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231 lines (176 loc) · 8.71 KB

File metadata and controls

231 lines (176 loc) · 8.71 KB



  • (Fix) Fixed invitation URL redemption in Firefox and Chrome (thank you for reporting and testing @tripledoublev!)


This is a feature release adding APIs to automatically discover and sync with peers on the local network.

  • (Feature) Added, a new method for automatically discovering other peers. How it does that it left to the DiscoveryService you provide it.
  • (Feature) Added DiscoveryLAN, a discovery service for finding and advertising yourself to other peers on the local network. Works for both Node and Deno, requires --unstable on Deno.


  • (Feature) Added SharedSettings#redeemInvitationURL, which adds the share, secret, and servers from an Earthstar invitation URL.
  • (Feature) Added createInvitationURL and parseInvitationURL utilities for creating and parsing Earthstar invitation URLs.
  • (Fix) parseShareAddress now validates share addresses more strictly so as to ensure their suffix is a pubkey.
  • (Fix) Deprecate generateShareAddress
  • (Fix) Fixed some issues ExtensionServerSettings when ephemeral and non-ephemeral settings for a hosted share existed at the same time.
  • (Chore) Update range_reconcile to 1.0.2, which makes sync slightly more efficient.


  • (Fix) DocDriverSqliteFfi has been updated to use[email protected] which has compatibility with Deno 1.30.0. This driver uses unstable APIs and will not work with previous versions of Deno.
  • (Chore) Upgraded range-reconcile to version 1.0.1.


This is a patch release focused on resolving errors encountered during syncing, and making other issues encountered during syncing easier to diagnose.

  • (Fix) - Peers will now only initiate a single transfer for many documents with the same attachment, fixing a case which could cause syncing to hang indefinitely.
  • (Fix) - Peers will now attempt to download attachments for documents which they already possess prior to syncing but are missing attachments for.
  • (Improvement) - Syncer will cancel itself if it does not receive anything from the other peer within a ten second window.
  • (Improvement) - Syncer will cancel an attachment transfer if it doesn't receive anything from the other side within a ten second window.
  • (Improvement) - Warn in the console when a replica could not ingest an attachment during sync.
  • (Improvement) - Better error messages for web syncing failures (e.g. 404, wrong endpoint).


This is a major release which introduces attachments, share keypairs, efficient sync, and much much more. It is our biggest release ever.

As such, this version breaks compatibility with previous versions of Earthstar.

Here are the headline features:

  • Attachments. When a new document is written to a Replica you can attach arbitary binary data to it. This can be used for sharing large images, music, video, anything. There is no size limit.
  • Shares with granular read / write access. Share addresses are now the public key of a share keypair. The public key grants discovery and read access, the secret key grants write access to the replica.
  • Efficient sync. Syncing has been completely overhauled to use a new efficient reconclition mechanism powered by range-reconcile and push-pull-push-multicast trees.

The server APIs have also been moved into this repo.

In addition to new features, many APIs have been tweaked or changed entirely. Please see the API documentation and the README to see what these new API changes are like.


  • Moved existing server APIs into the core module, available as Server.


  • Added Peer.onReplicasChange
  • Added Peer.onSyncersChange


  • Significantly improved the performance of querying documents.
  • Replicas now can create documents with attachments with Replica.set
  • Added Replica.ingestAttachment
  • Added Replica.getAttachment
  • Added Replica.addAttachments
  • Added Replica.wipeDocAtPath
  • Added Replica.getEventStream
  • Added Replica.getQueryStream
  • Added Replica.onEvent
  • Added MultiformatReplica, a Replica which is able to read, write, and sync documents of different formats.
  • Added FormatEs5, which supports share keypairs and attachments
  • Added ReplicaDriverWeb
  • Added ReplicaDriverFs
  • Added RelpicaDriverMemory
  • Added DocDriverSqliteFFI, which uses an FFI implemetation of Sqlite. Requires the --unstable flag on Deno.
  • Updated syncReplicaAndFsDir to use attachments for large files.
  • ReplicaCache now has attachment methods


  • Added PartnerLocal, for syncing with local peers.

  • Added PartnerWebServer, for syncing with servers.

  • Added PartnerWebClient, for syncing with web clients.

  • Removed earthstar_streaming_rpc as a dependency.


  • Removed the contentLength options on QueryFilter.

  • Removed QueryFollower. Use Replica.getQueryStream instead.

  • queryByTemplateAsync and queryByGlobAsync have had the redundant async taken out of their name.


  • Added Crypto.generateShareKeypair
  • Added CryptoDriverSodium which uses a WASM version of libsodium for very fast operations. This is now the default driver on Deno.
  • Updated CryptoDriverNoble to use a new, faster, audited version.


  • Added a new SharedSettings class for easily saving and retrieving an author keypair, shares and secrets, and favourite servers.
  • Added parseAuthorOrShareAddress
  • Added a new minified web bundle, available from
  • Added
  • Added
  • Added


  • Fix: Removed the crayon dependency, fixing a broken dependency issue in 9.3.2


  • Updated earthstar_streaming_rcp to v5.0.1


  • Updated earthstar_streaming_rcp to v5.0.0


  • Feature: Replica will now permanently delete all expired documents on instantiation, and delete expired docs every hour thereafter. Previously it would only stop returning expired docs in user queries.
  • Feature: Added Replica.queryAuthors and Replica.queryPaths, which returns an array of (unique) authors of paths from the docs resulting from that query.


  • Feature: Added generateShareAddress utility to generate valid, safe share addresses.
  • Feature: Updated filesystem sync so that deleted (not just modified) files can be overwritten using the overwriteFilesAtOwnedPaths option.


  • Feature: Added 'overwriteFilesAtOwnedPaths' option to SyncFsOptions. This will forcibly overwrite any files at paths owned by other identities with ones from the replica.


  • Added a pulled property to syncer statuses.
  • Fixed an issue where SyncCoordinators would pull twice as much as they needed to.


  • Breaking: Syncing has been updated so that peers inform each other when they are caught up. v7 - v8 peers will not be able to sync with each other.
  • Patch: Addressed an issue affecting synchronisation with HTTP peers.
  • Feature: Peer.syncUntilCaughtUp. Syncs with targets until both sides of the synchronisation have nothing left to pull from each other.
  • Patch: SyncCoordinator will now request 10 docs at a time instead of everything a peer has.
  • Feature: Peer.syncStatuses. Subscribable map of Peer's sync operations' statuses.
  • Feature: Syncer.syncStatuses. Subscribable map of syncer's connections' sync statuses.
  • Feature: SyncCoordinator.syncStatuses. Subscribable map of coordinator's shares' sync statuses, with number of ingested docs and 'caught up' status of each syncing session.
  • Patch: Common shares between peers are re-established whenever a Peer's set of replicas chages.
  • Patch: Improved the heuristic syncReplicaAndFsDir uses to determine whether a file has changed or not, fixing issues where files at owned paths which had not been changed would cause the function to throw.


  • Patch: Made syncReplicaAndFsDir ignore .DS_Store files.
  • Patch: Improve how syncReplicaAndFsDir determines the latest version of a document, fixing an issue with 'zombie' files which would return after deletion.


  • Feature: Added a new export, syncReplicaAndFsDir, which bidirectionally syncs the contents of a replica and filesystem directory.
  • Patch: Replica drivers will now validate share addresses which have been passed to them.
  • Patch: ReplicaDriverSqlite (Deno and Node) now initialise their maxLocalIndex correctly, fixing issues where new documents could not be created.
  • Patch: ReplicaDriverSqlite (Deno) now no longer fails when using the create mode.
  • Patch: SyncCoordinator now requests all document history from other peers.