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323 lines (213 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

323 lines (213 loc) · 10.8 KB




  • Setup github actions


  • Removed LGTM badge from README
  • Remove circleci workflow


  • Dependency version bumps to next major releases
  • Audit cleanup



  • Dependency version bumps (#42)



  • Language Grade


  • Error/Failure messaging returning undefined becuase it was preferring todo instead of message, which might not exist. #39


Please report any issues or serliazation that does not follow the below spec for output! Thanks!


  • Changed the output generation of tap-junit to follow this spec more closely
    • This means no more floating comments, they are now either in the system-out tag or the message attribute
  • Changed how handling tap comments works, please see the Comments section in the Readme


  • Bit of re organization of the tool
  • Bumped Docker node and tap versions


  • Broken comments on some tap outputs



  • Made the error diag more dynamic to handle different types of outputs instead of static and expecting



  • Added the -c argument which sets the testsuite (NOT testsuites) name
    • This should fix #32 for the jenkins plugin it uses


  • Tweaked the github bug report template a little to ask for the CLI use of tap-junit


  • Removed the old xmlbuilder dependency, woops



  • Converted from tap-out to tap-parser
    • This change means that the xml generated is now "Flat" (see below)
    • This removes the error count as there isn't an event for this anymore
    • Skips are handled WAY better and more naturally with TAP
    • This should flow better with proper tap output
  • If a file extension is set in the command, it will be used for the generated file, if not .xml will be used
  • Error counter removed with new parser
  • The testcase name no longer has test number, the test number is now provided in the id attribute of testcase


  • Todo support
  • Added new argument support -p or --pretty use this if you want the xml output to be "pretty" (this is false by default)


  • Optimized performance from both parsing and serializing
  • Data is built more dynamically, instead of relying on certain keys to exist
  • Better JUnit formatting
  • Moved from xmlbuilder to xmlbuilder2

Flat XML

Now <testsuits> containes only a singular <testsuite> element, within that all of the <testcase> elements now live. Here's an example:

v3 tap-junit output:

<testsuites tests="4" name="suite-name" failures="0" errors="0">
  <testsuite tests="3" failures="0" errors="0" name="1 === 1">
    <testcase name="#1 test is equal"/>
    <testcase name="#2 test skip extra # SKIP">
    <testcase name="#3 should not be equal"/>
  <testsuite tests="1" failures="0" errors="0" name="2 === 2">
    <testcase name="#4 should be equal"/>
  <testsuite tests="0" failures="0" errors="0" name="SKIP skipped test"/>

v4 tap-junit output:

<testsuites tests="4" name="Tap-Junit" failures="2">
  <testsuite tests="4" failures="2" skipped="1">
    <testcase id="1" name="test is equal"/>
    <testcase id="2" name="test skip extra # SKIP">
    <testcase id="3" name="should not be equal"/>
    <testcase id="4" name="should be equal"/>



  • All dependencies have been updated in hopes to address yarn issue
  • Fixed linting errors on some tests



  • Updated minimiist dependency to fix vulnerability juanpaco



  • You can now use custom extensions, just apply then to your file name in the -n option (#24)
    • Example: tape test/*.js | tap-junit -o output/tests -n tape.xuni
    • If no extension is provided tap-junit will default to .xml automatically


  • Slight tweak to the contribution and PR template mark down files


  • Added two new test cases for failing tap.txt and bats tap output.

  • Fixed failing output which was causing a hard error within serialization of the output

    • This was happening mainly due to results created by the above (failing tap output & failing bats output)
    • For these types of inputs tap-junit will simply omit the type attribute and the stack trace from its output (since they don't technically exist anyway)
  • Upped tape version to latest

  • Swapped travis ci in favor of circleci

  • TODO Side note

    • I want to revisit the serializer since it is being so lightly used it may be better to just ship a simple rendering engine of our own
      • This would free up a dependency, but also give better control and possibly improved performance
    • The above would also introduce an opportunity to do major cleanup with Kyanite


  • Fixed Readme typo



  • Output changed slightly, adding attributes to the main wrapper
  • Removed fs-extra dependency for internal mkdirp function
    • Please let me know if you migrate to v3.0.0 and experience any trouble right away so I can address it
    • This should still function the same but I can't plan for every situation


  • Added -i, --input option which allows you to use tap-junit as a command and specify tap input
  • Added -v, --version option to output the version of tap-junit
  • Added -s, --suite which sets the suite name of the testsuites wrapper


  • root level output paths



  • Upon an error (in tap-junit) when either writing or if the tests are not passing we call the exit method instead of setting the exitCode


  • Tweaked the .travis.yml file for node 8, linting, and cache
  • Updated all current dependencies including dev
  • Removed the through2 dependency as it was no longer needed
  • Removed the duplexer2 dependency as it is no longer needed
  • Switched to just using console.log vs process.stdout.write (flip flop I know)
  • Converted to using the promise chain with fs-extra vs callbacks


  • If you place the extension at the end of a name it will no longer get attached (Fixed in string sanitizer)
    • Example: tap-junit -n tap.xml will no longer result in tapxml.xml but instead tap.xml still



  • Dropped the .setOutput and .main layout (Remove support for API Usage overall)
  • An API system is not technically supported however requiring the module will give you the source index.js function


  • Convert to use standard instead of eslint for linting
  • Update all of the dependencies


  • Some bits of the flow are improved to hopefully make things easier to follow
  • Slight tweaks and optimizations


  • tap-junit will now exit with an error if an error happens in the code instead of writing anyway
  • Added a test set based around bad/erroring code
  • Broke apart some testing to keep things organized
  • Slight tweak for code cleanup and keeping things consistent
  • Brought all of the dependencies up to date



  • Added type and message attr. Removed nested system-out elem @jscriptcoder


  • Fix initialization of new test-suite - name is not passed correctly by @hsalokor
  • Use --name passed from command line as default test suite name by @hsalokor
  • Add lazy initialization to case if the tested software logs before first tap line by @hsalokor


  • Some general cleanup and better practice rules


  • Relax filename sanitation to allow - and _ and report correct output filename by @hsalokor


  • Fix corner-case with testCase initialization by @hsalokor, thanks!


  • Tweaked readme
  • Removed a console that was committed by accident


  • Fixed line endings for outputs
  • Fixed/cleaned XML output for proper jUnit XML


  • Added a small API to allow this to be used with tools like Karma and webpack
    • This was mainly for a use case I needed I will happily expand on this if it is requested


  • Failures will now build out xml as well to give you more info on failures
  • Outputs will stdout to the console instead of a file if --output is not specified


  • Continued optimizations
    • Removed plan event listening since it was currently valueless
    • Removed extra event listening since it was currently valueless
    • If the tests had any failures instead of hard calling process.exit(1) we now properly set the exitCode
    • Better error handling (no more throws because no one is catching them duh)
    • Added a failure counter to eliminate valueless computing
    • Dropped console.log in favor of process.stdout.write (since console.log uses this anyway)
    • Now running on Stream3 instead of Stream2 to stay on Stream2 use v1.1.0 or lower
  • Added the ability to name your xml output file using the --name or -n options in the command
    • Values passed into name are sanitized to avoid passing paths or other weird things
  • Added a shorthand for --output which is -o (soooo original)
  • Removed our ^ on module versions in case someone releases a bad version
  • Made Skip regex more strict when checking if an assert or test is skipped
  • Did some structure reorg
    • Moved everything into a src folder and added a lint command for the module
    • Removed the makefile because I don't actually remember why it was there to begin with


  • Dropped tap-parser in favor of tap-out module
  • tap-junit will successfully record skipped tests now
  • skipped main test suites now supported (not just skipped asserts)
  • Added internal counting to make things process faster
  • Should now properly record comments from both console.log and t.comment
  • Currently none of the tap parsers properly support Skips or TODOs
  • Lots of performance optimizations
  • Added some messages for other errors if a write fails for the output


  • Removed Tape Dependency
  • Swapped stuff over to github
  • Readme Tweaks