Small library for color conversion, manipulation, etc.
$ pip install repacolors
To get the colors from Xrdb
, install it with the xextras
$ pip install repacolors[xextras]
$ repacolor --help
Usage: repacolor [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
adjust-contrast Adjust the colors to match required contrast ratio.
colorwheel Display colorwheel defined by `name` or created by the...
display Display information about the provided colors.
palette Get colors of given palette
pick Pick colors from your desktop.
scale Display color scale defined by the colors provided.
Display color information in the terminal.
$ repacolor display red
+--------+ red - #ff0000
| BIG | rgb(255, 0, 0)
| RED | hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
| SQUARE | lab(53.24% 80.09 67.2)
$ repacolor display "#ffaad5" "rgb(128, 12, 46, .8)"
... (displays both colors)
$ echo "#ffffff" | repacolor display
... (displays `white`)
Executes color picker and displays the picked color.
$ repacolor pick
The integrated color picker works under X11/linux if installed with xextras. If you want to use an external color picker, set the COLORPICKER
environment variable:
$ export COLORPICKER=xcolor
$ repacolor pick
If a color scheme is provided via the -s
option, a color wheel for that scheme is drawn to pick a color from.
Display the colors of the palette. If no palette name provided, it shows the palettes available.
$ repacolor palette
List of available palette names:
ryb, rybw3, orrd, pubu, ...
$ repacolor palette viridis
Display a color scale defined by the input colors.
$ repacolor scale red white
[colors from red to white]
$ repacolor palette viridis | repacolor scale
[color scale defined by `viridis` colors]
Display a color wheel.
Pre defined color wheels:
- The RYB color wheelrgb
- The RGB color wheellab
- CIELAB color wheel
If no color wheel name provided, it will create one from the colors provided on stdin
$ repacolor colorwheel rgb
[RGB color wheel]
$ repacolor scale red white black red | repacolor colorwheel
[red - white - black color wheel]
Adjust the colors to match required contrast ratio.
If only one color is provided, chooses black or white based on the color's luminance.
If two colors are provided, tries to lighten/darken them to fulfill the contrast requirement. Starts to adjust the first color, then if it's not enough continues with the other.
Default contrast is 4.5 (WCAG AA). More info on MDN.
$ repacolor adjust-contrast red --format=lhex
#000000 # chooses black for red
$ repacolor adjust-contrast "#555" "#5e8d87" --format=lhex
#1d1d1d # #555 adjusted to be darker
$ repacolor adjust-contrast "#5e8d87" "#555" --format=lhex
#b6cfcc # #5e8d87 lightened
$ repacolor adjust-contrast "#5e8d87" "#555" -v
Colors adjusted. (2.0007 => 4.5224)
#5e8d87 => #b6cfcc
#555555 => #555555