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File metadata and controls

164 lines (138 loc) · 6.22 KB

What my project does

A Stream[T] decorates an Iterable[T] with a fluent interface enabling the chaining of lazy operations:

  • mapping (concurrently)
  • flattening (concurrently)
  • grouping by key, by batch size, by time interval
  • filtering
  • truncating
  • catching exceptions
  • throttling the rate of iterations
  • observing the progress of iterations

For more details and examples, check the Operations section in the README

🔗 Fluent chain methods!
🇹 Typed type-annotated and mypyable
💤 Lazy operations are lazily evaluated at iteration time
🔄 Concurrent thread-based or asyncio-based concurrency
🛡️ Robust unit-tested for Python 3.7 to 3.12 with 100% coverage
🪶 Minimalist pip install streamable with no additional dependencies

1. install

pip install streamable

2. import

from streamable import Stream

3. init

Instantiate a Stream[T] from an Iterable[T].

integers: Stream[int] = Stream(range(10))

4. operate

  • Streams are immutable: applying an operation returns a new stream.

  • Operations are lazy: only evaluated at iteration time. See the Operations section in the README.

inverses: Stream[float] = (
    .map(lambda n: round(1 / n, 2))

5. iterate

  • Iterate over a Stream[T] as you would over any other Iterable[T].

  • Source elements are processed on-the-fly.

  • collect it:

>>> list(inverses)
[1.0, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, 0.17, 0.14, 0.12, 0.11]
>>> set(inverses)
{0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 0.33, 0.25, 0.17, 0.14, 0.12, 0.11}
  • reduce it:
>>> sum(integers)
>>> max(inverses)
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> reduce(..., inverses)
  • loop it:
>>> for inverse in inverses:
>>>    ...
  • next it:
>>> inverses_iter = iter(inverses)
>>> next(inverses_iter)
>>> next(inverses_iter)

Target Audience

As a Data Engineer in a startup I found it especially useful when I had to develop Extract-Transform-Load custom scripts in an easy-to-read way.

Here is a toy example (that you can copy-paste and run) that creates a CSV file containing all 67 quadrupeds from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generations of Pokémons (kudos to PokéAPI):

import csv
from datetime import timedelta
import itertools
import requests
from streamable import Stream

with open("./quadruped_pokemons.csv", mode="w") as file:
    fields = ["id", "name", "is_legendary", "base_happiness", "capture_rate"]
    writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fields, extrasaction='ignore')
        # Infinite Stream[int] of Pokemon ids starting from Pokémon #1: Bulbasaur
        # Limits to 16 requests per second to be friendly to our fellow PokéAPI devs
        # GETs pokemons concurrently using a pool of 8 threads
        .map(lambda poke_id: f"{poke_id}")
        .map(requests.get, concurrency=8)
        # Stops the iteration when reaching the 1st pokemon of the 4th generation
        .truncate(when=lambda poke: poke["generation"]["name"] == "generation-iv")
        # Keeps only quadruped Pokemons
        .filter(lambda poke: poke["shape"]["name"] == "quadruped")
        .observe("quadruped pokemons")
        # Catches errors due to None "generation" or "shape"
            when=lambda error: str(error) == "'NoneType' object is not subscriptable"
        # Writes a batch of pokemons every 5 seconds to the CSV file
        .observe("written pokemons")
        # Catches exceptions and raises the 1st one at the end of the iteration
        # Actually triggers an iteration (the lines above define lazy operations)


A lot of other libraries have filled this desire to chain lazy operations over an iterable and this feels indeed like "Yet Another Stream-like Lib" (e.g. see this stackoverflow question).

The most supported of them is probably PyFunctional, but for my use case I couldn't use it out-of-the-box, due to the lack of:

  • generic typing (class Stream[T](Iterable[T])))
  • throttling of iteration's rate (.throttle)
  • logging of iteration's process (.observe)
  • catching of exceptions (.catch)

I could have worked on pull requests implementing these points into PyFunctional but I have rather started from scratch in order to take my shot at:

  • Proposing another fluent interface (namings and signatures).
  • Leveraging a visitor pattern to decouple the declaration of a Stream[T] from the construction of an Iterator[T] (at iteration time i.e. in the __iter__ method).
  • Proposing a minimalist design: a Stream[T] is just an Iterable[T] decorated with chainable lazy operations and it is not responsible for the opinionated logic of creating its data source and consuming its elements:
    • let's use the reduce function from functools instead of relying on a stream.reduce method
    • let's use parquet.ParquetFile.iter_batches from pyarrow instead of relying on a stream.from_parquet method
    • let's use bigquery.Client.insert_rows_json from instead of relying on a stream.to_bigquery method
    • same for json, csv, psycopg, stripe, ... let's use our favorite specialized libraries

Thank you for your time,