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File metadata and controls

1167 lines (939 loc) · 58.9 KB

Incremental Generators


Incremental generators are a new API that replaces v1 source generators to allow users to specify generation strategies that can be applied in a high performance way by the hosting layer.

High Level Design Goals

  • Allow for a finer grained approach to defining a generator
  • Scale source generators to support 'Roslyn/CoreCLR' scale projects in Visual Studio
  • Exploit caching between fine grained steps to reduce duplicate work
  • Support generating more items than just source texts
  • Exist alongside ISourceGenerator based implementations

Simple Example

We begin by defining a simple incremental generator that extracts the contents of additional text files and makes their contents available as compile time consts. In the following section we'll go into more depth around the concepts shown.

public class Generator : IIncrementalGenerator
    public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext initContext)
        // define the execution pipeline here via a series of transformations:

        // find all additional files that end with .txt
        IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> textFiles = initContext.AdditionalTextsProvider.Where(static file => file.Path.EndsWith(".txt"));

        // read their contents and save their name
        IncrementalValuesProvider<(string name, string content)> namesAndContents = textFiles.Select((text, cancellationToken) => (name: Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(text.Path), content: text.GetText(cancellationToken)!.ToString()));

        // generate a class that contains their values as const strings
        initContext.RegisterSourceOutput(namesAndContents, (spc, nameAndContent) =>
            spc.AddSource($"ConstStrings.{}", $@"
    public static partial class ConstStrings
        public const string {} = ""{nameAndContent.content}"";


An incremental generator is an implementation of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.IIncrementalGenerator.

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
    public interface IIncrementalGenerator
        void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext initContext);

As with source generators, incremental generators are defined in external assemblies and passed to the compiler via the -analyzer: option. Implementations are required to be annotated with the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.GeneratorAttribute with an optional parameter indicating the languages the generator supports:

public class MyGenerator : IIncrementalGenerator { ... }

An assembly can contain a mix of diagnostic analyzers, source generators and incremental generators.

Pipeline based execution

IIncrementalGenerator has an Initialize method that is called by the host1 exactly once, regardless of the number of further compilations that may occur. For instance a host with multiple loaded projects may share the same generator instance across multiple projects, and will only call Initialize a single time for the lifetime of the host.

Rather than a dedicated Execute method, an Incremental Generator instead defines an immutable execution pipeline as part of initialization. The Initialize method receives an instance of IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext which is used by the generator to define a set of transformations.

public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext initContext)
    // define the execution pipeline here via a series of transformations:

The defined transformations are not executed directly at initialization, and instead are deferred until the data they are using changes. Conceptually this is similar to LINQ, where a lambda expression might not be executed until the enumerable is actually iterated over:


    var squares = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => i * 2); 

    // the code inside select is not executed until we iterate the collection
    foreach (var square in squares) { ... }

These transformations are used to form a directed graph of actions that can be executed on demand later, as the input data changes.

Incremental Generators:

    IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> textFiles = context.AdditionalTextsProvider.Where(static file => file.Path.EndsWith(".txt"));
    // the code in the Where(...) above will not be executed until the value of the additional texts actually changes

Between each transformation, the data produced is cached, allowing previously calculated values to be re-used where applicable. This caching reduces the computation required for subsequent compilations. See caching for more details.


Input data is available to the pipeline in the form of opaque data sources, either an IncrementalValueProvider<T> or IncrementalValuesProvider<T> (note the plural values) where T is the type of input data that is provided.

An initial set of providers are created by the host, and can be accessed from the IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext provided during initialization.

The currently available providers are:

  • CompilationProvider
  • AdditionalTextsProvider
  • AnalyzerConfigOptionsProvider
  • MetadataReferencesProvider
  • ParseOptionsProvider

Note: there is no provider for accessing syntax nodes. This is handled in a slightly different way. See SyntaxValueProvider for details.

A value provider can be thought of as a 'box' that holds the value itself. An execution pipeline does not access the values in a value provider directly.

   |             |
   │   TSource   │
   |             |

Instead, the generator supplies a set of transformations that are to be applied to the data contained within the provider, which in turn creates a new value provider.


The simplest transformation is Select. This maps the value in one provider into a new provider by applying a transform to it.

 IValueProvider<TSource>                   IValueProvider<TResult>
    ┌─────────────┐                           ┌─────────────┐
    │             │  Select<TSource,TResult>  │             │
    │   TSource   ├──────────────────────────►│   TResult   │
    │             │                           │             │
    └─────────────┘                           └─────────────┘

Generator transformations can be thought of as being conceptually somewhat similar to LINQ, with the value provider taking the place of IEnumerable<T>. Transforms are created through a set of extension methods:

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    // 1 => 1 transform 
    public static IncrementalValueProvider<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(this IncrementalValueProvider<TSource> source, Func<TSource, CancellationToken, TResult> selector);
    public static IncrementalValuesProvider<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(this IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> source, Func<TSource, CancellationToken, TResult> selector);

Note how the return type of these methods are also an instance of IncrementalValue[s]Provider. This allows the generator to chain multiple transformations together:

 IValueProvider<TSource>                     IValueProvider<TResult1>                 IValueProvider<TResult2>
    ┌─────────────┐                            ┌─────────────┐                           ┌─────────────┐
    │             │  Select<TSource,TResult1>  │             │ Select<TResult1,TResult2> │             │
    │   TSource   ├───────────────────────────►│   TResult1  │──────────────────────────►│   TResult2  │
    │             │                            │             │                           │             │
    └─────────────┘                            └─────────────┘                           └─────────────┘

Consider the following simple example:

// get the additional text provider
IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> additionalTexts = initContext.AdditionalTextsProvider;

// apply a 1-to-1 transform on each text, which represents extracting the path
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> transformed = additionalTexts.Select(static (text, _) => text.Path);

// transform each extracted path into something else
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> prefixTransform = transformed.Select(static (path, _) => "prefix_" + path);

Note how transformed and prefixTransform are themselves an IncrementalValuesProvider. They represent the outcome of the transformation that will be applied, rather than the resulting data.

Multi Valued providers

An IncrementalValueProvider<T> will always provide a single value, whereas an IncrementalValuesProvider<T> may provide zero or more values. For example the CompilationProvider will always produce a single compilation instance, whereas the AdditionalTextsProvider will produce a variable number of values, depending on how many additional texts where passed to the compiler.

Conceptually it is simple to think about the transformation of a single item from an IncrementalValueProvider<T>: the single item has the selector function applied to it which produces a single value of TResult.

For an IncrementalValuesProvider<T> however, this transformation is more subtle. The selector function is applied multiple times, one to each item in the values provider. The results of each transformation are then used to create the values for the resulting values provider:

                                          Select<TSource, TResult>
                                   .                   ┌───────────┐     .
                                   .   selector(Item1) │           │     .
                                   . ┌────────────────►│  Result1  ├───┐ .
                                   . │                 │           │   │ .
IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> . │                 └───────────┘   │ . IncrementalValuesProvider<TResult>
          ┌───────────┐            . │                 ┌───────────┐   │ .        ┌────────────┐
          │           │            . │ selector(Item2) │           │   │ .        │            │
          │  TSource  ├──────────────┼────────────────►│  Result2  ├───┼─────────►│   TResult  │
          │           │            . │                 │           │   │ .        │            │
          └───────────┘            . │                 └───────────┘   │ .        └────────────┘
            3 items                . │                 ┌───────────┐   │ .            3 items
     [Item1, Item2, Item3]         . │ selector(Item3) │           │   │ .  [Result1, Result2, Result3]
                                   . └────────────────►│  Result3  ├───┘ .
                                   .                   │           │     .
                                   .                   └───────────┘     .

It is this item-wise transformation that allows the caching to be particularly powerful in this model. Consider when the values inside IncrementalValueProvider<TSource> change. Its likely that any given change will only change one item at a time rather than the whole collection (for example a user typing in an additional text only changes the given text, leaving the other additional texts unmodified).

When this occurs the generator driver can compare the input items with the ones that were used previously. If they are considered to be equal then the transformations for those items can be skipped and the previously computed versions used instead. See Comparing Items for more details.

In the above diagram if Item2 were to change we would execute the selector on the modified value producing a new value for Result2. As Item1and Item3 are unchanged the driver is free to skip executing the selector and just use the cached values of Result1 and Result3 from the previous execution.

Select Many

In addition to the 1-to-1 transform shown above, there are also transformations that produce batches of data. For instance a given transformation may want to produce multiple values for each input. There are a set of SelectMany methods that allow a transformation of 1 to many, or many to many items:

1 to many:

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    public static IncrementalValuesProvider<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TResult>(this IncrementalValueProvider<TSource> source, Func<TSource, CancellationToken, IEnumerable<TResult>> selector);
                                         SelectMany<TSource, TResult>
                                   .                   ┌───────────┐     .
                                   .                   │           │     .
                                   .               ┌──►│  Result1  ├───┐ .
                                   .               │   │           │   │ .
 IncrementalValueProvider<TSource> .               │   └───────────┘   │ . IncrementalValuesProvider<TResult>
          ┌───────────┐            .               │   ┌───────────┐   │ .        ┌────────────┐
          │           │            . selector(Item)│   │           │   │ .        │            │
          │  TSource  ├────────────────────────────┼──►│  Result2  ├───┼─────────►│   TResult  │
          │           │            .               │   │           │   │ .        │            │
          └───────────┘            .               │   └───────────┘   │ .        └────────────┘
              Item                 .               │   ┌───────────┐   │ .            3 items
                                   .               │   │           │   │ .  [Result1, Result2, Result3]
                                   .               └──►│  Result3  ├───┘ .
                                   .                   │           │     .
                                   .                   └───────────┘     .

Many to many:

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    public static IncrementalValuesProvider<TResult> SelectMany<TSource, TResult>(this IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> source, Func<TSource, CancellationToken, IEnumerable<TResult>> selector);
                                             SelectMany<TSource, TResult>
                                   .                        ┌─────────┐          .
                                   .                        │         │          .
                                   .                  ┌────►│ Result1 ├───────┐  .
                                   .                  │     │         │       │  .
                                   .                  │     └─────────┘       │  .
                                   .  selector(Item1) │                       │  .
                                   .┌─────────────────┘     ┌─────────┐       │  .
                                   .│                       │         │       │  .
 IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource>.│                 ┌────►│ Result2 ├───────┤  .    IncrementalValuesProvider<TResult>
          ┌───────────┐            .│                 │     │         │       │  .            ┌────────────┐
          │           │            .│ selector(Item2) │     └─────────┘       │  .            │            │
          │  TSource  ├─────────────┼─────────────────┤     ┌─────────┐       ├──────────────►│  TResult   │
          │           │            .│                 │     │         │       │  .            │            │
          └───────────┘            .│                 └────►│ Result3 ├───────┤  .            └────────────┘
             3 items               .│                       │         │       │  .               7 items
       [Item1, Item2, Item3]       .│ selector(Item3)       └─────────┘       │  .  [Result1, Result2, Result3, Result4, 
                                   .└─────────────────┐                       │  .      Result5, Result6, Result7 ]
                                   .                  │     ┌─────────┐       │  .
                                   .                  │     │         │       │  .
                                   .                  ├────►│ Result4 ├───────┤  .
                                   .                  │     │         │       │  .
                                   .                  │     └─────────┘       │  .
                                   .                  │     ┌─────────┐       │  .
                                   .                  │     │         │       │  .
                                   .                  ├────►│ Result5 ├───────┤  .
                                   .                  │     │         │       │  .
                                   .                  │     └─────────┘       │  .
                                   .                  │     ┌─────────┐       │  .
                                   .                  │     │         │       │  .
                                   .                  └────►│ Result6 ├───────┘  .
                                   .                        │         │          .
                                   .                        └─────────┘          .

For example, consider a set of additional XML files that contain multiple elements of the same type. The generator may want to treat each element as a distinct item for generation, effectively splitting a single additional file into multiple sub-items.

// get the additional text provider
IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> additionalTexts = initContext.AdditionalTextsProvider;

// extract each element from each additional file
IncrementalValuesProvider<MyElementType> elements = additionalTexts.SelectMany(static (text, _) => /*transform text into an array of MyElementType*/);

// now the generator can consider the union of elements in all additional texts, without needing to consider multiple files
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> transformed = elements.Select(static (element, _) => /*transform the individual element*/);


Where allows the author to filter the values in a value provider by a given predicate. Where is actually a specific form of select many, where each input transforms to exactly 1 or 0 outputs. However, as it is such a common operation it is provided as a primitive transformation directly.

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    public static IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate);
                                   .                   ┌───────────┐     .
                                   .   predicate(Item1)│           │     .
                                   . ┌────────────────►│   Item1   ├───┐ .
                                   . │                 │           │   │ .
IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> . │                 └───────────┘   │ . IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource>
          ┌───────────┐            . │                                 │ .        ┌───────────┐
          │           │            . │ predicate(Item2)                │ .        │           │
          │  TSource  ├──────────────┼─────────────────X               ├─────────►│  TSource  │
          │           │            . │                                 │ .        │           │
          └───────────┘            . │                                 │ .        └───────────┘
             3 Items               . │                 ┌───────────┐   │ .           2 Items
                                   . │ predicate(Item3)│           │   │ .
                                   . └────────────────►│   Item3   ├───┘ .
                                   .                   │           │     .
                                   .                   └───────────┘     .

An obvious use case is to filter out inputs the generator knows it isn't interested in. For example, the generator will likely want to filter additional texts on file extensions:

// get the additional text provider
IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> additionalTexts = initContext.AdditionalTextsProvider;

// filter additional texts by extension
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> xmlFiles = additionalTexts.Where(static (text, _) => text.Path.EndsWith(".xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));


When performing transformations on a value provider with multiple items, it can often be useful to view the items as a single collection rather than one item at a time. For this there is the Collect transformation.

Collect transforms an IncrementalValuesProvider<T> to an IncrementalValueProvider<ImmutableArray<T>>. Essentially it transforms a multi-valued source into a single value source with an array of all the items.

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    IncrementalValueProvider<ImmutableArray<TSource>> Collect<TSource>(this IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> source);
IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource>                IncrementalValueProvider<ImmutableArray<TSource>>
          ┌───────────┐                                  ┌─────────────────────────┐
          │           │          Collect<TSource>        │                         │
          │  TSource  ├─────────────────────────────────►│ ImmutableArray<TSource> │
          │           │                                  │                         │
          └───────────┘                                  └─────────────────────────┘
             3 Items                                             Single Item

              Item1                                         [Item1, Item2, Item3]
// get the additional text provider
IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> additionalTexts = initContext.AdditionalTextsProvider;

// collect the additional texts into a single item
IncrementalValueProvider<AdditionalText[]> collected = additionalTexts.Collect();

// perform a transformation where you can access all texts at once
var transform = collected.Select(static (texts, _) => /* ... */);

Multi-path pipelines

The transformations described so far are all effectively single-path operations: while there may be multiple items in a given provider, each transformation operates on a single input value provider and produce a single derived output provider.

While sufficient for simple operations, it is often necessary to combine the values from multiple input providers or use the results of a transformation multiple times. For this there are a set of transformations that split and combine a single path of transformations into a multi-path pipeline.


It is possible to split the output of a transformations into multiple parallel inputs. Rather than having a dedicated transformation this can be achieved by simply using the same value provider as the input to multiple transforms.

                                      Select<TSource,TResult> │           │
 IncrementalValueProvider<TSource>   ┌───────────────────────►│  TResult  │
           ┌───────────┐             │                        │           │
           │           │             │                        └───────────┘
           │  TSource  ├─────────────┤
           │           │             │
           └───────────┘             │                    IncrementalValuesProvider<TResult2>
                                     │                              ┌───────────┐
                                     │ SelectMany<TSource,TResult2> │           │
                                     └─────────────────────────────►│  TResult2 │
                                                                    │           │

Those transforms can then be used as the inputs to new single path transforms, independent of one another.

For example:

// get the additional text provider
IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> additionalTexts = context.AdditionalTextsProvider;

// apply a 1-to-1 transform on each text, extracting the path
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> transformed = additionalTexts.Select(static (text, _) => text.Path);

// split the processing into two paths of derived data
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> nameTransform = transformed.Select(static (path, _) => "prefix_" + path);
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> extensionTransform = transformed.Select(static (path, _) => Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".new"));

nameTransform and extensionTransform produce different values for the same set of additional text inputs. For example if there was an additional file called file.txt then nameTransform would produce the string prefix_file.txt where extensionTransform would produce the string

When the value of the additional file changes, the subsequent values produced may or may not differ. For example if the name of the additional file was changed to file.xml then nameTransform would now produce prefix_file.xml whereas extensionTransform would still produce Any child transform with input from nameTransform would be re-run with the new value, but any child of extensionTransform would use the previously cached version as it's input hasn't changed.


Combine is the most powerful, but also most complicated transformation. It allows a generator to take two input providers and create a single unified output provider.

Single-value to single-value:

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    IncrementalValueProvider<(TLeft Left, TRight Right)> Combine<TLeft, TRight>(this IncrementalValueProvider<TLeft> provider1, IncrementalValueProvider<TRight> provider2);

When combining two single value providers, the resulting node is conceptually easy to understand: a new value provider that contains a Tuple of the two input items.

         │           │
         │  TSource1 ├────────────────┐
         │           │                │                                 IncrementalValueProvider<(TSource1, TSource2)>
         └───────────┘                │
          Single Item                 │                                          ┌────────────────────────┐
                                      │       Combine<TSource1, TSource2>        │                        │
            Item1                     ├─────────────────────────────────────────►│  (TSource1, TSource2)  │
                                      │                                          │                        │
IncrementalValueProvider<TSource2>    │                                          └────────────────────────┘
         ┌───────────┐                │                                                   Single Item
         │           │                │
         │  TSource2 ├────────────────┘                                                  (Item1, Item2)
         │           │
          Single Item


Multi-value to single-value:

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    IncrementalValuesProvider<(TLeft Left, TRight Right)> Combine<TLeft, TRight>(this IncrementalValuesProvider<TLeft> provider1, IncrementalValueProvider<TRight> provider2);

When combining a multi value provider to a single value provider, however, the semantics are a little more complicated. The resulting multi-valued provider produces a series of tuples: the left hand side of each tuple is the value produced from the multi-value input, while the right hand side is always the same single value from the single value provider input.

          │           │
          │  TSource1 ├────────────────┐
          │           │                │
          └───────────┘                │
             3 Items                   │                                IncrementalValuesProvider<(TSource1, TSource2)>
            LeftItem1                  │                                          ┌────────────────────────┐
            LeftItem2                  │       Combine<TSource1, TSource2>        │                        │
            LeftItem3                  ├─────────────────────────────────────────►│  (TSource1, TSource2)  │
                                       │                                          │                        │
                                       │                                          └────────────────────────┘
 IncrementalValueProvider<TSource2>    │                                                  3 Items
          ┌───────────┐                │
          │           │                │                                            (LeftItem1, RightItem)
          │  TSource2 ├────────────────┘                                            (LeftItem2, RightItem)
          │           │                                                             (LeftItem3, RightItem)
           Single Item


Multi-value to multi-value:

As shown by the definitions above it is not possible to combine a multi-value source to another multi-value source. The resulting cross join would potentially contain a large number of values, so the operation is not provided by default.

Instead, an author can call Collect() on one of the input multi-value providers to produce a single-value provider that can be combined as above.

                                                  │           │
                                                  │ TSource1  ├──────────────┐
                                                  │           │              │
                                                  └───────────┘              │
                                                     3 Items                 │                                IncrementalValuesProvider<(TSource1, TSource2[])>
                                                    LeftItem1                │                                          ┌────────────────────────┐
                                                    LeftItem2                │       Combine<TSource1, TSource2[]>      │                        │
                                                    LeftItem3                ├─────────────────────────────────────────►│  (TSource1, TSource2)  │
                                                                             │                                          │                        │
                                                                             │                                          └────────────────────────┘
IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource2>     IncrementalValueProvider<TSource2[]> │                                                  3 Items
         ┌───────────┐                           ┌────────────┐              │
         │           │      Collect<TSource2>    │            │              │                               (LeftItem1, [RightItem1, RightItem2, RightItem3])
         │  TSource2 ├───────────────────────────┤ TSource2[] ├──────────────┘                               (LeftItem2, [RightItem1, RightItem2, RightItem3])
         │           │                           │            │                                              (LeftItem3, [RightItem1, RightItem2, RightItem3])
         └───────────┘                           └────────────┘
            3 Items                                Single Item

          RightItem1                 [RightItem1, RightItem2, RightItem3]

With the above transformations the generator author can now take one or more inputs and combine them into a single source of data. For example:

// get the additional text provider
IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> additionalTexts = initContext.AdditionalTextsProvider;

// combine each additional text with the parse options
IncrementalValuesProvider<(AdditionalText, ParseOptions)> combined = additionalTexts.Combine(initContext.ParseOptionsProvider);

// perform a transform on each text, with access to the options
var transformed = combined.Select(static (pair, _) => 
    AdditionalText text = pair.Left;
    ParseOptions parseOptions = pair.Right;
    // do the actual transform ...

If either of the inputs to a combine change, then subsequent transformation will re-run. However, the caching is considered on a pairwise basis for each output tuple. For instance, in the above example, if only additional text changes the subsequent transform will only be run for the text that changed. The other text and parse options pairs are skipped and their previously computed value are used. If the single value changes, such as the parse options in the example, then the transformation is executed for every tuple.


Syntax Nodes are not available directly through a value provider. Instead, a generator author uses the special SyntaxValueProvider (provided via the IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext.SyntaxProvider) to create a dedicated input node that instead exposes a sub-set of the syntax they are interested in. The syntax provider is specialized in this way to achieve a desired level of performance.


Currently the provider exposes a single method CreateSyntaxProvider that allows the author to construct an input node.

    public readonly struct SyntaxValueProvider
        public IncrementalValuesProvider<T> CreateSyntaxProvider<T>(Func<SyntaxNode, CancellationToken, bool> predicate, Func<GeneratorSyntaxContext, CancellationToken, T> transform);

Note how this takes two lambda parameters: one that examines a SyntaxNode in isolation, and a second one that can then use the GeneratorSyntaxContext to access a semantic model and transform the node for downstream usage.

It is because of this split that performance can be achieved: as the driver is aware of which nodes are chosen for examination, it can safely skip the first predicate lambda when a syntax tree remains unchanged. The driver will still re-run the second transform lambda even for nodes in unchanged files, as a change in one file can impact the semantic meaning of a node in another file.

Consider the following syntax trees:

// file1.cs
public class Class1
    public int Method1() => 0;

// file2.cs
public class Class2
    public Class1 Method2() => null;

// file3.cs
public class Class3 {}

As an author I can make an input node that extracts the return type information

// create a syntax provider that extracts the return type kind of method symbols
var returnKinds = initContext.SyntaxProvider.CreateSyntaxProvider(static (n, _) => n is MethodDeclarationSyntax,
                                                                  static (n, _) => ((IMethodSymbol)n.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(n.Node)).ReturnType.Kind);

Initially the predicate will run for all syntax nodes, and select the two MethodDeclarationSyntax nodes Method1() and Method2(). These are then passed to the transform where the semantic model is used to obtain the method symbol and extract the kind of the return type for the method. returnKinds will contain two values, both NamedType.

Now imagine that file3.cs is edited:

// file3.cs
public class Class3 {
    public int field;

The predicate will only be run for syntax nodes inside file3.cs, and will not return any as it still doesn't contain any method symbols. The transform however will still be run again for the two methods from Class1 and Class2.

To see why it was necessary to re-run the transform consider the following edit to file1.cs where we change the classes name:

// file1.cs
public class Class4
    public int Method1() => 0;

The predicate will be re-run for file1.cs as it has changed, and will pick out the method symbol Method1() again. Next, because the transform is re-run for all the methods, the return type kind for Method2() is correctly changed to ErrorType as Class1 no longer exists.

Note that we didn't need to run the predicate over for nodes in file2.cs even though they referenced something in file1.cs. Because the first check is purely syntactic we can be sure the results for file2.cs would be the same.

While it may seem unfortunate that the driver must run the transform for all selected syntax nodes, if it did not it could end up producing incorrect data due to cross file dependencies. Because the initial syntactic check allows the driver to substantially filter the number of nodes on which the semantic checks have to be re-run, significantly improved performance characteristics are still observed when editing a syntax tree.

ForAttributeWithMetadataName (FAWMN)

One extremely common action we observe generators being written for is taking actions driven on attributes applied to specific syntax constructs.

public readonly struct SyntaxValueProvider
    public IncrementalValuesProvider<T> ForAttributeWithMetadataName<T>(
        string fullyQualifiedMetadataName,
        Func<SyntaxNode, CancellationToken, bool> predicate,
        Func<GeneratorAttributeSyntaxContext, CancellationToken, T> transform);

This area is particularly nice for optimization, as we can efficiently eliminate a significant number of syntax nodes and edits before even needing to call the provided predicate from the user, avoiding realizing a significant number of SyntaxNode instances. Roslyn can even further optimize this by tracking whether or not a given attribute could possibly be the attribute the generator cares about by maintaining a small index and comparing type names as an initial heuristic. This index is cheap to maintain and, importantly, can only have false positives, not false negatives. This allows us to eliminate 99% of syntax in a Compilation from ever needing to be checked for semantic information (to eliminate false positives from the heuristic cache) or by the user predicate function (saving a significant number of allocations of SyntaxNode instances).

Given this, when at all possible, it is recommended to use attributes to drive source generators, rather than other syntax constructs. Real world testing has indicated this approach is usually 99x more efficient than CreateSyntaxProvider, even when the generator is otherwise not well-behaved; some pathological scenarios are even more efficient than that.

Attributes are provided by the user as the fully-qualified metadata name, without the assembly name portion. For example, given the C# type My.Namespace.MyAttribute<T>, the fully-qualified metadata-name would be My.Namespace.MyAttribute`1. Given that attributes are usually restricted to specific constructs by an AttributeUsage attribute, it is common that the predicate a user provides will simply return true. For the transformation step, everything stated in the previous section is still relevant; that step will still be rerun with every change to ensure that changed semantics are observed.

Outputting values

At some point in the pipeline the author will want to actually use the transformed data to produce an output, such as a SourceText. There are a set of Register...Output methods on the IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext that allow the generator author to construct an output from a series of transformations.

These output registrations are terminal, in that the they do not return a value provider and can have no further transformations applied to them. However an author is free to register multiple outputs of the same type with different input transformations.

The set of output methods are

  • RegisterSourceOutput
  • RegisterImplementationSourceOutput
  • RegisterPostInitializationOutput


RegisterSourceOutput allows a generator author to produce source files and diagnostics that will be included in the users compilation. As input, it takes a Value[s]Provider and an Action<SourceProductionContext, TSource> that will be invoked for every value in the value provider.

public static partial class IncrementalValueSourceExtensions
    public void RegisterSourceOutput<TSource>(IncrementalValueProvider<TSource> source, Action<SourceProductionContext, TSource> action);
    public void RegisterSourceOutput<TSource>(IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> source, Action<SourceProductionContext, TSource> action);

The provided SourceProductionContext can be used to add source files and report diagnostics:

public readonly struct SourceProductionContext
    public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; }

    public void AddSource(string hintName, string source);
    public void ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic diagnostic);

For example, a generator can extract out the set of paths for the additional files and create a method that prints them out:

// get the additional text provider
IncrementalValuesProvider<AdditionalText> additionalTexts = initContext.AdditionalTextsProvider;

// apply a 1-to-1 transform on each text, extracting the path
IncrementalValuesProvider<string> transformed = additionalTexts.Select(static (text, _) => text.Path);

// collect the paths into a batch
IncrementalValueProvider<ImmutableArray<string>> collected = transformed.Collect();

// take the file paths from the above batch and make some user visible syntax
initContext.RegisterSourceOutput(collected, static (sourceProductionContext, filePaths) =>
    sourceProductionContext.AddSource("additionalFiles.cs", @"
namespace Generated
    public class AdditionalTextList
        public static void PrintTexts()
            System.Console.WriteLine(""Additional Texts were: " + string.Join(", ", filePaths) + @" "");


RegisterImplementationSourceOutput works in the same way as RegisterSourceOutput but declares that the source produced has no semantic impact on user code from the point of view of code analysis. This allows a host such as the IDE, to chose not to run these outputs as a performance optimization. A host that produces executable code will always run these outputs.


RegisterPostInitializationOutput allows a generator author to provide source code immediately after initialization has run. It takes no inputs, and so cannot refer to any source code written by the user, or any other compiler inputs.

Post initialization source is included in the Compilation before any other transformations are run, meaning that it will be visible as part of the rest of the regular execution pipeline, and an author may ask semantic questions about it.

It is particularly useful for adding attribute definitions to the users' source code. These can then be applied by the user in their code, and the generator may find the attributed code via the semantic model.

Handling Cancellation

Incremental generators are designed to be used in interactive hosts such as an IDE. As such, it is critically important that generators respect and respond to the passed-in cancellation tokens.

In general, it is likely that the amount of user computation performed per transformation is low, but often will be calling into Roslyn APIs that may have a significant performance impact. As such the author should always forward the provided cancellation token to any Roslyn APIs that accept it.

For example, when retrieving the contents of an additional file, the token should be passed into GetText(...):

public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext context)
    var txtFiles = context.AdditionalTextsProvider.Where(static f => f.Path.EndsWith(".txt", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
    // ensure we forward the cancellation token to GetText
    var fileContents = txtFiles.Select(static (file, cancellationToken) => file.GetText(cancellationToken));   

This will ensure that an incremental generator correctly and quickly responds to cancellation requests and does not cause delays in the host.

If the generator author is doing something expensive, such as looping over values, they should regularly check for cancellation themselves. It is recommend that the author use CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested() at regular intervals, and allow the host to re-run them, rather than attempting to save partially generated results which can be extremely difficult to author correctly.

public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext context)
    var txtFilesArray = context.AdditionalTextsProvider.Where(static f => f.Path.EndsWith(".txt", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Collect();
    var expensive = txtFilesArray.Select(static (files, cancellationToken) => 
        foreach (var file in files)
            // check for cancellation so we don't hang the host

            // perform some expensive operation (ideally passing in the token as well)
            ExpensiveOperation(file, cancellationToken);


While the finer grained steps allow for some coarse control of output types via the generator host, the performance benefits are only really seen when the driver can cache the outputs from one pipeline step to the next. While we have generally said that the execute method in an ISourceGenerator should be deterministic, incremental generators actively require this property to be true.

When calculating the required transformations to be applied as part of a step, the generator driver is free to look at inputs it has seen before and used previous computed and cached values of the transformation for these inputs.

Consider the following transformation:

IValuesProvider<string> transform = context.AdditionalTextsProvider
                                           .Select(static (t, _) => t.Path)
                                           .Select(static (p, _) => "prefix_" + p);

During the first execution of the pipeline each of the two lambdas will be executed for each additional file:

AdditionalText Select1 Select2
Text{ Path: "abc.txt" } "abc.txt" "prefix_abc.txt"
Text{ Path: "def.txt" } "def.txt" "prefix_def.txt"
Text{ Path: "ghi.txt" } "ghi.txt" "prefix_ghi.txt"

Now consider the case where in some future iteration, the first additional file has changed and has a different path, and the second file has changed, but kept its path the same.

AdditionalText Select1 Select2
Text{ Path: "diff.txt" }
Text{ Path: "def.txt" }
Text{ Path: "ghi.txt" }

The generator would run select1 on the first and second files, producing "diff.txt" and "def.txt" respectively. However, it would not need to re-run the select for the third file, as the input has not changed. It can just use the previously cached value.

AdditionalText Select1 Select2
Text{ Path: "diff.txt" } "diff.txt"
Text{ Path: "def.txt" } "def.txt"
Text{ Path: "ghi.txt" } "ghi.txt"

Next the driver would look to run Select2. It would operate on "diff.txt" producing "prefix_diff.txt", but when it comes to "def.txt" it can observe that the item produced was the same as the last iteration. Even though the original input (Text{ Path: "def.txt" }) was changed, the result of Select1 on it was the same. Thus there is no need to re-run Select2 on "def.txt" as it can just use the cached value from before. Similarly the cached state of "ghi.txt" can be used.

AdditionalText Select1 Select2
Text{ Path: "diff.txt" } "diff.txt" "prefix_diff.txt"
Text{ Path: "def.txt" } "def.txt" "prefix_def.txt"
Text{ Path: "ghi.txt" } "ghi.txt" "prefix_ghi.txt"

In this way, only changes that are consequential flow through the pipeline, and duplicate work is avoided. If a generator only relies on AdditionalTexts then the driver knows there can be no work to be done when a SyntaxTree changes.

Comparing Items

For a user-provided result to be comparable across iterations, there needs to be some concept of equivalence. By default the host will use EqualityComparer<T> to determine equivalence. There are obviously times where this is insufficient, and there exists an extension method that allows the author to supply a comparer that should be used when comparing values for the given transformation:

public static partial class IncrementalValueProviderExtensions
        public static IncrementalValueProvider<TSource> WithComparer<TSource>(this IncrementalValueProvider<TSource> source, IEqualityComparer<TSource> comparer);

        public static IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> WithComparer<TSource>(this IncrementalValuesProvider<TSource> source, IEqualityComparer<TSource> comparer);

Allowing the generator author to specify a given comparer.

var withComparer = context.AdditionalTextsProvider
                          .Select(static t => t.Path)

Note that the comparer is on a per-transformation basis, meaning an author can specify different comparers for different parts of the pipeline.

var select = context.AdditionalTextsProvider.Select(static t => t.Path);

var noCompareSelect = select.Select(...);
var compareSelect = select.WithComparer(myComparer).Select(...);

The same select node can have no comparer when acting as input to one transformation, and still provide one when acting as input to a different transformation.

The host will only invoke the given comparer when the item it is derived from has been modified. When the input value is new or being removed, or the input transformation was determined to be cached (possibly by a provided comparer) the given comparer is not considered.

Authoring a cache friendly generator

Much of the success of an incremental generator will depend on creating an optimal pipeline that is amenable to caching. This section includes some general tips and best practices to achieve that

Extract out information early: It is best to get the information out of the inputs as early as possible in the pipeline. This ensures the host is not caching large, expensive object such as symbols.

Use value types where possible: Value types are more amenable to caching and usually have well defined and easy to understand comparison semantics.

Use multiple transformations: The more transformations you break the operations into, the more opportunities there are to cache. Think of transformations as being 'check points' in the execution graph. The more check points the more chances there are to match a cached value and skip any remaining work.

Build a data model: Rather than trying to pass each input item into a Register...Output method, consider building a data model to be the final item passed to the output. Use the transformations to manipulate the data model, and have well defined equality that allows you to correctly compare between revisions of the model. This also makes testing the final Register...Outputs significantly simpler: you can just call the method with a dummy data model and check the generated code, rather than trying to emulate the incremental transformations.

Consider the order of combines: Ensure that you are only combining the minimal amount of information needed (this comes back to 'Extract out information early').

Consider the following (incorrect) combine where the basic inputs are combined, then used to generate some source:

public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext context)
    var compilation = context.CompilationProvider;
    var texts = context.AdditionalTextsProvider;

    // Don't do this!
    var combined = texts.Combine(compilation);

    context.RegisterSourceOutput(combined, static (spc, pair) =>
        var assemblyName = pair.Right.AssemblyName;
        // produce source ...

Any time the compilation changes, which it will frequently as the user is typing in the IDE, then RegisterSourceOutput will get re-run. Instead, look up the compilation dependant information first, then combine that with the additional files:

public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext context)
    var assemblyName = context.CompilationProvider.Select(static (c, _) => c.AssemblyName);
    var texts = context.AdditionalTextsProvider;

    var combined = texts.Combine(assemblyName);

    context.RegisterSourceOutput(combined, (spc, pair) =>
        var assemblyName = pair.Right;
        // produce source ...

Now, as the user types in the IDE, the assemblyName transform will re-run, but is very cheap and quickly returns what is likely the same value each time. That means that unless the additional texts have also changed, the host does not need to re-run the combine or re-generate any of the source.


  1. Such as the IDE or the command-line compiler