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How to use Ignition

Training loop

The primary idea in Ignition is that you should be able to use the same training/evaluation loop for any kind of model. The training loop makes no assumptions about the model, the loss function(s), the optimizer, etc.

To keep the training loop independent of the model and training procedure, you need to create an eval function and a train function that process a single batch of examples. The training loop then calls these functions to do all the real work.

The eval function

Evaluating the performance of a model on a validation set is done with the evaluate() function:

evaluate(model, eval_fn, testloader)

where testloader is the object that provides the data, and eval_fn is the so-called eval function. A typical eval function is:

def eval_fn(model_to_eval, x, y):
    return evaluate_on_batch(model_to_eval, x, y, crossentropy_loss, ["loss", "acc"])

Notice how eval_fn takes 3 parameters: the model to evaluate (an nn.Module object), a batch of inputs x, and a batch of corresponding labels y.

Ignition provides a built-in eval function called evaluate_on_batch() that is suitable for basic classifiers. It uses a cross-entropy loss and returns the loss and categorical accuracy across the examples in the batch. So in the example above we just use that built-in eval function.

But you can also create more complicated eval functions. For example, the following eval function computes the MSE between the output of a teacher network and a student network (the model to evaluate):

def eval_fn(model_to_eval, x):
    x = make_var(x)
    teacher_outputs = teacher.forward(x)
    student_outputs = model_to_eval.forward(x)
    loss = torch.mean(torch.sum(0.5 * (teacher_outputs - student_outputs)**2, dim=1))
    return { "loss":[0] }

Notice that here the eval_fn does not get labels. That's because the DataLoader we're using here does not return labels; instead, we use the output of the teacher as the (pseudo)labels.

The train function

To train a model you also need to provide a train function:

def train_fn(model_to_train, x, y):
    return fit_on_batch(model_to_train, x, y, crossentropy_loss, optimizer)

The train function takes at least two parameters: the model to train (an nn.Module object) and a batch of inputs x. If the DataLoader also provides labels (which is usually the case), then these are passed to the train function as well.

For a basic classifier model you can use the built-in fit_on_batch() function as shown above, but you can also write your own:

teacher = ...
optimizer = ...

def train_fn(model_to_train, x):
    x = make_var(x)
    teacher_outputs = teacher.forward(x)
    student_outputs = model_to_train.forward(x)

    loss = torch.mean(torch.sum(0.5 * (teacher_outputs - student_outputs)**2, dim=1))
    return { "loss":[0] }    

Note that here the train function does not have labels (and therefore has no y parameter); the outputs of the teacher network are used as the labels for the student. (In fact, the code here is similar to that in the eval_fn, except that we also do a backward pass and an optimizer step.)


The training loop is managed by a Trainer object:

trainer = Trainer(model, optimizer, train_fn, train_loader, eval_fn, test_loader)

Note that we just pass in the train function, the eval function, and the DataLoaders that provide the training and validation data.

The trainer keeps track of training history: how many epochs have elapsed, loss and accuracy curves, etc.



You can provide callbacks to the training loop, for example to save model checkpoints:

trainer.callbacks = [ SaveModel(...) ]


For hyperparameters that you want to change over time, you can do the following:

trainer.hyper = { "lambd": 4. }

Now the trainer will automatically pass this new lambd parameter to the train function so that you can use it as part of the training procedure:

def train_fn(model_to_train, x, y, lambd):

The Trainer also passes this hyperparameter to the callbacks. If you wanted to decay this hyperparameter over time, for example, you could use the following callback:

trainer.callbacks = [ LinearDecay("lambd", start_value=4, end_value=1, max_epochs=60) ]


Which metrics will be shown during training depends solely on the train and eval functions. The training loop will gather whatever metrics these functions produce and automatically logs them. (There is no need to tell Trainer which metrics to collect.)