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Routing Web API Docs

In order to communicate with your or our hosted GraphHopper server you need to understand how to use it. There is a separate JavaScript and Java client for this API or use the plain JSON response for your language.

A simple example


The end point of the local instance is http://localhost:8989

The URL path to obtain the route is /route

All official parameters are shown in the following table

Parameter Default Description
point - Specify multiple points for which the route should be calculated. The order is important. Specify at least two points.
locale en The locale of the result. E.g. pt_PT for Portuguese or de for German
instructions true If instruction should be calculated and returned
vehicle car The vehicle for which the route should be calculated. Other vehicles are foot and bike
weighting fastest Which kind of 'best' route calculation you need. Other option is 'shortest', currently not available in the WEB API.
elevation false If true a third dimension - the elevation - is included in the polyline or in the GeoJson. IMPORTANT: If enabled you have to use a modified version of the decoding method or set points_encoded to false. See the points_encoded attribute for more details. Additionally a request can fail if the vehicle does not support elevation. See the features object for every vehicle.
algorithm dijkstrabi The algorithm to calculate the route. Other options are dijkstra, astar and astarbi. The WEB API supports only dijkstrabi.
points_encoded true If false a GeoJson array in point is returned. If true the resulting route will be encoded leading to big bandwith reduction. You'll need a special handling for the decoding of this string on the client-side. We provide Open Source code in Java and JavaScript. It is especially important to use our decoding methods if you set elevation=true!
debug false If true, the output will be formated.
calc_points true If the points for the route should be calculated at all. Sometimes only the distance and time is necessary.
type json Specifies the resulting format of the route, for json the content type will be application/json. Other possible format options:
jsonp you'll need to provide the callback function via the callback parameter. The content type will be application/javascript
gpx, the content type will be application/xml
heading NaN Favored heading direction for points. Specify either one heading for the start point or as many as there are points. In this case headings are associated by their order to the specific points. Headings are given as north based clockwise angle between 0 and 360 degree, NaN indicates non specific heading. Does only give valid results in the flexibility mode.
heading_penalty 120 Penalty for omitting a specified heading. The penalty corresponds to the accepted time delay in seconds in comparison to the route without a heading.
pass_through false If true u-turns are avoided at via-points with regard to the heading_penalty. Does only give valid results in the flexibility mode.
gpx.track true Include <trk> tag in gpx result. Only applicable if type=gpx is specified.
gpx.route true Include <rte> tag in gpx result. Only applicable if type=gpx is specified.
gpx.waypoints false Include <wpt> tag in gpx result. Only applicable if type=gpx is specified.

Example output for the case type=json

Keep in mind that some attributes which are not documented here can be removed in the future - you should not rely on them! The JSON result contains the following structure:

JSON path/attribute Description
paths An array of possible paths
paths[0].distance The total distance of the route, in meter
paths[0].time The total time of the route, in ms
paths[0].ascend The total ascend (uphill) of the route, in meter
paths[0].descend The total descend (downhill) of the route, in meter
paths[0].points The polyline encoded coordinates of the path. Order is lat,lon,elelevation as it is no geoJson!
paths[0].points_encoded Is true if the points are encoded, if not paths[0].points contains the geo json of the path (then order is lon,lat,elevation), which is easier to handle but consumes more bandwidth compared to encoded version
paths[0].bbox The bounding box of the route, format:
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat
paths[0].instructions Contains information about the instructions for this route. The last instruction is always the Finish instruction and takes 0ms and 0meter. Keep in mind that instructions are currently under active development and can sometimes contain misleading information, so, make sure you always show an image of the map at the same time when navigating your users!
paths[0].instructions[0].text A description what the user has to do in order to follow the route. The language depends on the locale parameter.
paths[0].instructions[0].distance The distance for this instruction, in meter
paths[0].instructions[0].time The duration for this instruction, in ms
paths[0].instructions[0].interval An array containing the first and the last index (relative to paths[0].points) of the points for this instruction. This is useful to know for which part of the route the instructions are valid.
paths[0].instructions[0].sign A number which specifies the sign to show e.g. for right turn etc
paths[0].instructions[0].annotation_text [optional] A text describing the instruction in more detail, e.g. like surface of the way, warnings or involved costs
paths[0].instructions[0].annotation_importance [optional] 0 stands for INFO, 1 for warning, 2 for costs, 3 for costs and warning
paths[0].instructions[0].exit_number [optional] Only available for USE_ROUNDABOUT instructions. The count of exits at which the route leaves the roundabout.
paths[0].instructions[0].turn_angle [optional] Only available for USE_ROUNDABOUT instructions. The radian of the route within the roundabout: 0<r<2*PI for clockwise and -2PI<r<0 for counterclockwise transit. Null if the direction of rotation is undefined.
  "paths": [{
    "bbox": [
    "distance": 2138.3027624572337,
    "instructions": [
        "distance": 1268.519329705091,
        "interval": [
        "sign": 0,
        "text": "Geradeaus auf A 100",
        "time": 65237
        "distance": 379.74399999999997,
        "interval": [
        "sign": 0,
        "text": "Geradeaus auf Strasse",
        "time": 24855
        "distance": 16.451,
        "interval": [
        "sign": 0,
        "text": "Geradeaus auf Tempelhofer Damm",
        "time": 1316
        "distance": 473.58843275214315,
        "interval": [
        "sign": -2,
        "text": "Links abbiegen auf Tempelhofer Damm, B 96",
        "time": 37882
        "distance": 0,
        "interval": [
        "sign": 4,
        "text": "Ziel erreicht!",
        "time": 0
    "points": "oxg_Iy|ppAl@wCdE}LfFsN|@_Ej@eEtAaMh@sGVuDNcDb@{PFyGdAi]FoC?q@sXQ_@?",
    "points_encoded": true,
    "time": 129290

Area information

If you need to find out details about the area or need to ping the service use '/info'


Example output:

{ "build_date":"2014-02-21T16:52",
  "features": { "foot" : { "elevation" : true  }, 
                "car"  : { "elevation" : false } }
JSON path/attribute Description
version The GraphHopper version
bbox The maximum bounding box of the area, format:
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat
features A json object per supported vehicles with name and supported features like elevation
build_date [optional] The GraphHopper build date
import_date [optional] The date time at which the OSM import was done
prepare_date [optional] The date time at which the preparation (contraction hierarchies) was done. If nothing was done this is empty
supported_vehicles [deprecated] An array of strings for all supported vehicles

Error Output

  "message": "Cannot find point 2: 2248.224673, 3.867187",
  "hints": [{"message": "something", ...}]

Sometimes a point can be "off the road" and you'll get 'cannot find point', this normally does not indicate a bug in the routing engine and is expected to a certain degree if too far away.

JSON path/attribute Description
message Not intended to be displayed to the user as it is not translated
hints An optional list of details regarding the error message e.g. [{"message": "first error message in hints"}]

HTTP Error codes

HTTP error code Reason
500 Internal server error. It is strongly recommended to send us the message and the link to it, as it is very likely a bug in our system.
501 Only a special list of vehicles is supported
400 Something was wrong in your request