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579 lines (425 loc) · 29.1 KB

File metadata and controls

579 lines (425 loc) · 29.1 KB



Fixed edge-case bug previously possible when combining the scrollToAlignment property with scrollToRow or scrollToColumn at the end of a collection. Under certain circumstances this caused the grid to scroll too far; that has now been resolved. Center-alignment logic has also been improved to better align scrolled cells.


Removed xmlns property from <svg> tag in SortEditor to avoid React 15.2 property warning.


Fixed CellMeasurer throws "Only a ReactOwner can have refs" error.


Small change to inline styles for Grid to work around obscure bug where an initial scroll offset prop is specified before external CSS stylesheets have loaded.


Added more pass-thru props from VirtualScroll to Grid to ensure that when VirtualScroll re-renders (due to changed props) so does its inner Grid. Both components are still "pure" (from a shallow comparison perspective).


Updated Grid and VirtualScroll so that the width of rows in a VirtualScroll does not stretch beneath a scrollbar (if one is visible).


Added more pass-thru props from FlexTable to Grid to ensure that when FlexTable re-renders (due to changed props) so does its inner Grid. Both components are still "pure" (from a shallow comparison perspective). This just avoids the unintuitive use-case where some table properties (eg headers) may change while others (eg rows) do not.


Updated UMD build to remove react-addons-shallow-compare from the build. UMD users should use react-with-addons.min.js (should have already been using it in fact) instead of react.min.js. Thanks to @ducky427 for reporting this oversight and updating the Webpack config!


The recomputeRowHeights method of FlexTable and VirtualScroll accepts an optional index (defaults to 0) after which to recompute sizes. The recomputeGridSize method of Grid accepts named columnIndex and rowIndex parameters tha function similarly.

This allows for a finer grained optimization when invalidating a collection. If, for example, a specific row in a table has resized- it is now possible to recompute the positions of only the rows occurring after this row. Because of the way react-virtualized just-in-time measures rows, this will also avoid re-measuring any but the visible rows at the time of the change.

If several items in the collection have changed and you are unsure of which, it is safest to recompute all columns/rows. This remains the default behavior unless override indices are specified as parameters.


New gridClassName and gridStyle pass-through properties added to FlexTable.


Fixed edge-case bug in FlexTable that caused the inner Grid not to update when there was a vertical scrollbar. This in turn caused headers to be misaligned.


Added forceUpdateGrid method to FlexTable and VirtualScroll to enable the inner Grid to be udpated without resorting to recomputing cached row heights.


Grid no longer checks scrollTop when autoHeight=true in order to avoid unnecessary reflows/repaints. This change only impacts WindowScroller use cases.


Fixed edge-case problem with FlexTable where changes to the number of children (FlexColumns) didn't update the inner Grid.


Reverted default tabIndex = null value for Grid (introduced in 7.8.0) due to a negative accessibility impact. A focused Grid paints significantly more while scrolling which impacts FPS. Unfortunately it is a necessity to support keyboard scrolling properly and so it's the default once more. This can be explicitly disabled by setting tabIndex = null if you want.


Scrolling performance improvements for FlexTable and to a lesser extent Grid.

The primary change to Grid is that tabIndex will be set to null by default instead of 0. This improves repainting performance when a Grid is being scrolled.

This release removes the FlexTable__truncatedColumnText wrapper column and collapses its styles into FlexTable__rowColumn. If you were depending on the former class you will want to update your dependencies. I was on the fence about this in terms of compatibility, but I feel this is more of an internal implementation detail than it is public-facing API.

This release also changes the primary FlexTable cell from a flex container to a block. This means that if you were right-aligning text within a column you will need to change from align-items: flex-end to text-align: right.


Export the defaultCellRangeRenderer used by Grid in order to enable easier composition.


Added configurable tabIndex property to Grid, FlexTable, and VirtualScroll. Default value remains 0 but can now be overridden.


New property added to Grid, FlexTable, and VirtualScroll to enable custom CSS class name and style to be added to the outer cell decorator. This can be used to greater customize styles as well as to better implement custom (non-flexbox) styles for IE9. Thanks to nicholasrq@ for this contribution!


New WindowScroller HOC added to enable a FlexTable or VirtualScroll component to be scrolled based on the window's scroll positions. This can be used to create layouts similar to Facebook or Twitter news feeds. Big thanks to minheq@ for this contribution!


Added mouse-over and mouse-out row-level events to FlexTable. Thanks to @queeto for the PR!


Fixed unintention regression in IE10 support introduced with ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager extending CellSizeAndPositionManager. Inheritance has been replaced with composition for this case in order to simplify IE10 compatibility. Notice that Babel babel-polyfill is still required in order to support other ES5 features.


Edge-case bug fix for CellMeasurer in the event that its getRowHeight or getColumnWidth method gets called before the initial render completes.


Increased the safe-scale size from 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 to make for better UX.


Grid (and its HOCs FlexTable and VirtualScroll) now support larger heights and widths than browsers support natively. For example, the current version of Chrome will not allow users to scroll pass ~33.5M pixel offset. To work around this limitation, Grid increases the density of cells, shifting them as a ratio of what the full scrollable size would be to a browser-safe size. This should be more or less transparent to users, although in extreme cases it can lead to really sensitive scroll responsiveness.


Added new method- measureAllCells- to Grid, FlexTable, and VirtualScroll to force-measure all cells. This supports special use-cases where deferred measuring is not desired.

Added estimatedRowSize property to FlexTable and VirtualScroll to be passed through to the inner Grid.

Also added guard to ensure the onScroll callback for Collection, Grid, FlexTable, and VirtualScroll is never called with a negative number.


The inner javascript-detect-element-resize library used by AutoSizer now passes the proper useCapture value when removing listeners as well. This should prevent lingering event listeners in certain cases. Thanks to @cyberxndr for this fix.


Added "center" option for scrollToAlignment property of Collection, Grid, FlexTable, and VirtualScroll. Thanks to @edulan for the contribution!

Also added a check to avoid rendering content frmo noContentRenderer if width or height are 0.


Resolved edge-case bug that caused the bottom/right cells in a Grid or Collection to be partially overlapped by a scrollbar. Thanks to @anjianshi for reporting this and collaborating on the fix!


Added scrollToAlignment property to Collection, Grid, FlexTable, and VirtualScroll to offer finer-grained control of how scrolled-to cells are aligned. Default behavior ("auto") remains unchanged- the least amount of scrolling will occur to ensure that the specified cell is visible.


Fixed edge-case bug where InfiniteLoader did not respect minBatchSize setting when a user was scrolling up.


Added scrollLeft and scrollTop parameters to cellRangeRenderer callback for Grid.


Added box-sizing: border-box rules to .FlexTable__headerRow and .FlexTable__Grid classes to fix edge-case scrollbar bug experienced by some users.


Added recomputeCellSizesAndPositions method to Collection (to pass through to inner CollectionView).


Replaced single occurence of Number.isNaN with isNaN to avoid IE compatibility issues.


Version 7 changes are described in detail on the Version 7 Roadmap wiki page. Upgrade instructions and jscodeshift mods can also be found there.

To run a code mod, check out react-virtualized (or download the codemod) and then...

jscodeshift -t /path/to/react-virtualized/codemods/6-to-7/rename-properties.js source

Fixed edge-case bug in Collection where initial scrollLeft and scrollTop would not correctly adjust inner offsets. Thanks @edulan for the contribution!


Added better checks against invalid style properties in AutoSizer to protected against the case when it is removed from the DOM immediately after being added.


Added new minimumBatchSize property to InfiniteLoader to simplify HTTP request batching. Fixed edge-case NPE with AutoSizer when it is unmounted immediately after being mounted.


Fixed off-by-one for InfiniteLoader that caused it to request one too many rows when scrolled to the end of the list.


FlexTable supports true, false, undefined, and null children now to more easily enable support for dynamic columns (see issue #174). Improved edge-case handling for changes to cell counts when scroll-to-index properties have been set.


Added new Collection component for rendering non-checkboard data. This component's cells can be positioned in any arrangement, even overlapping. Note that because it has fewer constraints, Collection cannot compute positioning and layout data as fast as Grid.


Moved react-addons-shallow-compare from dependencies to peerDependencies.


Updated React dependency ranges now that 15.0 has been released.


Grid supports a new renderCellRanges property for customizing the rendering of a window of cells. This function should implement the following signature:

function renderCellRanges ({
  columnStartIndex: number,
  columnStopIndex: number,
  renderCell: Function,
  rowStartIndex: number,
  rowStopIndex: number
}): Array<PropTypes.node>

Fixed dependency ranges for react-addons-shallow-compare and react-dom.


Added key handling to sortable FlexTable headers so that ENTER and SPACE keys can be used to toggle sort direction.


Added conditional checks to when aria-label, role, and tabIndex get attached to FlexTable headers and rows. These a11y properties are only added when on-click or sort handlers are present.


Added aria-label and role attributes to FlexTable, Grid, and VirtualScroll components to fix a11y issues reported by reactjs/react-a11y. Thanks to @globexdesigns for the contributions!


Separated horiontal and vertical Grid metadata calculation to avoid unnecessarily recomputing row metadata for FlexTables and VirtualScrolls when a browser's window is resized, for example. Also replaced columnWidth and rowHeight getter uses in Grid.render in favor of cached cell metadata instead.


Small update to FlexTable to move the rowGetter call outside of the column loop to reduce the number of times that method gets called.


Added transform-react-inline-elements to UMD build for minor runtime performance improvements. This change does not effect CommonJS or ES6 module builds because I did not want to remove prop-type checks. You should apply this transformation step as part of your own production build pipeline.


Removed lingering references to react-pure-render with with shallowCompare. This was meant to be part of the initial 6.0 release but was left out accidentally.


Version 6 includes the following changes. (For more background information refer to the Version 6 Roadmap wiki page.) At a high-level the purpose of this release is to improve customization and flexibility with regard to arrow-key event handling.

Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Refactored Grid to remove arrow-key scroll-snapping. Instead this feature is implemented in a HOC, ArrowKeyStepper. The upgrade path from React 5.x to 6.x if you want to maintain arrow-key navigation behavior is as follows:
// Before...
<Grid {...gridProps}/>

// After...
  {({ onSectionRendered, scrollToColumn, scrollToRow }) => (
  • The following public methods have also be removed from components:
    • FlexTable: scrollToRow (use scrollToIndex prop instead), setScrollTop (use scrollTop prop instead)
    • Grid: scrollToCell (use scrollToColumn and scrollToRow props instead), setScrollPosition (use scrollLeft and scrollTop props instead)
    • VirtualScroll: scrollToRow (use scrollToIndex prop instead), setScrollTop (use scrollTop prop instead)

Backwards-compatible changes

  • Replaced (the now unsupported) react-pure-render with shallowCompare.

Max scroll position logic in Grid now takes scrollbar size into consideration. Also includes a small render optimization for null cells. This release made possible by @jquense!


Updated package.json to support React ^0.14.0 as well as ^15.0.0-rc.1. Thanks to @opichals for the PR.


Changed key-down event handler in VirtualScroll, FlexTable, and Grid to no longer call event.preventDefault() for arrow-key events. This was causing poor user interactions for <input> elements within VirtualScroll and FlexTable components. Note that this issue still occurs for <input> elements in a Grid component.

This release also removes the outline: 0 default style for Grid. After consideration I think that's a harmful default behavior.


Added will-change property to Grid to work around a Chrome bug(?) that caused the entire grid to be repainted whenever a new row or column was added. This was negatively impacting scrolling performance for Chrome under certain conditions. This change is not expected to impact Firefox, Safari, or IE.

Also trapped scroll events inside of AutoSizer so that sdecima/javascript-detect-element-resize did not treat them as potential resizes and unnecessarily force a sync DOM layout.


Removed two unnecessary method calls in Grid and replaced them with cached properties. Should offer a minor performance boost. Added better bounds-checking to util function getVisibleCellIndices()


Removed unnecessary setImmediate in Grid initialization code. This prevents a possible edge-case runtime error when a Grid is mounted and then removed before setImmediate is invoked.


ScrollSync passes additional parameters to child function in order to enable more complex scroll-driven UI changes.


Added optional headerRenderer property to FlexColumn to enable custom FlexTable header cells.


Decoupled x/y axes in Grid when determining whether or not to enable overflow. This results in more robustly handling issues like the one reported in PR #133. It also comes with the small cost of partially obscuring a small part of cells (the area used by a scrollbar).


Fixed edge-case where always-on scrollbars were not hidden once shown (see issue #116).


Separated CommonJS and UMD builds and pointed package.json's main target at the CommonJS build. Also moved the ES6 modules build from /es to /dist/es to reduce the amount of clutter in the packaged dir.


Changed Grid child key attributes again to reduce the number of elements created as a result of scrolling. This dramatically improves perforamance without introducing any known regressions. Thanks to @cesarandreu for consulting on this release.


Reverted transform: translate positioning to old top / left positioning to address performance concerns reported via PR #124 and issue #94.


Updated ES6 module build to be Rollup-friendly by way of es2015-rollup Babel preset. Also cleaned up NPM package to suppress unnecessary files (via new .npmignore).


Fixes long-standing slow wheel scrolling issue that affected certain browsers such as Firefox (see issue #2). Big thanks to James Long (@jlongster), Markus Stange ‏(@mstange), and Dan Abramov (@gaearon) ‏for their help with this fix.


Added optional onResize callback property to AutoSizer. This method is invoked any time the AutoSizer detects a resize. It is passed width and height named parameters.

Added optional minWidth and maxWidth properties to FlexColumn to enable greater flexibility with regard to table-column layout.


Marked FlexColumn width property as required since ommitting this property can lead to uneven column layouts.


Added ColumnSizer high-order component for auto-calculating column widths for Grid cells.


Added webkit-transform style to Grid cells for iOS 8 support.


Version 5 includes the following changes. (For more background information refer to the Version 5 Roadmap wiki page.) At a high-level the purpose of this release is to make HOCs more easily composible in order to support a wider variety of them in the future. A secondary goal was to cut redundant code from VirtualScroll and rely more heavily on the base Grid component.

Backwards-incompatible changes
  • Refactored FlexTable and VirtualScroll to be HOCs that use Grid internally. This change makes width a required attribute for all virtualized components. A simple upgrade strategy is to use the AutoSizer HOC (learn more here).
  • Changed globally exported library name (for use with vanilla <script> tags) to window.ReactVirtualized instead of window["react-virtualized"] (see issue #86).
  • Removed horizontalPadding and verticalPadding properties from FlexTable. These properties were redundant. Such padding should be the responsibility of the parent container and taken into consideration by the injected width and height.
  • Refactored InfiniteLoader and AutoSizer to require function children so as to be more easily composable with each other and new HOCs like ScrollSync (learn more here).
  • AutoSizer no longer supports a className property or uses the global 'AutoSizer' class.
Backwards-compatible changes
  • Added ES6 module and jsnext:main target to enable tree-shaking support.
  • Updated onScroll property to specific total scrollable area so that offsets can be converted into percentages if desired (learn more here).
  • Replaced top / left cell positioning with transform: translate() for small performance gains. (This may become configurable in the future if any negative impact on performance is noticed.)
  • Created ScrollSync HOC for synchronizing scrolling between two or more virtualized components (learn more here).


FlexTable and VirtualScroll get a new property, overscanRowsCount. Grid gets overscanRowsCount and overscanColumnsCount. These properties can be used to reduce visual flicker around the sides of virtualized components when quickly scrolling. overscanRowsCount defaults to 10 and overscanColumnsCount defaults to 0; adjust as necessary based on the size of your lists and cells.

FlexTable sets a default value of 0 for headerHeight to more gracefully support disableHeader use case.


AutoSizer component now takes padding into consideration before setting the width and height of its children.


Updated InfiniteLoader to better reflect required properties. (isRowLoaded, rowsCount, and threshold were not marked as required before.)


Updated InfiniteLoader to support being composable within an AutoSizer HOC. If either a width or height attribute are specified on InfiniteLoader they will be bundled through to the loader's child component.


Fixed AutoSizer bug that caused it to prevent parent flex containers from shrinking in some contexts.


Added scrollToIndex property to FlexTable to be passed through to inner Grid.


Better gaurd against NaN values for clientWidth and offsetWidth for test environments using jsdom.


Added react-dom to the Webpack :externals node to avoid including it in the build. This fixes the bad 4.6.3 and 4.6.4 builds. Sorry!


Moved react-dom from dependencies to peerDependencies to fix bad 4.6.3 build.


Fixed edge-case sizing bug with FlexTable headers and always-on scrollbars (see issue #80 for more info).


Replaced single occurence of Number.isNaN with isNaN to avoid IE compatibility issues. Maybe in the future I will add a polyfill dependency but I did not intend to introduce this without a major version bump so I'm removing it.


Removes event.stopPropagation since it was unnecessary to prevent keyboard event bubbling, only to prevent the default browser behavior.


Relocated a couple of static style properties from inline style object to exported CSS file for easier customization. Added Grid__cell and VirtualScroll__row classes.


Added onScroll callback to Grid, FlexTable, and VirtualScroll. Added scrollToCell method to Grid and scrollToRow to FlexTable, and VirtualScroll.


Added -ms-flex and -webkit-flex browser prefixes to FlexTable cells.


Fixed invalid function reference in Grid triggered by specifying an initial scrollToRow property.


Fixed distribution to include new Grid component as an export.


Added new Grid component for virtualizing rows and columns . Updated AutoSizer component to support managing only width or height (in addition to both).


Fixed small CSS property misnaming issue.


FlexTable now supports dynamic row-heights (in the same way as VirtualScroll).


Set VirtualScroll default style to width: 100% to be more inline with default FlexTable behavior.


Replaced React.cloneElement with wrapper element in order to:

  • Better support for pure function components; (they were not compatible with inline style positioning).
  • Relax the requirement of rowRenderer having to specify a key.
  • Support React.PropTypes.node children (including plain strings, numbers, etc.) instead of just elements.


Added -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch for smoother inertial scrolling on mobile devices.


Additional columnData parameter passed to onHeaderClick callback.


Removed an unused dependency on 'inline-style-prefixer' from the package.json.


CSS styles have been split into their own, separately loaded stylesheet. This simplifies universal/isomorphic use cases without breaking vendor prefixing. This change means that you'll need to import the following additional file. This only needs to be done once (usually during bootstrapping).

import 'react-virtualized/styles.css';

In this release the width property of the FlexTable component was removed. Tables will now grow to fill 100% of the width of their parent container.

The AutoSizer's ChildComponent attribute has been removed in favor of using a regular react child. For example:


Should instead be this:

  <VirtualScroll {...props}/>

New onHeaderClick property added to FlexTable. Thanks to @olslash for the contribution!


Added high-order InfiniteLoader component to manage just-in-time fetching of data as a user scrolls up or down in a list. For more information about this component refer to the API docs.


Fixed small NPE when up/down arrow key was used while an empty VirtualScroll was in-focus.


CSS styles have been split into two groups: functional styles (eg. position, overflow) and presentational styles (eg. text-transform, color) and both have been converted to inline styles rather than being loaded as CSS. This was done primarily to simplify usage for universal/isomorphic rendering.

For more information on customizing styles refer to the documentation...


Changed Autosizer component to support a single child instead of the ChildComponent property. (For backwards compatibility purposes the ChildComponent property will continue to be supported.)


Defer loading of element resize code until componentDidMount to avoid undefined document and body references. This was breaking server-side rendering.


Uglify dist build to remove dead code.

2.7.2 & 2.7.3

Improved checks for undefined document and window in hopes of better supporting server-side rendering.


Replaced invalid rowHeight instanceof Number check with typeof rowHeight === 'number' in VirtualScroll.


Moved onRowsRendered to componentDidUpdate (instead of render) to keep render free of side-effects. Added tests to ensure that the callback is only invoked once per start/stop index pair (and not again unless the indices change).


Added check for undefined document before accessing attachEvent to avoid causing problems with server-side rendering.


Cell title now only set if rendered cell contents are a string. This fixes issue #35.


VirtualScroll and FlexTable now support dynamic row heights by accepting a function as the rowHeight property.


Added AutoSizer component for wrapping FlexTable or VirtualScroll and growing to fill the parent container. This should hopefully simplify usage of these components.


FlexTable and VirtualScroll offer new callback property onRowsRendered to be invoked with a params object { startIndex, stopIndex } after rows have been rendered.


FlexTable's rowClassName property can now be either a string or a function in order to support dynamic row classes (eg. alternating colors).


Added onRowClick property to FlexTable.


Fixed a few minor FlexTable font styles to use relative sizes instead of custom ones


Added optional noRowsRenderer property to VirtualScroll and FlexTable. This property can be used to render loading indicators or placeholder content for empty lists.


Set shouldPureComponentUpdate on component prototypes instead of instances. Dropped half-ass support for React 0.13. This module has always depended on React 0.14 but it was checking in previous versions and trying to be backwards compatible with 0.13. Since that check is no longer in place, this is a major version bump (even though there is no real new functionality being added).


Fixed package.json dependencies by moving classnames, raf, and react-pure-render out of peerDependencies and into dependencies.


Same as version 1.0.2; published just to update NPM keyword and description.


Removed default row-border styling from FlexTable and added new :rowClassName property.


Updated to use ReactDOM.findDOMNode instead of getDOMNode (but added backwards-compatible check for < React v0.14).


Package JSON updated so that "main" entry points to dist/react-virtualized.js to provide easier integration for users that don't want Babel/Webpack to have to process their node_modules folder.


Added keypress scrolling support.


Added "main" entry to package.json.


Added CSS auto-prefixing to support Safari and other, older browsers.


Initial release.