The support for PHP < 5.6 has been removed.
The Zabbix support is provided and tested from version 3.0.0 up to 3.4.15.
Since PhpZabbixApi depends on some PHP extensions and third party libraries, you must look for a release compatible with your Zabbix API version and use Composer to install the package and its dependencies:
composer require confirm-it-solutions/php-zabbix-api:^3.0
Unlike previous versions, the fully functional SDK is provided by this package, so you don't need to run additional commands to create the library classes.
The build/
directory and the scaffolding capabilities have been removed from this package.
They are provided by the confirm-it-solutions/zabbix-php-sdk-builder
The ZabbixApi
namespace was replaced by Confirm\ZabbixApi
, in order to make explicit the vendor name for this package.
The ZabbixApi
class is declared as final, so it can not be extended anymore. This allows us to make more changes
in minor releases without breaking the BC promise.
The method request()
was changed its visibility from public to private.
Other method's signatures were updated in order to support more features.
A third argument was added to every API method in order to choose if the result must
be returned as an instance of \stdClass
or as an associative array.
public function __construct(
$apiUrl = '',
$user = '',
$password = '',
$httpUser = '',
$httpPassword = '',
$authToken = '',
$sslContext = null
) {
// ...
public function hostGet($params = [], $arrayKeyProperty = '')
// ...
public function __construct(
$apiUrl = null,
$user = null,
$password = null,
$httpUser = null,
$httpPassword = null,
$authToken = null,
\GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface $client = null,
array $clientOptions = []
) {
// ...
public function hostGet($params = [], $arrayKeyProperty = null, $assoc = true)
// ...
The AbstractZabbixApi
class was removed without replacement.
Interface ZabbixApiInterface
is introduced in order to declare the contract for the
methods defined in the current supported API version. This interface is implemented by ZabbixApi
and allows you to provide your own implementation in case you need to extend some features.
This package now relies on the Guzzle HTTP client to interact with the ReST RPC API. In order to give you more flexibility, you can provide your own pre-configured client or pass custom options to the built-in client.
Unless it is explicitly configured, the ZabbixApi
class does not provide filesystem
based caching for the authentication token anymore.
It implements the TokenCacheAwareInterface
interface, which declares the setTokenCache()
method for this purpose. It accepts an instance of PSR-6
, this way you can choose between a wide variety
of standardized caching backends for the authentication token.