This file should sketch some example syntax that we'd like to consider supporting.
This document is used to bootstrap and and formulate the idea of how the Endo's shell syntax might look like.
if condition; then block; else block2; fi
if condition; then block; fi
while condition; do block; done
if condition
while condition
condition && block || block2
condition || block
if (condition) { block } else { block2 }
while (condition) { block }
# linking processes
ps afx | grep --color $USERNAME
# linking control flow / builtin commands with processes
while read N; do echo "N: $N"; done < | sort | uniq
while read N <; do echo "N: $N"; done | sort | uniq
let VAR VALUE # define immutable local variable
let mut VAR VALUE # define mutable local variable
let global VAR VALUE # define global variable (regardless of current scope)
and global
are simply modifiers (directives) and thus not reserved keywords like let
export NAME
# Define function f, receiving 3 string parameters, and returning one string
let f (a, b, c): str =
echo "a: $a, b: $b, c: $c"
return "($a,$b,$c)"
let y = f "foo" 3.1415 $VAR # prints and returns something into $y
echo $y # prints "(foo,3.1415,VALUE)"
let g a b: str =
echo "a is: $a, and b is: $b"
if a = b then
return "same"
return "not same"
let has_var name: bool =
return (getenv $name) != ""
# single-line function definition
let has_var name: bool = (getenv $name) != ""