Quality Diversity Parallel execution of a multi-algorithm improvement emitter and CVT MAP-Elites.
Map Elites CVT MAP-Elites + adapted CMA-ES.
Map Elites 2 Quality-Diversity applied to ODE based control problems.
Introduction Solving simple example problems from space flight dynamics.
Space Flight Space flight mission design revisited.
Pagmo results GTOPX Benchmark results using Pagmo
Pykep gym results Benchmark results for the Pykep gym problems
Mixed Integer Mixed integer flight mission design
ESAChallenge ESA Optimization Challenge
Variational Qubit Optimize a Variational Qubit and a Variational Quantum Eigensolver.
5G network planning Solve the p-center-problem for irregular shapes with holes.
Service Locations Solve the α-neighbor p-center optimization problem.
Employee Scheduling Optimize an employee schedule.
JobShop Solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem.
Scheduling Solving a complex scheduling problem, part of the GTOC11 competition.
One For All MMKP and VRPTW.
Multi-UAV Multi-UAV Task Assignment.
Routing Capacitated Vehicle Routing.
Noisy TSP Solve the noisy Traveling Salesman Problem.
Crypto Trading Optimize your crypto trading strategy.
Water Management Optimize water resource management.
Social Media Analyzing Social Media User Data.
gbea TopTrumps Benchmark TopTrumps game optimization benchmark.
Parameter Sweep Biochemical stochastic model parameters.
Surrogate Optimize the Mazda car design problem.
CFD Optimize CFD simulation based problems.
Power Plant Power Plant Efficiency.
Vaccination Modeling Vaccination.
Hospital Managing hospital resources during a pandemic.
EvoJax Hardware-Accelerated Neuroevolution.
Hyper Parameters Hyper parameter optimization.
Subset selection Select an optimal subset.
Clustering Out of the box.
ODE Use of differential equation solvers.
MO-DE MO-DE, a new multi objective algorithm.
Multi-Objective Solving multi objective problems using variable weights.
Constraints Optimizing with constraints.
Expressions Sequences and random choices of optimizers.
Delayed Update Asynchronous parallel function evaluation.
The log output of the parallel retry contains the following rows:
time (in sec)
evaluations / sec
number of retries - optimization runs
total number of evaluations in all retries
best value found so far
mean of the values found by the retries below the defined threshold
standard deviation of the values found by the retries below the defined threshold
list of the best 20 function values in the retry store
best solution (x-vector) found so far
Mean and standard deviation would be misleading when using coordinated retry, because of the retries initiated by crossover. Therefore the rows of the log output differ slightly:
time (in sec)
evaluations / sec
number of retries - optimization runs
total number of evaluations in all retries
best value found so far
worst value in the retry store
number of entries in the retry store
list of the best 20 function values in the retry store
best solution (x-vector) found so far