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python org-babel exporting

1 Version information

(princ (concat
        (format "Emacs version: %s\n"
        (format "org version: %s\n"
Emacs version: GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.8)
 of 2015-05-04 on dflt1w
org version: 8.3.2
python -V 2>&1
Python 2.7.11 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.

2 Links and Documentation

3 Python helper module

In order to work easier with python code blocks, I will define a number of functions within this org file which get tangled into a helper library.

The conda package can be downloaded from my channel at

3.1 basic package setup

Package init file:

# Author: Derek Feichtinger <[email protected]>
from orgbabelhelper import * file:

# we use the distribute framework that has a backward compatible invocation
# to the setuptools
from setuptools import setup

    name = "orgbabelhelper",
    version = "1.0.3",
    description = "python helper module for Emacs org mode babel",
    long_description = "python helper module for working with Emacs"
    + " org babel source blocks",
    author = "Derek Feichtinger",
    author_email = "[email protected]",
    license = "GPL",
    url = "",
    packages = ['orgbabelhelper'],

    install_requires = ['pandas']

3.2 module imports for

# Author: Derek Feichtinger <[email protected]>

""" This module provides a number of functions for passing informations between
the org document and python source code blocks."""

import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import re

3.3 building the conda package

  1. update the version info in above
  2. update the version info in file:orgbabelhelper/conda-recipe/meta.yaml
  3. tangle the files
  4. execute the source block, below

Building the conda package

cd orgbabelhelper
conda build conda-recipe &> conda-build.out
if test $? -eq 0; then
    echo "Build OK"
    echo "Build FAILED. investigate conda-build.out"

To install the newly built local package, use

conda install --use-local orgbabelhelper

Be aware that if you did not raise the version number, the command will not install the newly built package, but it will fetch the previous one from your conda cache!

4 Reading from an org table as input


If no :colnames parameter is given, it is nil by default and the first line above the header is interpreted as column name row that will be removed.

print tbl

If one wants to retain the first row to be accessible by python, one must explicitly pass :colnames no

print tbl

Printing such a list of lists with :results value produces an org table.

return tbl

The column names from the first row of the original table can be retained by giving the :colnames yes argument. This is handled fully by the babel framework and python never sees the column names.

return tbl

5 Generating tables as output

Example 1:

x = range(1,10)
y = [xe*3 for xe in x]
return [x,y]

Example 2:

import numpy as np

x = range(1,10)
y = [xe*3 for xe in x]
return np.array([x,y]).transpose()

6 Calling a python function from inside an org table

Here I define the function. It takes epoch as the variable, which is a unix time stamp. I want to have it converted to an Org type time format.

time = epoch
import datetime
strtime = str(time)
datetimestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(strtime[:10]))
print datetimestamp.strftime('[%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S]')
[2010-01-05 Tue 07:11:05]

In the table we need to refer to the named source block by using the a short lisp form involving org-sbe. If the table value that is referred to in the function is to be interpreted as a number, the reference uses a single dollar sign, e.g. $1 (as here). If it should be interpreted as a string, one puts an additional dollar sign in front, e.g. $$1.

1262675465119[2010-01-05 Tue 07:11:05]
123456[1970-01-02 Fri 10:17:36]
99998754[1973-03-03 Sat 09:25:54]

7 Dates

import re
import datetime as dt

def orgdate_to_date(datestr):
    """Returns a python datetime for the org date given in datestr.

    Allows passing in an empty/whitespace string."""
    if re.match(r'^ *$', datestr):
        return ''

    #m = re.match(r'^\[(\d+-\d+-\d+) +[a-zA-Z]{3}\]$', datestr)
    m = re.match(r'^[\[<](\d+-\d+-\d+) +[a-zA-Z]{3}[\]>]$', datestr)
    if not m:
        raise ValueError("Input String is not a date: >%s<" % datestr)

    return dt.datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d').date()

def date_to_orgdate(date, active=False):
    orgstr = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a")
    if active:
        return "<%s>" % orgstr
    return "[%s]" % orgstr

Note: I am using the noweb syntax and header argument to include the code of the named block into this source block. The noweb syntax is mostly used in literate programing, where we produce code files from the org file (the process is called tangling), and this allows us to specify the sequence of the tangled blocks in the final file. But it also is a very nice way to write the first functional test of a code block like here:


print orgdate_to_date('[2016-08-16 Tue]')
print orgdate_to_date('<2016-08-17 Tue>')
print date_to_orgdate(dt.datetime(2016,8,18))
print date_to_orgdate(dt.datetime(2016,8,18), active=True)

8 Matplotlib

8.1 plotting of a simple graph

import matplotlib, numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
return 'python-matplot-fig.png' # return filename to org-mode


8.2 Plotting from an Org table

The table is passed to python as a list

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn

ar = np.array(data).transpose()
plt.title('Square function')
return fname # return filename to org-mode


9 Pandas

9.1 Reading in a data frame from a table with the column names

import pandas as pd


def orgtable_to_dataframe(tbl, index=None, datecols=None):
    """Read an org table into a data frame.

    tbl : org table passed in by src block header
    index : name or index of column to use for index, optional
    datecols : 'auto' or list of column names, optional. Try
        to convert cells in these columns to python datetime objects. 

    Pandas data frame

    Make sure you use ':colnames no' in your src block header. Else
    the table's first row containing the column names will not be
    available to the python code.

    df = pd.DataFrame(tbl)
    df.columns = df.iloc[0,:]
    df = df.iloc[1:,:] = ""

    if datecols is None:
        datecols = []
    elif datecols == "auto":
        datecols = df.columns

    for col in datecols:
            df[col] = df[col].apply(orgdate_to_date)
            df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col])

    if index in df.columns:
        df.set_index(index, inplace=True)
    elif type(index) is int:
        df.set_index(df.columns[index], inplace=True)

    return df

We define a new test table:

[2016-08-10 Wed][2016-08-17 Wed]Peter
[2016-08-11 Thu][2016-08-18 Thu]Paul
[2016-08-12 Fri][2016-08-19 Fri]Mary

print orgtable_to_dataframe(tbl)
print orgtable_to_dataframe(tbl, index='Name', datecols='auto')
print orgtable_to_dataframe(tbl,1, datecols=['End'])

9.2 printing a data frame as a table

I define a function in a named src block with name dataframe_to_orgtable. The following function will return a nicely formatted org table.

import datetime as dt

def dataframe_to_orgtable(dframe, name=None, caption=None, attr=None,
                          index=True, date_format=None, hlines=None,
    dframe : data frame
    name : defines org table's name (#+NAME:), optional
    caption defines org table's caption (#+CAPTION:): , optional
    attr : defines org table's LaTeX attributes (#+ATTR_LATEX:), optional
    index : write the row names, optional
    date_format : Format string for datetime objects, optional
    hlines : list  of numbers. Where to put horizontal lines, optional
    encoding : Encoding for the resulting string, optional

    Returns a string containing the data frame formatted as an org table.
    if attr:
        result += "#+ATTR_LATEX: %s\n" % attr

    if caption:
        result += "#+CAPTION: %s\n" % caption

    if name:
        result += "#+NAME: %s\n" % name

    lines = '|' + dframe.to_csv(None, sep='|', line_terminator='|\n|',
                                encoding=encoding, index=index, date_format=date_format).rstrip("|").rstrip("\n")

    if hlines is None:
        hlines_tmp.append(1) # per default add a hl after the 1st line
        for hl in hlines:
            if hl < 0:
                hlines_tmp.append(len(lines.split('\n')) + hl)

    for i,l in enumerate(lines.split('\n')):
        if i in hlines_tmp:
            result +=  "|-----\n"
        result += l
        result += "\n"
    return result

As before, I use the noweb syntax for including the previous source block in the following test source block.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime


df = pd.DataFrame({'A' : range(10, 22),
                   'B' : ['A', 'B', 'C'] * 4,
                   'C' : ['foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar'] * 2,
                   'E' : [datetime(2016,8,1), datetime(2016,8,2), datetime(2016,8,3)] * 4,
                   'F' : ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three'] * 3})

print dataframe_to_orgtable(df)

And a second test that demonstrates the handling of dates:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime


df = orgtable_to_dataframe(tbl, datecols='auto', index='Name')

print dataframe_to_orgtable(df, date_format='%d. %b %Y')
Peter10. Aug 201617. Aug 2016
Paul11. Aug 201618. Aug 2016
Mary12. Aug 201619. Aug 2016

9.2.1 data frame printing using Ipython.display

As an alternative, the display function from Ipython is also able to align a frame. I only managed to get diplay_pretty working up to now, and its output is lacking table separators. So, it only displays nicely in an example environment.

The display_latex and display_html functions produce no output.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display_pretty

df = pd.DataFrame({'A' : ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three'] * 3,
                 'B' : ['A', 'B', 'C'] * 4,
                 'C' : ['foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar'] * 2,
                 'D' : np.random.randn(12),
                 'E' : np.random.randn(12)})

	   A  B    C         D         E
0     one  A  foo  0.667950 -0.266868
1     one  B  foo  0.369191 -0.795070
2     two  C  foo -0.780600 -1.273259
3   three  A  bar  0.150728 -1.535735
4     one  B  bar  0.026353 -0.316189
5     one  C  bar  0.485256 -0.254337
6     two  A  foo  0.119993  0.698165
7   three  B  foo -1.014094 -0.055146
8     one  C  foo -0.302114 -0.414778
9     one  A  bar -0.508872  0.852937
10    two  B  bar  0.095404  1.048710
11  three  C  bar -1.303801 -0.491319

9.2.2 an older and simpler dataFrame printing alternative:

In order to get a nice org table, it is necessary to pass the frame’s contents back as a list. The column names end up as the first row in the table. I cut this row away by using the [1:] slice.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys

df = pd.DataFrame({'A' : ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three'] * 3,
                 'B' : ['A', 'B', 'C'] * 4,
                 'C' : ['foo', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar', 'bar'] * 2,
                 'D' : np.random.randn(12),
                 'E' : np.random.randn(12)})


9.3 plotting a data frame (and placing a code reference)


Here we also show how a code reference works. It can be inserted using the org-store-link command while editing the src code in the dedicated buffer:

In line (zcol) we define a new column (in this sentence you should see the number of the respective line in the exported file)

The -r flag in the BEGIN_SRC line removes the reference string from the source code listing in the output (else the string would have ended up in the exported version’s source code). Regrettably the reference is not removed when the code gets executed, so I need to insert language specific commenting to keep the code functional.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.columns = ['x','y']
df['z'] = df['x'] * 3                                             #(ref:zcol)

return fname


9.4 Pie plot from table

Instead of the default percent labels in the pie sections, I use a lambda function to put in the original values.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn
import orgbabelhelper as obh

df = obh.orgtable_to_dataframe(tbl,'name')

dfsum = df['tokns'].sum()
        autopct=lambda v: int(np.round(v*dfsum/100, 0)),
return fname

9.5 time series resampling

Let’s say we are taking measurements twice a day, every 12h.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ts = pd.date_range('2013-07-01 06:00:00', periods=20, freq='12h')
val = [x * 10.0 for x in range(len(ts))]

tdf = pd.DataFrame({'value': val}, index=ts)
# Now we put one observation as invalid
tdf.value[14] = np.NaN
# and we delete another one
#tdf = tdf.drop(tdf.index[2])
tdf = tdf.drop(tdf.index[6:8])

newdf = tdf.resample('1D', loffset='6h',how='min').rename(columns={'value': '1D_resample'})
newdf['diff'] = newdf.diff()

return pd.concat([tdf,newdf], join='inner',axis=1)
value  1D_resample  diff
2013-07-01 06:00:00      0            0   NaN
2013-07-02 06:00:00     20           20    20
2013-07-03 06:00:00     40           40    20
2013-07-05 06:00:00     80           80   NaN
2013-07-06 06:00:00    100          100    20
2013-07-07 06:00:00    120          120    20
2013-07-08 06:00:00    NaN          150    30
2013-07-09 06:00:00    160          160    10
2013-07-10 06:00:00    180          180    20

10 Sympy

I define a post-wrapping function for putting the results into the desired equation environment for LaTeX exporting.

cat <<EOF

The correct preview of the resulting LaTeX fragment I only get with the output drawer results options. I tested rendering with the :results latex option, but the resulting LaTeX block is not rendered by the org-toggle-latex-fragment command (C-c C-x C-l).

import sympy as sym

x = sym.Symbol('x')
k = sym.Symbol('k')

print sym.latex(sym.Integral(1/x, x))
\begin{equation} ∫ \frac{1}{x}\, dx \end{equation}

The above LaTeX equation is also rendered nicely in the HTML export.

For simple in-buffer consummation, one may also want to just use the ASCII output

import sympy as sym
import sys

x = sym.Symbol('x')
k = sym.Symbol('k')

print sym.pretty_print(sym.Integral(1/x, x))
 | 1   
 | - dx
 | x   

Or as an alternative, the unicode rendering.

import sympy as sym
import sys

import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)

x = sym.Symbol('x')
k = sym.Symbol('k')

print sym.pretty_print(sym.Integral(1/x, x), use_unicode=True)
⎮ 1   
⎮ ─ dx
⎮ x   

11 Unicode related problems with python in Org Babel

11.1 some tests of stdout encoding for different use cases

Here, I am looking at the default encoding that is set on stdin and stdout for a number of situations involving script execution in a normal subprocess, in a shell, and to a pipe.

Running the commands in a python shell (session) environment

import sys
print 'stdin encoding is ', sys.stdin.encoding, '| tty: ', sys.stdout.isatty()
print 'stdout encoding is ', sys.stdout.encoding,'| tty: ', sys.stdout.isatty()

Running them in a standard babel block

import sys
print 'stdin encoding is ', sys.stdin.encoding, '| tty: ', sys.stdout.isatty()
print 'stdout encoding is ', sys.stdout.encoding, '| tty: ', sys.stdout.isatty()

I tangle the code and redo both experiments by invoking the resulting python file.

python /tmp/
python /tmp/

When piping into another command, the stdout encoding is set to None, even though we are still in an interactive shell.

python /tmp/ | cat

Note: The stdout.encoding value tells what kind of encoded string is expected on stdout, not what encoder is set when sending the bytes towards stdout!

Printing unicode to a stdout that has its encoding set to “None” (=ASCII) leads to an error.

import sys
    print u'äöü'
    print sys.exc_info()[0]

In an interactive shell session this works, because the stdout’s encoding is set to UTF-8.

print u'äöü'

But if we redirect to e.g. cat, then the stdout encoding of the python script is set to ‘None’ as demonstrated above, and this leads to an encoding error.

python /tmp/ | cat

Without the preamble the following src block would produce an error

SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file <stdin> on line 1, but no encoding declared
print a, 'len=', len(a)
äöü len= 6

As can be seen when looking at the string’s length, there is more going on then a naive look at input and output suggests. The passed-in string is actually an utf-8 encoded bytestring with length 6. Emacs just renders it correctly, because it expects UTF-8. But for python, it is just a plain bytestring of length 6.

11.2 Strings sent to stdout must be encoded to be correct ASCII

The stdout to which org babel writes expects an ASCII stream. If one wants to print python unicode strings, the unicode strings must get encoded using ‘utf-8’ encoding, so that none of the bytes in the string contain values > 127.

This is all a bit cumbersome but seems to be solved when only using python3.

import sys
print 'stdout encoding is ', sys.stdout.encoding
print 'default encoding is %s\n' % sys.getdefaultencoding()

strg = u'Can we see Umlauts? äöü. And accents? éè.'

    print strg
    print "Expected error printing unicode string to ascii stdout:\n", sys.exc_info()[0]

print '\nexplicit utf-8 encoding of the unicode string'
print strg.encode('utf-8')

import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)

print "\nSetting an encoder for all stdout output:\n", strg
stdout encoding is  None
default encoding is ascii

Expected error printing unicode string to ascii stdout:
<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>

explicit utf-8 encoding of the unicode string
Can we see Umlauts? äöü. And accents? éè.

Setting an encoder for all stdout output:
Can we see Umlauts? äöü. And accents? éè.

When the codec has been set using getwriter, it is no longer possible to naively print the original bytestreams to stdout.

import sys

a = "äöü"
print a

import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)

print "After setting codec, I can print unicode strings:\n", a.decode('utf-8')

print "\nBut I can no longer naively print the original bytestring:"
    print a
    print "Expected error:\n", sys.exc_info()[0]
    print sys.exc_info()[1]
After setting codec, I can print unicode strings:

But I can no longer naively print the original bytestring:
Expected error:
<type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>
'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

Another possibility is to change the default encoding fromm ASCII to utf-8 in sys, even though this is discouraged, since it requires reloading sys.

import sys

strg = u'Can we see Umlauts? äöü. And accents? éè.'

print 'default encoding is now %s' % sys.getdefaultencoding()
    print strg
    print "Expected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]

print '\nexplicit encoding:\n', strg.encode('utf-8')


print '\ndefault encoding is now %s' % sys.getdefaultencoding()
print "Now it works:\n", strg
default encoding is now ascii
Expected error: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>

explicit encoding:
Can we see Umlauts? äöü. And accents? éè.

default encoding is now utf8
Now it works:
Can we see Umlauts? äöü. And accents? éè.

11.3 passing data into the source block using the :var header argument

11.3.1 simple string arguments

import sys
print 'default encoding is %s' % sys.getdefaultencoding()

print "defined in header var: ", s, type(s), len(s)

print "defined as byte string in src block: ", b, type(b), len (b)

print 'defined as unicode in src block with explicit encoding: ',
print c.encode('utf-8'), type(c), len(c)

11.3.2 passing in a table containing unicode strings

Let’s look at passing a table into a babel block:


The strings in the table end up as utf-8 encoded bytestrings (type ‘str’). The bytestrings are correctly rendered when interpreted by Emacs, but inside of the python code we are dealing with the bytestrings.

Inside the following script, I convert the values to unicode. To print unicode to the stdout (which here again by default expects an ASCII string, because stdout.encoding is set to None) When they are explicitely converted to unicode strings with either item.decode('utf-8') or unicode(item, 'utf-8') it is again necessary to specify a codec that converts them to utf-8 encoded bytestrings that are expected on stdout.

It is certainly cleaner to work with strings converted to unicode. E.g., as is shown below, the length of a bytestring is often not equal to the length of characters in the string.

I provide a simple function for the conversion.

def orgtable_to_unicode(tbl):
    """convert all bytestring elements in a list to unicode strings"""
    for row in tbl:
        new.append([i.decode('utf-8') if type(i) is str else i for i in row])
    return new

Using noweb syntax to read in the previous code block

import sys


print 'stdout encoding is ', sys.stdout.encoding

for row in tbl:
    print row[0], row[1]

print tbl

import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)

for row in tbl:
    for item in row:
        if type(item) is str:
            sys.stdout.write("str len=%d ->  %s  unicode len=%d  | " %
                              unicode(item,'utf-8'), len(unicode(item,'utf-8'))))
            sys.stdout.write("%d" % item)

print "\n", orgtable_to_unicode(tbl), "\n"
for row in orgtable_to_unicode(tbl):
    print row[0], row[1]

11.3.3 passing in a table for a data frame in pandas

import sys
import pandas as pd
import orgbabelhelper as obh

print 'stdout encoding is ', sys.stdout.encoding

df = obh.orgtable_to_dataframe(tbl)

print 'printing the bytestring dataframe fields may render correct, but the len'
print 'of the fields proves that the character count is wrong:'
for n in df['name']:
    print n, type(n), "len: %d" % len(n)

print df

print "We prepare a unicode encoded data frame"
df_unicode = pd.DataFrame(obh.orgtable_to_unicode(tbl))
df_unicode.columns = df_unicode.iloc[0,:]
df_unicode = df_unicode.iloc[1:,:]

print 'printing this directly seems to work due to pandas being smart'
print df_unicode

print 'printing the utf-8 encoded fields of the unicode frame:'
for n in df_unicode['name']:
    print n.encode('utf-8'), type(n), "len: %d" % len(n)

print 'the data frame can be printed when converted to utf-8'
print obh.dataframe_to_orgtable(df_unicode, encoding='utf-8')


print "\n\n---other approach----\nwe configure a UTF-8 writer codec for stdout"
import codecs
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)

print "The writer expects unicode strings and will "
print "   convert everything written to stdout to utf8"

print "\nnaively printing the dataset containing the bytestrings does not work anymore:"
    print df
    print "Expected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]

print "\nfor some reason directly printing the unicode data frame also fails:"
    print df_unicode
    print "Expected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]

print "Our library dataframe_to_orgtable function produces a bytestring"
df_str = obh.dataframe_to_orgtable(df_unicode, encoding='utf-8')
# the result is a utf-8 encoded byte string
#print type(df_str)

print "that can be printed with the defined utf-8 writer, if one again makes it unicode again"
print unicode(df_str,'utf-8')