BASENAME variable present in the environment of any executables it executes.

Any symbolic links in CWD (to files or directories) are resolved and properties of their destinations are used for these checks.


The above search should thus result in a sorted list of:

  • executable files in CWD that are not PTEF_BASENAME

  • execuable files in subdirectories of CWD that are PTEF_BASENAME

If PTEF_BASENAME is run (from basename("./run")), the sorted list could be:


The runner must then execute files that matched the above filtering criteria, passing any inherited environment to them (such as by using execve(2)). An exception to this are PTEF-specific environment variables that are subject to alteration per this specification.

Any executables in CWD must be executed in CWD (without chdir(2)).
Any executables in subdirectories of CWD must be executed inside the directories that contain them (CWD must be changed prior to execution).

If an error condition occurs in the runner (either internal to runner logic, or a syscall failing), the runner should output an error message on standard error output and must exit with a non-zero status.
The runner should not exit with a non-zero status solely due to an executable returning a non-zero status. This is not considered an error condition.

1.2. Running with arguments

When user-provided command line arguments are present, they must be processed and used instead of searching CWD (described above).

For each argument:

  • Any leading and trailing forward slashes are removed (trimmed).

  • If it is empty (eg. its first byte is a string terminator), an error condition must be triggered. This condition is left up to the implementation.

  • If it is equal to -- and this is the first occurence of an -- argument, it is silently skipped without an error.

  • The argument is split into a "left" portion of non-slash characters up to, but excluding, a next forward slash, and a "right" portion of any characters after, and excluding, that slash.

    • If the argument contains no forward slash, the "left" portion is equal to the argument itself and the "right" portion is considered undefined.

  • If the left portion is . or .., the argument is considered invalid, and an error condition must be triggered.

The runner then takes the "left" portion and executes it as if it was an executable name in CWD, without further filtering that would otherwise be performed for a CWD directory search.

If the "right" portion is undefined, no further arguments are passed for the execution. Otherwise, a single argument equal to the "right" portion is passed.


For example, an argument of ///left/right/with/path would evaluate the "left" portion to be left and the "right" portion to be right/with/path.

If an error condition is triggered (from the argument sanity checks listed above), the runner must not run any executables. In other words, if at least one argument fails sanity checks, no executables are run.


The -- argument skip is for compatibility with runners using getopt(3) style option arguments.

If the PTEF_BASENAME environment variable is unset or empty, the runner must ensure that it is present in the environment of executed executables, defined using the same method as for a run without arguments.

Runner exit code handling is also the same as in the argument-less case.

2. Result reporting

2.1. Result format

When an executed executable finishes, it returns a numerical exit code. A runner must collect this code and report it as a result.

A result is a single line consisting of

  1. a status, a string of any non-whitespace, usually uppercased, characters

  2. one or more tabs (ASCII 0x09) or spaces (ASCII 0x20)

  3. a test name, a string of any non-newline characters

  4. a newline character (ASCII 0x0a), terminating the line


For example

STATUS    test name here

A zero exit code must be assigned a status of PASS, a non-zero exit code must be a status of FAIL.


Any external code processing PTEF result lines must be able to deal with any non-whitespace string as status, not just PASS and FAIL. This specification intentionally invites custom user-defined statuses such as SKIP, WAIVE, ERROR, CONF, IGN, etc.
Therefore, any external code should filter out any result lines it is unable to parse, based on the status.

In case of an executable in CWD, a test name is equal to the file name of the executable.
In case of an executable inside a directory (named after PTEF_BASENAME), the directory name becomes the test name.

2.2. Test name prefix

When creating a result line, the value of the PTEF_PREFIX variable must be prepended to a test name, separated from it by a forward slash. If the variable is unset, it should be treated as empty.

Independently, whenever a runner runs an executable, it must append the test name to PTEF_PREFIX present in the environment of the executable, separated by a forward slash. If the variable is unset, it should be treated as empty.


If the current PTEF_PREFIX is /prefix and there is a test named testname (regardless if that is an executable in CWD called testname or an executable named after PTEF_BASENAME present in a directory named testname), the result will look like

PASS /prefix/testname

and the executable would see PTEF_PREFIX equal to /prefix/testname in its environment.

If the current PTEF_PREFIX is empty or unset, it would look like

PASS /testname

and the executable would see PTEF_PREFIX as /testname.

2.3. Reporting to standard output

Result lines must be written to standard output (file descriptor number 1).

A runner may color the output if the standard output is attached to a terminal (tcgetattr(3) doesn’t fail with ENOTTY). Specific colors are not defined here.

Prior to writing a result line, the standard output should be locked for writing using a POSIX advisory record lock (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, ..)) with a maximum range of bytes (.l_whence = SEEK_SET, .l_start = 0, .l_len = 0).

2.4. Reporting to a dedicated results file descriptor

If the PTEF_RESULTS_FD variable is set and non-empty, it defines a numerical file descriptor to which the runner must write the result line in addition to standard output. This output must never be colored.

This file descriptor should also be locked in the same way as standard output. If a runner chooses to do so, it must first hold a successfully acquired lock for standard output before it attempts locking PTEF_RESULTS_FD, to prevent a deadlock.

3. Logging

A runner must redirect the standard error output of any executables it runs to log files, one log file per executable. The name of this log file must be the same as the executable file name, with .log appended at the end.
Standard (non-error) output must not be redirected in any way.

If the log file already exists, the runner must ensure its previous content is discarded (by truncating or removing/creating the file).

Log files must be created in a directory named logs located in CWD.

3.1. Logging in a separate hierarchy

If the PTEF_LOGS environment variable is defined and non-empty, it specifies an alternate location for log files. In this case, a runner must not create or use the logs directory in CWD.

If the location doesn’t exist or is not a directory, the runner must treat this as an error condition.

Inside the log location, the runner must recursively create a directory path equal to the value of PTEF_PREFIX, if it doesn’t exist already. The actual log file is then placed inside the last directory of this path.


If PTEF_LOGS is /log/location, PTEF_PREFIX is /example/prefix, and the test name is testname, the full path to the log file would be


The runner must further ensure that PTEF_LOGS present in an environment of an executable is modified to always point to the same log location as the one used by the current runner.
If PTEF_LOGS is an absolute path, no action is necessary. If it is a relative path and the executable is inside a subdirectory of CWD, the runner must prepend ../ to the PTEF_LOGS present in the environment of the executable.

A runner should implement each of these features. If it does, it must follow the specification of each feature it implements, as described below.

4.1. Reporting when an executable is run (PTEF_RUN)

If the PTEF_RUN environment variable is set and non-empty, the runner must emit, prior to running an executable, a result with RUN as the status and the same test name that would be later used for PASS or FAIL when reporting exit status of the executable.


For example (RUN is reported first, then the executable runs, then it finishes successfully, and finally PASS is reported):

RUN   /prefix/some/test
PASS  /prefix/some/test

4.2. Overriding color output of reported results (PTEF_COLOR)

If the PTEF_COLOR environment variable is defined and non-empty, it overrides the standard output terminal autodetection logic, forcing the standard output reporting to be either

  • always with colors if the variable is set to 1

  • always without colors if the variable set to any other non-empty value, ie. 0

If the runner does not support color in its output, it should ignore this variable.

4.3. Running silently (PTEF_SILENT)

If the PTEF_SILENT environment variable is set and non-empty, any results that would normally be reported to standard output must be suppressed.

Reporting to PTEF_RESULTS_FD is unaffected.


This must not redirect the standard output in any way, eg. if a non-runner executable writes to standard output, the write must not be suppressed.

4.4. Avoiding standard error output log redirect (PTEF_NOLOGS)

If the PTEF_NOLOGS environment variable is set and non-empty, the runner must not redirect the standard error output of executables it runs to log files, leaving it connected to the current runner’s standard error output.


This is very useful for quick debugging if any executables (tests) are configured to print verbose output on stderr, such as set -x for bash scripts.

Further, the runner must not perform any actions described by the logging section.

4.5. Running an interactive shell for debugging (PTEF_SHELL)

If the runner is running with arguments, it must proceed normally and ignore further text in this section.

If the PTEF_SHELL environment variable is set and non-empty, the runner must launch a shell and must not perform any behavior described in any other section of this specification.

The shell must be launched without arguments (must be interactive) and may be either a child of the runner (ie. system(3)) or a replacement for the runner itself (ie. execve(2)). In any case, if the shell is successfully launched, the runner must exit with the same exit code as the shell once the shell itself terminates.

If the PTEF_SHELL variable contains a path to an executable file, as indicated by access(2), it must be used as the shell executable.
Otherwise, if the SHELL environment variable is set and non-empty, it must be used as the shell executable.
Otherwise, /bin/sh must be used as a fallback.

Standard output must be duplicated to standard error output prior to launching the shell, closing original standard error output, which might have been redirected to a log file.
Additionally, the PTEF_SHELL variable must be unset in the environment of the launched shell.


The intended use is to launch an interactive shell deep within a hierarchy, giving all parent runners (which might perform non-PTEF actions) a chance to do setup and cleanup as they would normally have. Ie.

./run /path/to/deep/subdir

would run the setup for path, to, deep and subdir, and when the runner wrapper in subdir transitions to the PTEF runner logic, a shell would be spawned, giving the user an easy way to debug individual tests inside subdir without having to run through the whole setup/cleanup for every single test.

5. Additional extensions

A runner may choose to implement any of these features. If it does, it must follow the specification of each feature it implements, as described below.

5.1. Parallel execution of executables

When instructed by a user, a runner must run executables in parallel. This applies both when running with and without arguments.

The runner must further allow the user to restrict the maximum amount of executables running at any time, or "jobs".


This applies to executables in CWD only, the parallelism doesn’t propagate throughout a hierarchy unless the user independently instructs multiple levels of the hierarchy to run in parallel.

5.2. Argument merging

A runner may choose to, without disclosing this to the user, coalesce successive arguments sharing a common "left" portion (executable name) and then run this executable only once, passing it multiple arguments ("right" portions), instead of running the executable multiple times, each time with a single argument.

If this "argument merging" happens, the runner must guarantee that arguments are passed in the same order as without merging, eg. that a different "left" potion aborts a merge.
Similarly, if an argument triggers an error condition due to its format, all previous arguments must be executed, as they would be in a case without merging.


A runner run with foo/arg1 foo/arg2 bar/arg1 foo/arg3 would actually execute

./foo arg1 arg2
./bar arg1
./foo arg3

instead of a non-merged run

./foo arg1
./foo arg2
./bar arg1
./foo arg3

A runner using this feature by default must allow the user to disable it.


Argument merging may modify the behavior of parallel execution - depending on the implementation, a single executable run with multiple arguments might count as one "job", whereas it would count as multiple if run without merging.

5.3. Log file rotation

Instead of discarding previous log file contents, a runner may choose to, without disclosing this to the user, rename the log file instead.

This rename must follow a specific file naming scheme

  • exec.log to exec.log.1

  • exec.log.1 to exec.log.2

  • …​

  • exec.log.8 to exec.log.9

A runner using this feature by default must allow the user to disable it.

6. Clarifications

6.1. POSIX version

The oldest version a runner can rely on being available is POSIX.1-2008. Earlier POSIX versions are not supported.

6.2. POSIX functions and syscall naming

Unless otherwise specified, references to library functions or syscalls refer to functionality provided by those functions or syscalls, not to their identifier names. Ie. a reference to access(2) permits the use of other POSIX-standard syscalls that provide the same function, such as faccessat(2).

6.3. Standard IO sanity

A runner may rely on file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 to be open. When run with any of these closed, runner behavior is undefined.

A runner can therefore rely on dup(2) returning 3 or higher.

7. Rationale

7.1. Failure of an executable shouldn’t fail the runner

While it may be obvious for a runner to return non-zero exit code if at least one of its executables returns non-zero (propagating failure upwards), there are notable drawbacks to doing so.

  • It requires rarely-used code paths which may not be well tested and thus a failure might go unnoticed

    • This is a real issue for programming languages which don’t explicitly require the caller to collect exit status, such as bash, in contrast to frameworks that do, such as waitpid(2)

  • It provides little actual value

    • It is convenient, but grepping a file created with PTEF_RESULTS_FD for ^FAIL is not much harder

  • Failure of a test suite is a complex state

    • A single FAIL result is only one of failure states - a suite may consider a custom SKIP status in a production run a failure, or it might compare the full list of PASS results to a reference and fail if one or more results are missing

  • External result-waiving logic would not work

    • If there’s only one FAIL for a specific test, post-processing can be applied to a PTEF_RESULTS_FD created file, auto-waiving known FAILs.

    • If this would propagate to parents, the waiving logic would be significantly more complex and imprecise (see below)

  • It loses information, making runner error indistinguishable from exec failure

    • An internal runner error would otherwise get its own result (reported by the runner’s parent), allowing the user to distinguish it from an executable returning non-zero, whereas by propagating failure, a runner error may be hidden

These factors contributed to the decision of making a runner not propagate the non-zero exit code upwards and only report a FAIL, exiting successfully if no error condition has occured, indicating that "the process of testing has completed successfully (some tests may have failed)".

7.2. The existence of PTEF_BASENAME

Earlier versions of this specification required the runner to simply search for basename(argv[0]) in any subdirectories and execute anything found. This proved to be sufficient as long as any subrunners were always in subdirectories, as execve(2) would always result in a basename(argv[0]) equal to the parent runner, even for interpreted scripts.

This is because the script filename is given to an interpreter as argv[1] so the interpreter can make it appear as $0 (bash), sys.argv[0] (python), etc.

Subrunners in CWD must have, by implication, a different filename from their parent runner (ie. run executing subrun), but they still must be provided with the original argv[0], making further recursion possible.
This is not an issue for binary executables as the parent runner can pass the subrun file path and argv[0] separately to execve(2), and, indeed, the new subrunner process sees its argv[0] as run, correctly.

However a documented limitation of execve(2) is that the kernel discards argv[0] in the passed array when running interpreted scripts, replacing it it with the interpreter path, so not even the interpreter has access to the original argv[0].

Since interpreted runners are an important use case for PTEF, a replacement solution of using an environment variable was chosen instead.

To allow symlink-based runners (zero configuration) setups, runners are still required to default to basename(argv[0]) if PTEF_BASENAME is undefined, ie. for the first (root) runner of a hierarchy.

7.3. The use of environment variables instead of CLI options

While a runner is free to implement any getopt(3)-like option arguments, this specification leans environment variables instead. In theory, a runner could be required to pass any option arguments to subrunners and thus propagate a requested feature throughout a hierarchy, environment variables are guaranteed to propagate automatically even if a runner doesn’t touch them and are thus a better fit.

Further, while POSIX.1-2008 defines some guidelines for CLI option format, namely the Utility Argument Syntax section, and while many programming languages support POSIXLY_CORRECT, the CLI interface is hardly standard:

  • Despite the POSIX recommendations, many languages implement option arguments differently in subtle ways (ie. silently treating -1 as option argument)

  • Some languages implement more programmer-friendly interfaces compared to their getopt(3)-based implementation, thus discourating getopt(3) use

  • POSIX specifies only single-letter options, thus limiting the namespace and causing potential conflicts

  • Options with non-trivial arguments (whitespaces, newlines) are hard to pass correctly

A runner is however still free to use option arguments, ie. as a shorthand for exporting environment variables for subrunners, however these are non-standard.

7.4. Not accepting arguments on standard input

There is currently no great way of passing an arbitrary amount of arguments to a runner - CLI is limited in length (4K in POSIX, 2MB on Linux) and while one can use xargs(1) to split a huge list of arguments into one-cmdline-sized separate runner executions, this prevents effective argument merging, which, while it shouldn’t break anything, can cost extra time if some sub-runner has long setup/cleanup times, ie. virtual machine testing.

One idea is to have an environment variable (or an - argument) instructing a runner to accept arguments from stdin instead of the command line.
This, however, has several issues.

  • The runner would have to implement xargs(1)-like cmdline splitting functionality when passing arguments to executables, as the amount of incoming arguments for an executable can now exceed the maximum cmdline length

  • Alternatively, it could pass arguments via an executable’s stdin, requiring each (non-runner non-PTEF) executable to read stdin or risk blocking on or failing system utilities or library functions (used by an executable) which do read stdin

Ultimately, running with huge lists of arguments was never intended to be the primary way of executing a suite using this framework. The use case was a manual tester investigating issues by running individual tests or intentionally running only a portion of a suite (by specifying a single argument with a path to a hierarchy subtree).
A test suite can always implement file based or environment variable based lists of executables that its runner wrappers read and execute.

Another use for reading stdin could be substitution for CWD scanning logic (running without arguments) - in this way, a runner could be customized to ie. ignore specific executable names. This is also an unnecessary complication and can be implemented without drawbacks in a runner wrapper by listing CWD, filtering the list, and splitting it into cmdline-sized argument lists passed (via xargs(1)) to the runner.
Since all arguments will always be without a /, no arguments are passed to executables and no argument merging occurs.

7.5. The lack of elapsed time tracking in results

Some test result formats (jUnit, xUnit, NUnit, etc.) track how long a test spent executing (duration) or it start/end timestamps. While it would be possible to have a 3rd column in the PTEF result line, it would be a red herring.

Duration is just one of many parameters one might want to track for a test, memory usage might be another, CPU time, number of syscalls or even network data sent/received, etc. Therefore, PTEF leaves this up to the user to implement ie. via runner wrappers.

This can be done re-using the PTEF result format, encoding the metadata as a part of the test name - either by following the standard format (prepending prefix) or by creating an incompatible one (inserting one or more columns between status and test name).

Another approach might be logging this separately, ie. in a CSV file, and processing the performance results (checking for deviations) separately.

Yet another approach is to not measure duration of tests, but regularly report out timestamps using a custom status, serving both as keepalive entries as well as test duration estimates (when post-processed).

All of these can be easily done in a top-level runner wrapper.

7.6. No "dry run" mode

It would be helpful if a test suite could perform any setup needed up to, but excluding the actual testing. Combined with PTEF_RUN, this could output test names that would be executed during a "real" run, incl. any dynamically-added virtual test cases.

Unfortunately, this isn’t reasonably possible in PTEF due to a combination of

  • hierarchy propagation being done through execution.

  • there being no way of distinguishing tests from hierarchy runners.

If, for example, a runner was instructed to simply echo out the names of executables (or directories containing PTEF_BASENAME) in CWD instead of executing them, the user would get a listing for the top level of the hierarchy only, because the lower levels are provided by the executables that were not run.

If the runner made an effort to print out executables in CWD while also executing any PTEF_BASENAME-named executables inside subdirectories, it would break the very basics of PTEF by running actual tests which happen to use the directory format.

One more way to make this work would be to offload "dry run-iness" to the test executables being run, ie. via an environment variable. This way, all executables would be run as usual, hierarchy would be traversed as usual, and the tests could simply exit(0) as a no-op.
The only problem here is that tests are not required to comply with PTEF, and thus don’t have to implement this logic. In that case, a test could easily run its (potentially destructive) testing despite the "dry run" env var being set.

This is also the best way to implement a "dry run" logic in this context if you have control of / source code for all your tests:

  1. Reserve some special exit code to be used for "I didn’t do anything".

  2. Map that exit code to a PTEF status, ie. SKIP, and use non-standard runner extensions that allow you to associate it with an exit code (as supported by the reference runner implementation, the -x option).

  3. Define some environment variable, ie. MY_SUITE_DRYRUN.

  4. Modify all your tests to immediately exit with the reserved exit code when the environment variable is set.

    1. (Modify virtual test generators to somehow figure out the test list without running the tests, and report each as SKIP.)