An experimental tool to let humans build choropleths (data-shaded maps) without any knowledge of Javascript or GIS.
Try it out here!
The idea and motivation for this is flushed out in my ideas
repo here: daguar/ideas#2
At a basic level, what this app does is pretty simple:
- Pulls data from a Google Spreadsheet (using Tabletop)
- Scales the data by putting each value into a bucket; buckets here are of equal size based on the minimum and maximum values, a "quantize" scale in D3 terms (using D3 and ColorBrewer)
- Maps the data by a color scale based on the scaled values (using Leaflet)
Everything's done in Javascript, so it's a simple static site.
Right now, easiest way is to cd
into the root directory and run the python one-liner web server:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Then load up your browser (preferably Chrome with Dev Console open) to:
Copyright Dave Guarino, 2014