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129 lines (107 loc) · 9.8 KB


Repository overview

reuse/ contains a SK_REUSPORT BPF program and a userspace companion program demonstrating it usage. It has its own file.

Supporting pieces

  • client/ contains a TCP connection initator that connects to an address and prints debug info
  • server/ contains a TCP listener that simply accepts incoming connections with SO_REUSEPORT enabled, printing debug messages
  • *.bt are bpftrace(8) programs that print potentially useful info related to SO_REUSEPORT/TCP states

Usage with pmacct/nfacctd

The repo's reuse branch enables

  1. nfacctd itself
  2. the bmp plugin

to use the SK_REUSPORT BPF program from this repository.

This branch introduces new config options (with example values):

  • "reuseport_hashbucket_count: 2": Use a total of 2 hashbuckets/balacing targets. This needs to match across all parallel running instances. Example scenario: running two instances of nfacctd.
  • "reuseport_hashbucket_index: 0": Register this instance to be the (reuseport_hashbucket_index + 1)th instance out of reuseport_hashbucket_count instances total.
  • "reuseport_bpf_prog: reuseportprog.o": Use the ./reuseportprog.o ELF binary as the source of the SK_REUSPORT BPF program.


The following diagram shows how nfacctd and the BPF program interact.

     │                                │
     │ reuseport_hashbucket_count: 5 ─┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
     │ reuseport_hashbucket_index: 1  │                                                            │
     │                     │          │                  nfacctd                                   │
     └─────────────────────┼──────────┘                 ┌────────────────────────────────┐         │
                           │                            │                                │         │
                           │                            │ reuseport_hashbucket_count: 5 ─┼─────────┤
                           └────────────────┐           │ reuseport_hashbucket_index: 2  │         │
      nfacctd                               │           │                     │          │         │
     ┌────────────────────────────────┐     │           └─────────────────────┼──────────┘         │
     │                                │     │                                 │                    │
     │ reuseport_hashbucket_count: 5 ─┼─────┼─────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────┤
     │ reuseport_hashbucket_index: 0  │     │                                 │                    │
     │                     │          │     │                                 │                    │
     └─────────────────────┼──────────┘     │                                 │                    │
                           │                │                                 │                    │
                           │   ┌────────────┘                                 │                    │
                           │   │                                              │                    │
                           │   │                                              │                    │
                           │   │   ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┘                    │
      Userspace            │   │   │                                                               │
      Kernel               │   │   │                                                               │
                           │   │   │                                                               │
                           │   │   │                                                               │
                         ┌─▼─┬─▼─┬─▼─┬───┬───┬───┬────────┬────────────────────────┐             ┌─▼─┐
 BPF map                 │   │   │   │   │   │   │ ...    │                        │     BPF map │ 5 │
 "udp_balancing_targets" └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴────────┴────────────────────────┘     "size"  └─┬─┘
                           0   1   2   3   4   5            MAX_BALANCER_COUNT - 1                 │
                           ▲   ▲   ▲   ▲   ▲   X                                                   │
                           │   │   │   │   │   X                                                   │
                           └───┴─┬─┴───┴───┘XXXX                                                   │
                                 │                                                                 │
                         ┌───────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┐                    │
                         │       │                                            │                    │
                         │   ┌───┴────┐             balancer_count := size[0] │                    │
                         │   │ x %  y ◄────────────────────────────◄──────────┼────────────────────┘
                         │   └─▲──────┘                                       │
           BPF program   │     │            ┌─────────────────────────────────┼─────────┐
           "_selector()" │     │            │                                 │         │
                         │   ┌─┴────────────▼────┐                            │    ┌────┴─────┐
                         │   │ hash(input, seed) │                            │    │ 0x123FED │ BPF map
                         │   └────────▲──────────┘                            │    └──────────┘ "nonce"
                         │            │                                       │
Host                                  │
Network                               │


To actually run this version of pmacct simply

  1. (build the BPF program from reuse/)
  2. build pmacct from source (consider using nfacctd -V as a source for ./configure flags). The added functionality is NOT optional on this branch so a successful build is sufficient. The one additional requirement is libbpf ( >= 0.4.0.
  3. set the new options to your desired values in your nfacctd config file.
  4. fork this config file once for each nfacctd instance, changing reuseport_hashbucket_index each time.
  5. in your execution environment, be sure to raise the RLIMIT_MEMLOCK resource limit (BPF programs/maps are memlocked). For testing ulimit -l unlimited is sufficient.
  6. launch nfacctd with either CAP_BPF, CAP_SYS_ADMIN, or as uid=0.

In pseudo-script form, it could look like this:

set -e -o pipefail

cd pmacctd

./configure $(nfacctd -V | tail -n+4 | head -n1)
make -j$(nproc)

cp /etc/pmacct/nfacctd-bmp01.conf nfacctd-bmp01-hash0.conf
cat >> nfacctd-bmp01-hash0.conf <<<EOF
reuseport_hashbucket_index: 0
reuseport_hashbucket_count: 2
reuseport_bpf_prog: reuseportprog.o

cp ${path_to_reuseport_repo}/reuse/build/reuseport.o reuseportprog.o
sudo bash -c 'ulimit -l unlimited; src/nfacctd -f nfacctd-bmp01-hash0.conf'