ReactBootstrap wrapper macros and some syntactical sugar for Om Next.
You can use the macros defined in untangled-starter.bootstrap :as bs
freely mix Sablono and ReactBootstrap with ClojureScript-y API.
For example, a navbar could look like this.
(bs/nav-item {:event-key 1} "NavItem 1 content")
(bs/nav-item {:event-key 2 :title "Item"} "NavItem 2 content")
(bs/nav-dropdown {:event-key 4 :title "Dropdown" :id "basic-nav-dropdown"}
(bs/menu-item {:event-key "3.1"} [:span.action "Action"])
(bs/menu-item {:event-key "3.1"} [:span.action "Another Action"])
(bs/menu-item {:divider true})
(bs/menu-item {:event-key "3.1"} [ "Separated Link"]))))
With untangled-starter.aum
you get a concise syntax for creating Om Next components
and their associated factory functions with a sablono compiler wrapping the render body.
For example, the following two are roughly equivalent.
(defcomponent Widget {:keyfn :id}
(ident [this props]
[:widget/by-id (:id props)])
(query [this]
[:id :name])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [name]} (om/props this)
{:keys [activate-fn]} (om/get-computed this)]
(bs/button {:on-click #(activate-fn (om/get-ident this))}
(defui Widget
static om/Ident
(ident [this props]
[:widget/by-id (:id props)])
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:id :name])
(render [this]
(dom/li nil
(let [{:keys [name]} (om/props this)
{:keys [activate-fn]} (om/get-computed this)]
(dom/div #js {:className "widget-class"}
(dom/a #js {:onClick #(activate-fn (om/get-ident this))}
(def ui-widget (om/factory Widget {:keyfn :id}))