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Name : Lambek-Calculus
Title: A Coq toolkit for Lambek Calculus
Authors: Houda ANOUN & Pierre CASTERAN
Institution: LaBRI , Bordeaux 
Date : March - July 2003


This library contains some definitions concerning Lambek calculus ...
Three formalisations of this calculus are proposed, and also some certified
 functions which translate derivations from one formalism to another...
Several derived properties are proved and also some meta-theorems...
Users can define their own lexicons and use the defined tactics to prove the
derivation of sentences in a particular system (L, NL, LP, NLP ...)

Keywords: Computational linguistic, categorial grammar, Lambek Calculus...

Interested users can find more details about this library in the INRIA research report 
titled 'Logical Toolkit for Lambek Calculus'  

Files contents :
Form.v : axiomatic presentation of Lambek Calculus

Semantics.v & Filters.v : proof that axiomatic presentation is sound and complete 
(using Kripke Models)

Sequent.v : sequent calculus 

ReplaceProp.v : some properties of the predicate 'replace'

NaturalDeduction.v: natural deduction

Polarity.v: Polarity meta-theorem

CutSequent.v:sub-formula property

LSeqProp.v : some properties concerning L system

Tactics.v : some tactics defined in Ltac language

Example*.v : some examples

ArrowDed.v: functions that translate derivations from the axiomatic presentation
 to natural deduction formalism and conversely

ArrowGentzen.v:functions that translate derivations from gentzen calculus
 to axiomatic presentation and conversely

GentzenDed.v:functions that translate derivations from gentzen calculus 
to natural deduction formalism and conversely