Please read the Arcade overview document for principles and requirements - as well as an overview.
How to read this Roadmap:
- Each bullet in the phases link to the driving epic.
- Epics contain a) what "done" means, and b) all the issues associated with the work. (Note: We use ZenHub to make sense of epics)
- For the most part, each epic in the phases can be done in parallel. This means that the order of the bullets in the phases don't necessarily imply priority.
- Timing information (when available) is in each epic
- This roadmap is a living document. Full history (and most discussions) are in the issues/PRs themselves
Arcade exists and is useful for building and publishing shared packages.
- Arcade building and publishing packages in the open
- "Maestro" for Arcade scripts
- Arcade is serviceable
Arcade builds itself and is largely converged with the other toolsets
- Arcade is building Arcade
- Bootstrap for native builds
- Use arcade as a "canary" build
- Define and Implement Repo API
- Converge "kore-build" and Arcade
- Converge "repotoolset" and Arcade
- Converge "buildtools" and Arcade
Arcade is usable as a baseline for all repos in the stack. The last bit of "impedance matching" work goes into this phase. No epics yet, as phase III will clarify itself during Phase II.