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The IDL-Motoko integration


This document specifies the integration of the IDL with the Motoko language, in particular:

  • How to translate between an Motoko actor type and an IDL service description in both ways (i.e. exporting IDL from Motoko, and importing IDL into Motoko), and how to translate between the values of these types.

  • The supported work-flows, including a sketch of the involved tools.

We try to achieve the following goals (but do not achieve them completely)

  • We can round-trip all Motoko values of sharable type. More precisely:

    When exporting an Motoko type ta into an IDL type ti, then round-tripping a value va : ta through ti yields a value that is indistinguishable from va at type ta.

  • Motoko can receive all IDL types: The type export has an inverse, the type import mapping, which is injective (up-to IDL type equivalence via shorthands).

  • Motoko can receive all IDL values when importing an IDL:

    When importing an IDL type ti into ta, then every IDL value vi : ti will successfully translated to an Motoko value of type ta.

The following are not necessary true:

  • The type export mapping is not total: there are Motoko types that cannot be exported, such as mutable arrays.

  • The type export mapping is not injective: there may be different Motoko types that map to the same IDL type, e.g. Char, Nat32 and Nat32.

    This implies that round-tripping an Motoko type via the IDL can yield different types.

  • The type export mapping is not surjective: there are Candid types that cannot be imported, in particular types with service types with methods names that are no valid identifiers in Motoko.

  • For some types, not all IDL values may be accepted: for example, Char is may be exported as nat32, but not all nat32 values can be read as Char. This can only be the case for types not in the image of the type import mapping.

NB: These properties (and non-properties) are not specific to Motoko, and we expect that they will hold similarly for interfaces to other typed languages with seamless serialization (e.g. built-in, macro or type class based integration). In this sense, this document serves as a blueprint. Untyped languages or languages with a code-generation workflow may have a different story.

The type mappings

We define

  • a partial function e from Motoko types to IDL types. Types that are not in the domain of e cannot be exported.
  • a partial function i from IDL types to Motoko types. Types that are not in the domain of i cannot be imported.

These definition treats Motoko types and IDL types as structural and infinite; a concrete implementation will have to look through type constructors in Motoko and introduce type definitions in the IDL as necessary.

It assumes that the IDL short-hands (e.g. named or anonymous fields) are part of the grammar of types, and that i is allowed to make difference choices for types that are short-hands.

The function is defined with regard to the grammars in and

Type export

e : <typ> -> <datatype>
e(Null) = null
e(Bool) = bool
e(Nat) = nat
e(Int) = int
e(Nat<n>) = nat<n> for n = 8, 16, 32, 64
e(Int<n>) = int<n> for n = 8, 16, 32, 64
e(Float) = float64
e(Char) = nat32
e(Text) = text
e(Blob) = blob
e(Principal) = principal
e({ <typ-field>;* }) = record { ef(<typ-field>);* }
e(variant { <typ-field>;* }) = variant { ef(<typ-field>);* }
e([<typ>]) = vec (e(<typ>))
e(? <typ>) = opt (e(<typ>))
e(shared <typ1> -> <typ2>) = func (efn(shared <typ1> -> <typ2>))
e(actor { <typ-field>;* }) = service { em(<typ-field>);* }
e( () ) = null
e( ( <typ>,+ ) ) = record { e(<typ>);+ }
e(Any) = reserved
e(None) = empty

ef : <typ-field> -> <fieldtype>
ef (<id> : <typ>) = unescape(<id>) : e(<typ>)

efn : <typ> -> <functype>
efn(shared <typ> -> ()) = ea(<typ>) -> () oneway
efn(shared query? <typ1> -> async <typ2>) = ea(<typ1>) -> ea(<typ2>) query?

ea : <typ> -> <argtype>,*
ea( ( <typ>,* ) ) = e(<typ>);*
ea(<typ>) = ( e(<typ>) )  otherwise

em : <typ-field> -> <methtype>
em(<id> : <typ>) = unescape_method(<id>) : efn(<typ>)

unescape : <id> -> <nat>|<name>
unescape("_" <nat> "_") = <nat>  if <nat> is 32-bit
unescape(<id> "_") = <id>
unescape(<id>) = <id>

unescape_method : <id> -> <name>
unescape_method(<id> "_") = <id>
unescape_method(<id>) = <id>

Type import

i : <datatype> -> <typ>
i(null) = Null
i(bool) = Bool
i(nat) = Nat
i(int) = Int
i(nat<n>) = Nat<n> for n = 8, 16, 32, 64
i(int<n>) = Int<n> for n = 8, 16, 32, 64
// i(float32) not defined
i(float64) = Float
i(text) = Text
i(reserved) = Any
i(empty) = None
i(opt <datatype>) = ? i(<datatype>)
i(vec <datatype>) = [ i(<datatype>) ]
i(blob) = Blob
i(record { <datatype>;^N }) = ( i(<datatype>),^N ) if n > 1 // matches tuple short-hand
i(record { <fieldtype>;* }) = { if(<fieldtype>);* }
i(variant { <fieldtype>;* }) = variant { ivf(<fieldtype>);* }
i(func <functype>) = ifn(<functype>)
i(service { <methtype>;* }) = actor { im(<methtype>);* }
i(principal) = Principal

if : <fieldtype> -> <typ>
if(<name> : <datatype>) = escape(<name>) : i(<datatype>)
if(<nat> : <datatype>) = escape_number(<nat>) : i(<datatype>) // also for implicit labels

ivf : <fieldtype> -> <typ>
ivf(<name> : null) = escape(<name>) : ()
ivf(<nat> : null) = "_" <nat> "_": ()
ivf(<fieldtype> = if(<fieldtype>) otherwise

ifn : <functype> -> <typ>
ifn((<datatype>,*) -> () oneway) = shared ia(<datatype>) -> ()
ifn((<datatype1>,*) -> (<datatype2>,*) query?) = shared query? ia(<datatype1>,*) -> async ia(<datatype2>,*)

ia : <argtype>,* -> <typ>
ia(<argtype>,) = i(<argtype>)
ia(<argtype>,*) = ( i(<argtype>),* )  otherwise

im : <methtype> -> <typ>
im(<name> : <functype>) = escape_method(<name>) : ifn(<functype>)

escape_number <nat> = "_" <nat> "_"

escape : <name> -> <id>
escape <name> = <name> "_"  if <name> is a reserved identifier in Motoko
escape <name> = <name> "_"  if <name> is a valid Motoko <id> ending in "_"
escape <name> = <name>  if <name> is a valid Motoko <id> not ending in "_"
escape <name> = escape_number(hash(<name>))  otherwise

escape_method : <name> -> <id>
escape_method <name> = <name> "_"  if <name> is a reserved identifier in Motoko
escape_method <name> = <name> "_"  if <name> is a valid Motoko <id> ending in "_"
escape_method <name> = <name>  if <name> is a valid Motoko <id> not ending in "_"
escape_method <name> = (* failure, unsupported *)


  • Up-to short-hands, i is injective and the right-inverse of e.

    Formally: For all IDL types t ∈ dom i, we have that e(i(t)) is equivalent to t, i.e. either they are the same types, or short-hands of each other.

  • Non-empty tuples are exported using the unnamed field short-hand, which is how tuples are idiomatically expressed in the IDL:

    e((Int, Nat)) = record {int;nat}
    e({i:Int, n:Nat}) = record {i:int; n:nat}
    e({_0_:Int, _1_:Nat}) = record {0:int; 1:nat}
  • The mapping i tries to detect types that can be expressed as tuples in Motoko.

    i(record {int;nat}) = (Int, Nat)
    i(record {int; nat; foo:text}) = {_0_:Int; _1_:Nat; foo:Text}
    i(record {0:int, 1:nat}) = {_0_:Int; _1_:Nat}

    But note that

    • i(record {}) ≠ () because e(()) = null and we want e(i(record {})) = record {}.

    • i(record {int}) ≠ (int,) because we do not have unary tuples in AS. Instead, i(record {int}) = { _0_ : int} so that e(i(record {int})) = record {int}.

  • The escape and unescape functions allow round-tripping of IDL field names that are not valid Motoko names (fake hash values):

    i(record {int; if:text; foobar_:nat; "_0_":bool})
      = {_0_:Int; if_:Text; _1234_:Nat; _4321_:Bool}

    This is another source of partiality for e:

    e({clash_ : Nat; clash : Int})

    is undefined, because unescape(clash_) = unescape(clash).

  • Similarly, the escape_method and unescape_method functions append _ to method names in Candid that happen to be reserved keywords in Motoko.

    Candid method names that are not valid identifiers in Motoko are unsupported.

  • Motoko functions with type parameters are not in the domain of e.

  • Abstract Motoko types are not in the domain of e

  • The translation produces IDL functions without parameter names. But both the IDL and Motoko conveniently support non-significant names in parameter lists. These are essentially comments, and do not affect, for example, the type section in a message, so it is not necessary to specify them here.

    But tooling (e.g. moc exporting an IDL from an Motoko type) is of course free to use any annotations in the Motoko type (or even names from pattern in function definitions) also in the exported IDL.

  • The soundness of the Motoko type system, when it comes to higher-order use of actor and function references, relies on

    ∀ t1 t2 : dom(e), t1 <: t2 ⟹ e(t1) <: e(t2)

    In other words: Motoko subtyping must be contained in IDL subtyping.

  • There is no way to produce float32. Importing interfaces that contain float32 types fails.

  • The functions escape/unescape ensure round-tripping of IDL field names through Motoko types. See for details.

The value mappings

For each Motoko type t in the domain of e, we need mapping from Motoko value of type t to an IDL value of type e(t), and vice-versa.

Note that decoding may only fail for those t that are not in the range of i.

These mappings should be straight-forward, given the following clarifications:

  • Characters (of type Char) are mapped to their Unicode scalar as a nat32. Decoding a nat32 that is not a valid Unicode scalar fails.

Type name mangling

The name of type definition or services are irrelevant with regard to whether the resulting imported/exported types are correct, as both Motoko and IDL employ structural typing. Nevertheless, when the type export or import has to produce such identifiers, it tries to preserve the original name. This is a best effort approach.

If it happens that such a name is invalid (e.g. reserved) in the target language, a "_" is appended during translation.

Conversely, a name of the form <id> "_" is translated to <id>, if the latter is legal in the target language.

Work flows

The mapping specified here can be used to support the following use-cases. The user interfaces (e.g. flag names, or whether moc, didc, dfx is used) are just suggestions.

  • Generating IDL from Motoko

    If is an Motoko actor compilation unit, then

    moc --idl -o foo.did

    will type-check as t = actor { … }, map the Motoko type t to an IDL type e(t) of the form service <actortype>, and produce a textual IDL file foo.did that ends with a service n : <actortype>, where n is the name of the actor class, actor, or basename of the source file.

  • Checking Motoko against a given IDL

    If is an Motoko actor compilation unit and foo.did a textual IDL file, then

    moc --check-idl foo.did -o foo.wasm

    will import the type service t_spec specified in foo.did, using the mapping i, will generate an IDL type e(t) as in the previous point, and and check that e(t) <: t_spec (using IDL subtyping).

  • Converting IDL types to Motoko types

    If foo.did a textual IDL file, then

    didc foo.did -o

    will create an Motoko library unit that consists of type definitions. All <def>s and the final <actor> from foo.did is turned into a type declaration in Motoko, according to i. Imported IDL files are recursively inlined.

    Variant: Imported IDL files are translated separately and included via import in Motoko.

  • Importing IDL types from the Motoko compiler

    If path/to/foo.did a textual IDL file, then a declaration

    import Foo "path/to/foo"

    is treated by moc by reading foo.did as if the developer had run didc path/to/foo.did -o path/to/