BbGit is a console app providing tools for managing a collection of BitBucket git repositories.
This tool should be run from the folder that contains the set of repositories.
for example, if you have the following paths:
you would run this tool from the c:\src
run the command BbGit config-global init-app
, creating your local config file.
Edit the config file, given by the command, with your BitBucket account info.
Follow this guide to create your app password
After building/downloading bbgit, add the .exe to your path for easy use anywhere.
Type -h
with any command and sub-command to see the options available.
Use the 'bb' command to run queries against the BitBucket api Use the 'local' command to run queries & commands against the local repositories
Most of the commands accept piped-input so you can filter repositories using the list command and pipe them into clone, pull, etc.
The following are some of the open source projects that have made it creating this application significantly easier. This is not an exhaustive list, and I'll probably forget to add some as more are brought in.
These stand out has having made the big differences for me.
CommandDotNet Bilal Fazlani created a great framework for creating console apps with multiple commands. This is now my favorite console framework.
- Edit: I'm now one of the maintainers of CommandDotNet.
Pastel A library for coloring console output.
Spectre Console A great library for prompting and structuring console output.
LibGit2Sharp The most complete .Net library for interacting with git.
Bitbucket.Net A good library for access to BitBucket.