- CSSX is a set of tools that will help you write vanilla CSS in JavaScript
- slow and steady wins... Jetbrains: The unicorn Silicon Valley doesn't like to talk about
- Unit-Testing AngularJS in a Rails app using the Jasmine gem
- Teaspoon: Javascript test runner for Rails
- Stateless Angular Components
- awesome: HTML parser that recognizes content and string placeholders and allows JavaScript expressions as attribute values
- security: JavaScript Unapply Attack
- teenytest zero-config test runner
- Learn raw reactjs
- challenging: SAM architecture, or 'No more MVC frameworks'
- nodeunit-b: easily test browser javascript with nodeunit
- Github Templates for Issues and Pull Requests
- JavaScript implementation of Scientist, a library for carefully refactoring critical paths
- Functional Reactive Programming Library for JavaScript
- nice: Developing inside a node_modules folder
- JavaScript data structures wiki
- Lazy ~ Like Underscore, but lazier
- Stamp ~ Joe Gregorio's HTML templates using the <template> tag
- bit.js ~ Krasimir's set of utility functions for JavaScript functions
- immu ~ tiny, fail-fast, lazy, immutable Javascript objects library
- ns-events ~ 1kB lib for namespacing events