A collection of tricky go code
// change the meaning of true
const true = false
// change the meaning of uint
type uint int
// change the meaning of uint (again)
func uint(x int) int { return x + 7 }
// nil interface values don't implement interfaces
var x error
y := x.(error) // panic!
// except that nil interface{} implements interface{}
var x interface{}
y := x.(interface{}) // works
import "os"
func getGoPath() string {
dir := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
if len(dir) == 0 {
dir := os.Getenv("HOME") // shadows outer "dir", does NOT modify it
if len(dir) == 0 {
panic("cannot determine go source directory: both $GOPATH and $HOME are unset or empty")
dir += "/go"
return dir // inner "dir" is not seen -> always returns os.Getenv("GOPATH")