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Build Instructions

  1. Repository Set-Up

Repository Set-Up

Display Drivers

This repository does not contain a Vulkan-capable driver. You will need to obtain and install a Vulkan driver from your graphics hardware vendor or from some other suitable source if you intend to run Vulkan applications.

Download the Repository

To create your local git repository:

git clone

Repository Dependencies

This repository attempts to resolve some of its dependencies by using components found from the following places, in this order:

  1. CMake or Environment variable overrides (e.g., -DVULKAN_HEADERS_INSTALL_DIR)
  2. LunarG Vulkan SDK, located by the VULKAN_SDK environment variable
  3. System-installed packages, mostly applicable on Linux


This repository has a required dependency on the Vulkan Headers repository. You must clone the headers repository and build its install target before building this repository. The Vulkan-Headers repository is required because it contains the Vulkan API definition files (registry) that are required to build the extension layers. You must also take note of the headers' install directory and pass it on the CMake command line for building this repository, as described below.

Google Test

The extension layer tests depend on the Google Test framework and do not build unless this framework is downloaded into the repository's external directory.

To obtain the framework, change your current directory to the top of your Vulkan-ExtensionLayer repository and run:

git clone external/googletest
cd external/googletest
git checkout tags/release-1.10.0

before configuring your build with CMake.

If you do not need the tests, there is no need to download this framework.

glslang and SPIRV-Headers

The extension layer tests depend on glslang and SPIRV-Headers to build so these components are only needed if the tests are built and run.

These components can be used from an installed LunarG SDK or an installed Linux package.

If these components are not available from any of these methods and/or it is important to use the latest code, then you must build glslang repository and SPIRV-Headers repository with their install targets. Take note of the install directory locations and pass them on the CMake command line by adding the following definitions:


If you do not intend to run the tests, you do not need these repositories.

Building Dependent Repositories with Known-Good Revisions

There is a Python utility script, scripts/, that you can use to gather and build the dependent repositories mentioned above. This script uses information stored in the scripts/known_good.json file to check out dependent repository revisions that are known to be compatible with the revision of this repository that you currently have checked out. As such, this script is useful as a quick-start tool for common use cases and default configurations.

For all platforms, start with:

git clone [email protected]:KhronosGroup/Vulkan-ExtensionLayer.git
cd Vulkan-ExtensionLayer
mkdir build
cd build

For 64-bit Linux and MacOS, continue with:

cmake -C helper.cmake ..
cmake --build .

For 64-bit Windows, continue with:

..\scripts\ --arch x64
cmake -A x64 -C helper.cmake ..
cmake --build .

For 32-bit Windows, continue with:

..\scripts\ --arch Win32
cmake -A Win32 -C helper.cmake ..
cmake --build .

For Android, continue with:

cd build-android

Please see the more detailed build information later in this file if you have specific requirements for configuring and building these components.


  • You may need to adjust some of the CMake options based on your platform. See the platform-specific sections later in this document.
  • When using to change architectures (x64, Win32...) or build configurations (debug, release...) it is strongly recommended to add the --clean-repo parameter. This ensures compatibility among dependent components. dependent components will produce consistent build artifacts.
  • The script fetches and builds the dependent repositories in the current directory when it is invoked. In this case, they are built in the build directory.
  • The build directory is also being used to build this (Vulkan-ExtensionLayer) repository. But there shouldn't be any conflicts inside the build directory between the dependent repositories and the build files for this repository.
  • The --dir option for can be used to relocate the dependent repositories to another arbitrary directory using an absolute or relative path.
  • The script generates a file named helper.cmake and places it in the same directory as the dependent repositories (build in this case). This file contains CMake commands to set the CMake *_INSTALL_DIR variables that are used to point to the install artifacts of the dependent repositories. You can use this file with the cmake -C option to set these variables when you generate your build files with CMake. This lets you avoid entering several *_INSTALL_DIR variable settings on the CMake command line.
  • If using "MINGW" (Git For Windows), you may wish to run winpty in order to avoid buffering all of the script's "print" output until the end and to retain the ability to interrupt script execution.
  • Please use --help to list additional options and read the internal documentation in for further information.

Generated source code

This repository contains generated source code in the utils/generated directory which is not intended to be modified directly. Instead, changes should be made to the corresponding generator in the scripts directory. The source files can then be regenerated using scripts/


A helper CMake target VulkanEL_generated_source is also provided to simplify the invocation of scripts/ from the build directory:

cmake --build . --target VulkanEL_generated_source

Testing instructions

Assuming Google Test instructions above were followed, the build should output a vk_extension_layer_tests executable (or APK on Android) to run. The tests should enable the layer explicitly, so make sure the path if needed.

For 64-bit Linux and MacOS, example of testing Sync2 tests:

    # In build directory
    ./tests/vk_extension_layer_tests --gtest_filter=*Sync2Test*

For Android, example of testing Sync2 tests:

    # in build-android directory

    # Uninstall if old version on device
    adb uninstall com.example.VulkanExtensionLayerTests
    # Install new version
    adb install -r -g bin/VulkanExtensionLayerTests.apk

    # To run test
    adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android-intent.category.LAUNCH -n com.example.VulkanExtensionLayerTests/ --es args --gtest_filter="*Sync2*"

    # To log info
    adb logcat -c && adb logcat *:S VulkanExtensionLayerTests
    # To see dumpped info
    adb shell cat /sdcard/Android/data/com.example.VulkanExtensionLayerTests/files/out.txt
    adb shell cat /sdcard/Android/data/com.example.VulkanExtensionLayerTests/files/err.txt