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Keycloak Testcontainer

A Testcontainers implementation for Keycloak SSO.

CI build Maven Central


This version only handles the new Quarkus distribution of Keycloak (version 17+).
For Keycloak-Legacy (Wildfly-based distro), see version 1.x branch.

How to use

The @Container annotation used here in the readme is from the JUnit 5 support of Testcontainers. Please refer to the Testcontainers documentation for more information.


Simply spin up a default Keycloak instance:

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer();

Custom image

Use another Keycloak Docker image/version than used in this Testcontainer:

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer("");

Realm Import

Power up a Keycloak instance with one or more existing realm JSON config files (from classpath):

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()


    .withRealmImportFiles("/test-realm-1.json", "/test-realm-2.json");

Initial admin user credentials

Use different admin credentials than the defaut internal (admin/admin) ones:

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()

Getting an admin client and other information from the testcontainer

You can get an instance of org.keycloak.admin.Keycloak admin client directly from the container, using

org.keycloak.admin.Keycloak keycloakAdmin = keycloakContainer.getKeycloakAdminClient();

The admin client is configured with current admin credentials.

The org.keycloak:keycloak-admin-client package is now a transitive dependency of this project, ready to be used by you in your tests, no more need to add it on your own.

You can also obtain several properties from the Keycloak container:

String authServerUrl = keycloak.getAuthServerUrl();
String adminUsername = keycloak.getAdminUsername();
String adminPassword = keycloak.getAdminPassword();

with these properties, you can create e.g. a custom org.keycloak.admin.client.Keycloak object to connect to the container and do optional further configuration:

Keycloak keycloakAdminClient = KeycloakBuilder.builder()

Context Path

As Keycloak now comes with the default context path /, you can set your custom context path, e.g. for compatibility reasons to previous versions, with:

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()

TLS (SSL) Usage

You have three options to use HTTPS/TLS secured communication with your Keycloak Testcontainer.

Built-in TLS Keystore

This Keycloak Testcontainer comes with built-in TLS certificate (tls.crt), key (tls.key) and Java KeyStore (tls.jks) files, located in the resources folder. You can use this configuration by only configuring your testcontainer like this:

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer().useTls();

The password for the provided Java KeyStore file is changeit. See also KeycloakContainerHttpsTest.shouldStartKeycloakWithProvidedTlsKeystore.

The method getAuthServerUrl() will then return the HTTPS url.

Custom TLS Cert and Key

Of course you can also provide your own certificate and key file for usage in this Testcontainer:

private KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()
.useTls("your_custom.crt", "your_custom.key");

See also KeycloakContainerHttpsTest.shouldStartKeycloakWithCustomTlsCertAndKey.

The method getAuthServerUrl() will also return the HTTPS url.

Custom TLS Keystore

Last but not least, you can also provide your own keystore file for usage in this Testcontainer:

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()
    .useTlsKeystore("your_custom.jks", "password_for_your_custom_keystore");

See also KeycloakContainerHttpsTest.shouldStartKeycloakWithCustomTlsKeystore.

The method getAuthServerUrl() will also return the HTTPS url.


You can enable and disable features on your Testcontainer:

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()
    .withFeaturesEnabled("docker", "scripts", "...")
    .withFeaturesDisabled("authorization", "impersonation", "...");

Please note that the upload-scripts feature is disabled by default (other than in v1 of this library), as this feature is deprecated!

Testing Custom Extensions

To ease extension testing, you can tell the Keycloak Testcontainer to detect extensions in a given classpath folder. This allows to test extensions directly in the same module without a packaging step.

If you have your Keycloak extension code in the src/main/java folder, then the resulting classes will be generated to the target/classes folder. To test your extensions you just need to tell KeycloakContainer to consider extensions from the target/classes folder.

Keycloak Testcontainer will then dynamically generate a packaged jar file with the extension code that is then picked up by Keycloak.

KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()

See also KeycloakContainerExtensionTest class.

Dependencies & 3rd-party Libraries

If you need to provide any 3rd-party dependency or library, you can do this with

List<File> libs = ...;
KeycloakContainer keycloak = new KeycloakContainer()

You have to provide a list of resolvable Files.


If you want/need to use dependencies from e.g. Maven (or Gradle), you can use ShrinkWrap Resolvers. See, as an example, how this is used at the KeycloakContainerExtensionTest#shouldDeployProviderWithDependencyAndCallCustomEndpoint() test.


The release versions of this project are available at Maven Central. Simply put the dependency coordinates to your pom.xml (or something similar, if you use e.g. Gradle or something else):


Usage in your application framework tests

This info is not specific to the Keycloak Testcontainer, but using Testcontainers generally.

I mention it here, as I see people asking again and again on how to use it in their test setup, when they think they need to specify a fixed port in their properties or YAML files...
You don't have to!
But you have to read the Testcontainers docs and the docs of your application framework on testing resources!!

Spring (Boot)

Dynamic context configuration with context initializers is your friend. In particular, look for @ContextConfiguration and ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext>:


Read the docs about the Quarkus Test Resources and use @QuarkusTestResource with QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager


Consult the docs of your application framework testing capabilities on how to dynamically configure your stack for testing!

YouTube Video about Keycloak Testcontainers

Testcontainers & Keycloak version compatiblity

For Keycloak-Legacy (before Quarkus-based distro), see version 1.x branch

Testcontainers-Keycloak Testcontainers Keycloak
2.0.0 1.16.3 17.0.0
2.1.1 1.16.3 17.0.0
2.1.2 1.16.3 17.0.1
2.2.0 1.17.1 18.0.0
2.2.1 1.17.1 18.0.0
2.2.2 1.17.1 18.0.0
2.3.0 1.17.1 19.0.0

There might also be other possible version configurations which will work.

See also the Releases page for version and feature update notes.


Many thanks to the creators and maintainers of Testcontainers. You do an awesome job!

Same goes to the whole Keycloak team!

Kudos to @thomasdarimont for some inspiration for this project.


Apache License 2.0

Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Niko Köbler

See LICENSE file for details.