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NaBL Hacks

Modularity of NaBL

NaBL has the following modularity problems.

The structure of this repository is as follows:

  • BaseC - Defines the basic C language parsing, naming, typing
  • MetaC - Defines multiple extensions to BaseC. Ideally to add new extensions here, BaseC does not have to be touched. For parsing with SDF3, this is basically almost true already.

Compose scoping rules

Define extra namespaces that need to be scoped into some tree.

For example BaseC/trans/names/

    scopes Variable, Function, Struct

Now in our extension, we add a statemachine construct for defining statemachines. The statemachine uses the Statemachine NaBL namespace:


  StateMachine(Identifier(name), _, _):
    defines Statemachine name

In the BaseC file, we don't know about statemachines or other extensions from MetaC. However that is the only place to define the namespaces that need to be scoped by Program.

For the above problem, the current solution is to traverse the tree, and apply rules for each constructor and collect the NaBL namespaces. The rule get-program-scope-nabl-namespace can be composed modularly. In MetaC/sm/trans/names-custom.str the rule get-program-scope-nabl-namespace is defined for statemachines, so the statemachine namespace is collected at the original definition.

Composing polymorphism of expressions

In MetaC, it is preferable that extensions are idiomatic and blend nicely into the language. That means that the same syntax that is in Basec can be used by extensions of MetaC.

For example the bitfields extension can refer to one or more bits of an integer:

bitfields X {y: 1;};
X a;
a.y = !a.y;

The a.y is a Field(lhs, rhs) binary operator, where the location y refers to depends on the type of a.

In the non-modular way, this can be defined in NaBL already. For example this same syntax is used for both structs and unions.

  Field(e, Identifier(field)):
    refers to Field field in Struct s
      where e has type Struct(Identifier(s))
    otherwise refers to Field field in Union s
      where e has type Union(Identifier(s))

The otherwise defines the choices the field can refer to depending on (some some property, the type, of) e.

For MetaC extensions however, it is not possible to add new 'otherwise' cases to this declaration. For the bitfields case, that would look like:

  otherwise refers to Bitfield field in Bitfields s
    where e has type Bitfields(field, _)

The refers to and otherwise refers to compile to some stratego code, which is basically a list of UseCandidate objects. The solution is to build this list up manually, by collecting all possible options.

Such an option is defined by the field-lookup rule

  field-lookup = register-field-lookup(|"rewrite-struct-name", NablNsStruct(), NablNsField())
  task-rewrite: ("rewrite-struct-name", Struct(Identifier(s))) -> s

This defines which how to match the type, in which namespace to search for the field, and which namespaces fields have in the surrounding namespace.

The register-field-lookup returns a new strategy such that it can be called with a list of 'lookup', which succeeds if this lookup was not in this list and returns a new list with this lookup added, otherwise it fails. Eventually there is a list with all types of field lookups, so the nabl-use-site rule for Field(e, Identifier(field)) works for all types of lookups.

Recursive Type Relations

Types can be derived from one or multiple other types. For example you could have a List of Ints. In the case of C, an example would be a pointer type of some interger: Pointer(Int32()).

For assignment expressions, you would like to know if you could assign the right hand side to the left hand side expression.

By matching on the Assign(lhs, operator, rhs):

  Assign(v, _, e): et
          v: tv
      and e: et
      and (et <is-assignable: tv)
        else error $[Incompatible types: [tv]; [et]] on e

and defining the relation <is-assignable:.


  Pointer(t1) <is-assignable: Pointer(t2)
    where t1 <is-assignable: t2

  t1 <is-assignable: t2
    where t1 == t2
      or (t1 <is: Numeric() and t2 <is: Numeric())

  Int8() <is: Numeric()
  Int16() <is: Numeric()

Besides derived types, C also has type definitions, which alias some type to a simpler name.


The solution is to create a stratego relation-match-custom rule.


Typedefs in C provide an alias to some other type.

For example:

typedef int a;

Typedefs can be used in other typedefs

typedef a * b;

When using this type, for example when assigning some value to a declaration with type b, we need to check if they are equal/compatible.

Currently this is done by assigning the type to the typedef

When using this type in a relation, it is rewritten to a form where all typedefs are resolved.

For example some variable might have type TypedefName("b"), which is rewritten to Pointer(Int32()).

This is done recursively here in the resolve-typedef rewrite task

Modular typedefs

Bitfield variables are declared as BitfieldName x;. This has the same syntax as a variable with a typedef.