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Benchmarking scripts that are used to run OmniSciDB benchmarks in automated way in TeamCity and for performance analyzes in development cycle.


Scripts require to be installed:

  • the following python3 packages: pymapd, braceexpand, mysql-connector-python;
  • conda or miniconda for ibis tests and benchmarks.

OmnisciDB server often requires a lot of open files, so it is a good idea to run it with ulimit -n 10000.

Main benchmark script

Main script is called It has two distinct modes of operation: to run synthetic benchmarks and to run dataset benchmarks. Some command line switches are different in these modes.

Here go switches common to both modes:

Switch Default value Meaning
-r, --report report.csv Name of file to write report into.
-path Path to omniscidb/Benchmarks directory.
-e, --executable Path to omnisci_server executable.
-w, --workdir Path to omnisci working directory. By default parent directory of executable location is used. Data directory is used in this location.
-o, --port 62274 TCP port number to run omnisci_server on.
-u, --user admin User name to use on omniscidb server.
-p, --passwd HyperInteractive User password to use on omniscidb server.
-n, --name omnisci Database name to use on omniscidb server.
-t, --import-table-name Name of table to import data to. NOTE: This table will be dropped before and after the import test.
-l, --label Benchmark run label. Required by omniscidb benchmark scripts.
-m, --mode Select benchmark mode. It is either synthetic or dataset.
-fs, --fragment-size Fragment size to use for created table. Multiple values are allowed and encouraged. If no -fs switch is specified, default fragment size is used and templated CREATE TABLE sql files cannot be used. Fragment size is required for synthetic tests.

Switches other than -fs that are required for synthetic tests:

Switch Default value Meaning
-nf, --num-fragments Number of fragments to generate for synthetic benchmark. Dataset size is fragment_size * num_fragments.
-sq, --synthetic-query Synthetic benchmark query group.

Switches required for dataset tests:

Switch Default value Meaning
-f, --import-file Absolute path to file or wildcard on omnisci_server machine with data for import test. If wildcard is used, all files are imported in one COPY statement. Limiting number of files is possible using curly braces wildcard, e.g. trips_xa{a,b,c}.csv.gz.
-c, --table-schema-file Path to local file with CREATE TABLE sql statement for the import table.
-d, --queries-dir Absolute path to dir with query files.

The following switches if specified, allow recording results in a MySQL database:

Switch Default value Meaning
-db-server localhost Host name of MySQL server.
-db-port 3306 Port number of MySQL server.
-db-user Username to use to connect to MySQL database. If user name is specified, script attempts to store results in MySQL database using other -db-* parameters.
-db-pass omniscidb Password to use to connect to MySQL database.
-db-name omniscidb MySQL database to use to store benchmark results.
-db-table Table to use to store results for this benchmark.
-commit 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Commit hash to use to record this benchmark results.

Script automatically starts up omniscidb server, creates and initializes data directory if it doesn't exist or it is not initialized.

Sample synthetic command line:

python3 -m synthetic -path=/localdisk/username/omniscidb/Benchmarks -u admin -p HyperInteractive -e /localdisk/username/omniscidb/release/bin/omnisci_server -n omnisci -t baseline_hash_benchmark -l baseline_hash_test -nf 10 -sq BaselineHash -i 5 -fs 2000000 -fs 5000000

Sample dataset command line with report to MySQL database:

python3 -m dataset -path=/localdisk/username/omniscidb/Benchmarks -u admin -p HyperInteractive -e /localdisk/username/omniscidb/release/bin/omnisci_server -n omnisci -t flights_benchmark -l flights_test -f /localdisk/benchmark_datasets/flights/flights_2008_7M/flights_2008_7M.csv -c /localdisk/username/omniscidb/Benchmarks/import_table_schemas/flights_56_columns.sql -d /localdisk/username/omniscidb/Benchmarks/queries/flights -i 5 -fs 2000000 -fs 5000000 -db-server=mysqlserver -db-user=mysqluser -db-pass=omniscidb -db-name=omniscidb -db-table=flightsbench

Taxi pandas script

Pandas script name is taxi/ Pandas is required to run this script.

Following are switches that are required to run it:

Switch Default value Meaning
-r report_pandas.csv Report file name.
-df 1 Number of datafiles to input into database for processing.
-dp Wildcard pattern of datafiles that should be loaded.
-i 5 Number of iterations to run every benchmark. Best result is selected.

Database reporting switches are the same as for main benchmark script.

Sample script command line:

python3 taxi/ -df 2 -i 5 -dp '/datadir/taxi/trips_*.csv.gz'

Ibis script

Ibis build, tests and benchmarks run through It has three distinct modes of operation:

  • build and install ibis;
  • run ibis tests using pytest;
  • run benchmarks using Omnisci.

Parameters which can be used:

Switch Default value Meaning
-t, --task Task for execute from supported list [build, test, benchmark]. Use "," separator for multiple tasks.
-en, --env_name ibis-tests Conda env name.
-ec, --env_check False Check if env exists. If it exists don't recreate.
-s, --save_env False Save conda env after executing.
-r, --report_path parent dir of omnscripts Path to report file.
-ci, --ci_requirements ci_requirements.yml File with ci requirements for conda env.
-py, --python_version 3.7 File with ci requirements for conda env.
-i, --ibis_path Path to ibis directory.
-e, --executable Path to omnisci_server executable.
-w, --workdir Path to omnisci working directory. By default parent directory of executable location is used. Data directory is used in this location.
-o, --omnisci_port 6274 TCP port number to run omnisci_server on.
-u, --user admin User name to use on omniscidb server.
-p, --password HyperInteractive User password to use on omniscidb server.
-n, --name agent_test_ibis Database name to use in omniscidb server.
-commit_omnisci 123456... Omnisci commit hash to use for tests.
-commit_ibis 123456... Ibis commit hash to use for tests.

For ibis tests:

Switch Default value Meaning
--expression " " Run tests which match the given substring test names and their parent classes. Example: 'test_other', while 'not test_method' matches those that don't contain 'test_method' in their names.
For benchmark task and recording its results in a MySQL database:
Switch Default value Meaning
-bn, --bench_name Benchmark name from supported list [ny_taxi, santander]
-db-server localhost Host name of MySQL server.
-db-port 3306 Port number of MySQL server.
-db-user Username to use to connect to MySQL database. If user name is specified, script attempts to store results in MySQL database using other -db-* parameters.
-db-pass omniscidb Password to use to connect to MySQL database.
-db-name omniscidb MySQL database to use to store benchmark results.
-db-table Table to use to store results for this benchmark.
-df, --dfiles_num 1 Number of datafiles to input into database for processing.
-dp, --dpattern Wildcard pattern of datafiles that should be loaded.
-it, --iters 5 Number of iterations to run every query. Best result is selected.

Script automatically creates conda environment if it doesn't exist or you want to recreate it, starts up omniscidb server, creates and initializes data directory if it doesn't exist or it is not initialized. All subsequent work is being done in created conda environment. Environment can be removed or saved after executing.

Sample build ibis command line:

python3 --env_name ibis-test --env_check False --save_env True --python_version 3.7 --task build --name agent_test_ibis --ci_requirements /localdisk/username/omniscripts/ci_requirements.yml --ibis_path /localdisk/username/ibis/ --executable /localdisk/username/omniscidb/release/bin/omnisci_server

Sample run ibis tests command line:

python3 --env_name ibis-test --env_check True --save_env True --python_version 3.7 --task test --name agent_test_ibis --report /localdisk/username/ --ibis_path /localdisk/username/ibis/ --executable /localdisk/username/omniscidb/build/bin/omnisci_server --user admin --password HyperInteractive

Sample run taxi benchmark command line:

python3 --env_name ibis-test --env_check True --python_version 3.7 --task benchmark --ci_requirements /localdisk/username/omniscripts/ci_requirements.yml --save_env True --report /localdisk/username/ --ibis_path /localdisk/username/ibis/ --executable /localdisk/username/omniscidb/build/bin/omnisci_server -u admin -p HyperInteractive -n agent_test_ibis --bench_name ny_taxi --dfiles_num 20 --dpattern '/localdisk/username/benchmark_datasets/taxi/trips_xa{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t}.csv.gz' --iters 5 -db-server localhost -db-port 3306 -db-user user -db-pass omniscidb -db-name omniscidb -db-table taxibench_ibis

Sample run santander benchmark command line:

python3 --env_name ibis-test --env_check True --python_version 3.7 --task benchmark --ci_requirements /localdisk/username/omniscripts/ci_requirements.yml --save_env True --report /localdisk/username/ --ibis_path /localdisk/username/ibis/ --executable /localdisk/username/omniscidb/build/bin/omnisci_server -u admin -p HyperInteractive -n agent_test_ibis --bench_name santander --dpattern '/localdisk/benchmark_datasets/santander/train.csv.gz' --iters 5 -db-server localhost -db-port 3306 -db-user user -db-pass omniscidb -db-name omniscidb -db-table santander_ibis