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372 lines (260 loc) · 9.4 KB

File metadata and controls

372 lines (260 loc) · 9.4 KB


I'm trying to collect a handful of tikz figures that I created over the past ~1 year to make it easier for me to create new, better tikz figures.


The tikz code I'm sharing generally tends to follow the format of a LaTeX .tex file with the following format:

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3.14mm]{standalone}

% header


I render most of them with pdflatex and then to create a small-filesize image version that is readily shareable on the web, I use a command-line tool called pdf2svg on the output. For example, I run pdf2svg limit_supremum_infimum.pdf limit_supremum_infimum.svg to produce the svg file version.


Most of the examples I share will have something like this added to them:

% \documentclass and the rest of the header

\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=white}, show background rectangle]
% ... 

The inclusion of a white rectangle in the background is, in almost all cases, just so that the rendered diagrams can be easily seen in this readme while browsing GitHub in dark mode, or while viewing the readme in other software with a dark mode such as VS Code. The background is totally optional, and removing the tikz library and tikzpicture style settings described above should remove it if you need to.

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