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Technical Overview

There are no full-fledged docs (yet), so this page serves as the single source of truth of all the technical nuances required to get most projects off the ground. If your question is still not covered here, feel free to open an issue and ask.


The predictor class is where the logic of the model inference is placed. The user can call it whatever they want. It does not need to inherit from anything. It just needs to be a simple python class, with two functions load and predict. The definitions of these functions can be found here. Briefly:

class Predictor:
    def load(self):
        """Called once during each worker initialization. Performs
        setup such as downloading/initializing the model or downloading a

    async def predict(self,
                      request: Union[Request, UploadFile, Any]) -> Response:
        """Responsible for running the inference.

            request (required): The request from the server client

The request parameter in predict is a FastAPI Request object. Read the Server section below to understand how to manage it.

Launch (what does it do)

The budgetml.launch() triggers the following sequence of events:

  • Creates a Google Cloud Bucket and uploads the specified Predictor class definition to it, to be accessed by the VM.
  • Spins up the preemtible VM with a startup script that has all details to spin up the server and issue the SSL certificate.
  • Exposes the API to a public facing port 80.
  • Creates a Google Scheduler Job that triggers a Google Cloud Function via Pub/Sub every minute (or specified schedule). This function constantly attempts to start the VM each time.

Launch locally

The budgetml.launch_local() simulates all of the above locally. This is for testing purposes.


The server is a simple FastAPI server. The entire server can be found here. While the server is very basic, it is still important to understand its components. Here they are:

  • It uses gunicorn under-the-hood to serve requests.
  • It has three environment variables that it utilizes, namely BUDGET_USERNAME, BUDGET_PWD, BUDGET_TOKEN, which are all passed in the startup script on VM creation.
  • It uses the startup_event hook to do predictor.load() at the very start of the server initialization.
  • It uses the Password and Bearer pattern for OAuth2 authorization.
  • Apart from the OAuth endpoints, it has three different endpoints to be used for various ML use-cases. These endpoints are closely tried to the Predictor class that is passed, and the Predictor.predict() function should have baked-in knowledge of what endpoint is to be hit after deployment. Here is more information about these endpoints:

Generic (/predict)

The Generic endpoint (/predict) is meant for the most general-purpose use-case.

In this case, the predict() function literally gets passed the FastAPI/Starlette Request directly. In this case, the Predictor is responsible for parsing the Request itself: Bit of a hassle but maximum flexibility.

Dict (/predict_dict)

The Dict endpoint (/predict_dict) is meant for use-case where the input to the model can be represented as a JSON-style dict object.

In this case, the predict() function gets passed a special Pydantic model object called Payload. The Payload definition is as follows:

from pydantic import BaseModel
class Payload(BaseModel):
    payload: Dict = {}

Therefore, in the predict() function it can be accessed as follows:

async def predict(self, request):

A full example can be seen here.

Image (/predict_image)

The Image endpoint (/predict_image) is meant for the use-case where the input to the model can be represented as an image. This endpoint is especially helpful as it allows the user to upload an image straight from an image picker from the interactive docs.

In this case, the predict() function gets passed a UploadFile FastAPI object. Therefore, the function needs to be able to deal with this sort of output. Here is a short example:

from fastapi import UploadFile, File
from starlette.responses import Response

class Predictor():
  async def predict(self, request: UploadFile = File(...)) -> Response:
      contents = await
      nparr = np.fromstring(contents, np.uint8)  # using numpy
      img_np = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)  # using cv2 to decode

Regardless of which endpoint you choose, they all need to return a Starlette Response object. FastAPI makes this easy: Returning a primitive like an integer, string, dict etc will work automatically. But in special cases, like e.g. in returning an image, one can utilize special Response objects like the File Response object.

Server Environment

The launch method takes an optional list of python requirements. After launch, the startup script executes a series of steps including:

  • Pulling a specified docker image (defaults to BudgetML public default image, e.g.,
  • Installs everything specified in the requirements argument.
  • Runs the server.

Therefore, the user can either just specify their own requirements, or create a custom Docker image based on the server base image, whose Dockerfile can be found here.