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Concourse Prototype Protocol

This proposal outlines a small protocol for invoking conceptually related commands in a container image with a JSON-based request-response. This protocol is to be used as a foundation for both a new resource type interface and as a way to package and reuse arbitrary functionality (i.e. tasks).

The protocol is versioned, starting at 1.0.

An implementation of this protocol is called a prototype. (Why 'prototype'?) Conceptually, a prototype handles messages sent to objects which are provided by the user as configuration or produced by the prototype itself in response to a prior message.

For example, a git prototype may handle a check message against a repository object to produce commit objects, which then can then handle a get message to fetch the commit.

An object's supported messages are discovered through an Info request. For example, the git prototype may support get against a commit object, but not against a repository object. The Info request is also a good place to perform validation.

A message is handled by invoking its corresponding command in the container with a Message request. A message handler responds by emitting objects and accompanying metadata. These objects are written to a response path specified by the request.

While a prototype can handle any number of messages with any name, certain messages names will have semantic meaning in a Concourse pipeline. For example, a prototype which supports check and get messages can be used as a resource in a pipeline. These messages will be sent by the Concourse pipeline scheduler if a user configures the prototype and config as a resource.

Previous Discussions

  • RFC #24 was a previous iteration of this proposal. It had a fixed set of "actions" (check, get, put, delete) and was still centered in the 'resources' concept and terminology. This RFC generalizes the design further, switches to prototype-based terminology and allows prototypes to handle arbitrary messages.

  • RFC #1, now defunct, is similar to this proposal but had a concept of "spaces" baked into the interface. This concept has been decoupled from the resource interface and will be re-introduced in a later RFC that is compatible with v1 and v2 resources.

    • Recommended reading: this comment outlines the thought process that led to this RFC.
  • concourse/concourse#534 was the first 'new resource interface' proposal which pre-dated the RFC process.



  • Prototype: an implementation of the interface defined by this proposal, typically packaged as an OCI container image.


    • a git prototype for interacting with commits and branches in a repo.
    • a time prototype for performing interval triggers.
  • Message: an operation to perform against the object. Corresponds to a command to run in the container image.


    • check
    • get
  • Object: a logical entity, encoded as a JSON object, acted on and emitted by a prototype in response to messages.


    • {"uri":""}
    • {"ref":"e4be0b367d7bd34580f4842dd09e7b59b6097b25"}
  • Metadata: additional information about an object to surface to users.


    • [{"name":"committer","value":"Alex Suraci"}]
  • Bits: a directory containing arbitrary data.


    • source code checked out from a repo
    • compiled artifacts created by a task or another prototype
  • Resource: a prototype which implements the following messages:

    • check: discover objects representing versions, in order
    • get: fetch an object version

Interface Types

// Object is an object receiving messages and being emitted in response to
// messages.
type Object map[string]interface{}

// InfoRequest is the payload written to stdin for the `./info` script.
type InfoRequest struct {
  // The object to act on.
  Object Object `json:"object"`

  // Path to a file into which the prototype must write its InfoResponse.
  ResponsePath string `json:"response_path"`

// InfoResponse is the payload written to the `response_path` in response to an
// InfoRequest.
type InfoResponse struct {
  // The version of the prototype interface that this prototype conforms to.
  InterfaceVersion string `json:"interface_version"`

  // An optional icon to show to the user.
  // Icons must be namespaced by in order to explicitly reference an icon set
  // supported by Concourse, e.g. 'mdi:' for Material Design Icons.
  Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`

  // The messages supported by the object.
  Messages []string `json:"messages,omitempty"`

// MessageRequest is the payload written to stdin for a message.
type MessageRequest struct {
  // The object to act on.
  Object Object `json:"object"`

  // Configuration for establishing TLS connections.
  TLS TLSConfig `json:"tls,omitempty"`

  // A base64-encoded 32-byte encryption key for use with AES-GCM.
  Encryption EncryptionConfig `json:"encryption,omitempty"`

  // Path to a file into which the message handler must write its MessageResponses.
  ResponsePath string `json:"response_path"`

// MessageResponse is written to the `response_path` for each object returned
// by the message. Multiple responses may be written to the same file,
// concatenated as a JSON stream.
type MessageResponse struct {
  // The object.
  Object Object `json:"object"`

  // Encrypted fields of the object.
  Encrypted EncryptedObject `json:"encrypted"`

  // Metadata to associate with the object. Shown to the user.
  Metadata []MetadataField `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

// TLSConfig captures common configuration for communicating with servers over
// TLS.
type TLSConfig struct {
  // An array of CA certificates to trust.
  CACerts []string `json:"ca_certs,omitempty"`

  // Skip certificate verification, effectively making communication insecure.
  SkipVerification bool `json:"skip_verification,omitempty"`

type EncryptionConfig struct {
  // The encryption algorithm for the prototype to use.
  // This value will be static, and changing it will imply a major bump to the
  // Prototype protocol version. It is included here as a helpful indicator so
  // that prototype authors don't have to guess at the payload.
  Algorithm string `json:"algorithm"`

  // A base64-encoded 32-length key, unique to each message.
  Key []byte `json:"key"`

// EncryptedObject contains an AES-GCM encrypted JSON payload containing
// additional fields of the object.
type EncryptedObject struct {
  // The base64-encoded encrypted payload.
  Payload []byte `json:"payload"`

  // The base64-encrypted nonce.
  Nonce []byte `json:"nonce"`

// MetadataField represents a named bit of metadata associated to an object.
type MetadataField struct {
  Name  string `json:"name"`
  Value string `json:"value"`

Prototype Info

Prior to sending any message, the default command (i.e. CMD) for the image will be executed with an InfoRequest piped to stdin. This request contains an object.

The command must write an InfoResponse to the file path specified by response_path in the InfoRequest. This response specifies the prototype interface version that the prototype conforms to, an optional icon to show in the UI, and the messages supported by the given object.

Example info request/response

Request sent to stdin:

  "object": {
    "uri": ""
  "response_path": "../info/response.json"

Response written to ../info/response.json:

  "interface_version": "1.0",
  "icon": "mdi:github-circle",
  "messages": ["check"]

Prototype Messages

A message handler is invoked by executing the command named after the message with a JSON-encoded MessageRequest piped to stdin. This request contains the object which is conceptually receiving the message.

All message commands will be run in a working directory layout containing the bits provided to the message handler, as well as empty directories to which bits should be written by the message handler.

A message handler writes its MessageResponse(s) to the file path specified by response_path in the MessageRequest. This path may be relative to the initial working directory.

How this response is interpreted depends on the message, but typically there should be one response for each object affected (put, delete), discovered (check), or fetched (get).

Example message request/response

Request sent to stdin:

  "object": {
    "uri": "",
    "branch": "master"
  "response_path": "../response/response.json"

Response written to ../response/response.json:

  "object": {"ref": "e4be0b367d7bd34580f4842dd09e7b59b6097b25"},
  "metadata": [ { "name": "message", "value": "init" } ]
  "object": {"ref": "5a052ba6438d754f73252283c6b6429f2a74dbff"},
  "metadata": [ { "name": "message", "value": "add not-very-useful-yet readme" } ]
  "object": {"ref": "2e256c3cb4b077f6fa3c465dd082fa74df8fab0a"},
  "metadata": [ { "name": "message", "value": "start fleshing out RFC process" } ]

This response would be typical of a check that ran against a git repository that had three commits.


In order to use Prototypes for credential acquisition, there must be a way to return object attributes which contain sensitive data without writing the data to disk in plaintext.

A Prototype's MessageRequest may contain an EncryptionConfig which specifies the encryption algorithm to use and any other necessary data for use with the algorithm (such as a key).

The Prototypes protcol will only support one encryption algorithm at a time, and if it needs to be changed, this will imply a major bump to the protocol version. This is to encourage phasing out support for no-longer-adequate security algorithms.

The decision as to which algorithm to use for the initial version is currently an open question, but the most likely candidate right now is AES-GCM, which is the same algorithm used for database encryption in Concourse. Another candidate may be NaCL. Note that whichever one we choose must be available in various languages so that Prototype authors aren't restricted to any particular library or language.

Assuming AES-GCM, the EncryptionConfig in the request will include a key field containing a base64-encoded 32-length key, and a nonce_size field indicating the size of the nonce necessary to encrypt/decrypt:

  "object": {
    "uri": "",
    "client_token": "01234567889abcdef"
  "encryption": {
    "algorithm": "AES-GCM",
    "key": "aXzsY7eK/Jmn4L36eZSwAisyl6Q4LPFIVSGEE4XH0hA=",
    "nonce_size": 12

It is the responsibility of the Prototype implementation to generate a nonce value of the specified length. The Prototype would then marshal a JSON object containing fields to be encrypted, encrypt it with the key and nonce, and return the encrypted payload along with the nonce value in a EncryptedObject in the MessageResponse - both as base64-encoded values:

  "object": {
    "public": "fields"
  "encrypted": {
    "nonce": "6rYKFHXh43khqsVs",
    "payload": "St5pRZumCx75d2x2s3vIjsClUi9DqgnIoG2Slt2RoCvz"

The encrypted payload above is {"some":"secret"}, so the above response ultimately describes the following object:

  "public": "fields",
  "some": "secret"

Rationale for encryption technique

A few alternatives to this approach were considered:

  • Initially, the use of HTTPS was appealing as it would avoid placing data on disk entirely.

    However this is a much more complicated architecture that raises many more questions:

    • What are the API endpoints?
    • How are the requests routed?
    • How is TLS configured?
    • How is the response delivered?
      • Regular HTTP response? If the web node detaches, how can we re-attach?
      • Callbacks? What happens when the callback endpoint is down?
    • Is it safe to retry requests?
  • We could write the responses to tmpfs to ensure they only ever exist in RAM.

    The main downside is that operators would have to make sure that swap is disabled so that data is never written to disk. This seems like a safe assumption for Kubernetes but seems like an easy mistake to make for operators managing their own VMs.

One advantage of the current approach is that it tells Concourse which fields can be public and which fields contain sensitive information, while requiring the sensitive information to be encrypted.

While this could be supported either way by specifying a field such as expose":["public"], it seems valuable to force Prototype authors to "do the right thing" and encrypt the sensitive data, rather than allowing them to simply hide it from the UI.

Object Cloning

Technically, all parts of the prototocol have been specified, but there is a particular usage pattern that is worth outlining here as it relates to the 'prototype' terminology and may be common across a few use cases for this protocol.

Objects are just arbitrary JSON data. This data is consumed by a prototype action and may be emitted by the prototype in response to a message.

One example of a message that will yield new objects is check (part of the resource interface). This message will be sent to prototypes that are used as a resource in a Concourse pipeline.

Per the resource interface, the check message returns an object for each version. However, these objects aren't self-contained - instead, they are an implicit clone of the original object, with the returned object's fields merged in.

For example, the git prototype may be initially receive the following user-configured properties in a check message:

  "object": {
    "uri": "",
    "branch": "master"

Let's say the check handler responds with the following objects, representing two commits in the repository (with metadata omitted for brevity):

  "object": {
    "ref": "e4be0b367d7bd34580f4842dd09e7b59b6097b25"
  "object": {
    "ref": "5a052ba6438d754f73252283c6b6429f2a74dbff"

Per the resource interface, these object properties would be saved as versions of the resource in the order returned by check.

When it comes time to fetch a version in a build, the git prototype would receive a get message with the following object:

  "object": {
    "uri": "",
    "branch": "master",
    "ref": "e4be0b367d7bd34580f4842dd09e7b59b6097b25"

Note that the object properties have been merged into the original set of properties.

Pipeline Usage

A new run step type will be introduced. It takes the name of a message to send, and a type denoting the prototype to use:

- name: some-prototype
  type: registry-image
    repository: vito/some-prototype

- name: run-prototype
  - run: some-message
    type: some-prototype

So far this example is not very useful. There aren't many things I can think to run that don't take any inputs or configuration or produce any outputs. Let's try giving it an input and collecting its resulting output. This can be done with inputs/input_mapping and outputs/output_mapping:

- name: oci-image
  type: registry-image
    repository: vito/oci-image-prototype

- name: my-image-src
  type: git

- name: my-image
  type: registry-image
    repository: example/my-image
    username: some-username
    password: some-password

- name: build-and-push
  - get: my-image-src
  - run: build
    type: oci-image
    input_mapping: {context: my-image-src}
    outputs: [image]
  - put: my-image
    params: {image: image/image.tar}

This example also makes use of resources, which are also implemented as prototypes with special pipeline pipeline semantics and step syntax. These "resource prototypes" are described in RFC #38.

Out of scope

  • Richer metadata - this hasn't gained much traction and probably needs more investigation before it can be incorporated. This should be easy enough to add as a later RFC.


  • The root of the name comes from Prototype-based programming, a flavor of object-oriented programming, which the concepts introduced in this proposal mirror somewhat closely. There are also some hints of actor-based programming - actors handling messages and emitting more actors - but that felt like more of a stretch.

    This is also an opportunity to frame Concourse as "object-oriented CI/CD," if we want to.

  • We've been conflating the terms 'resource' and 'resource type' pretty everywhere which seems like it would be confusing to newcomers. For example, all of our repos are typically named 'X-resource' when really the repo provides a resource type.

    Adopting a new name which still has the word 'type' in it feels like it fixes this problem, while preserving 'resource' terminology for its original use case (pipeline resources).

  • It's a pun: 'protocol type' => 'prototype'.

  • 'Prototype' has a pretty nifty background in aerospace engineering. This is a completely different meaning, but we never use it that way, so it doesn't seem like there should be much cause for confusion.

Open Questions

  • Is this terminology unrelatable?