As part of the European Joint Programme (EJP) for Rare Disease, we are developing standards for rare disease registries to describe their metadata that will improve the FAIR-ness of these resources.
This service provides a REST endpoint that enables users to validate a turtle file against a SHeX shape. In response this service will return a detailed validation report.
This codebase uses Java 11 and Maven 3.2+ to build and run the application.
- Clone the codebase:
git clone
- Build:
mvn clean package
- Run:
java -jar ./target/resource-metadata-validator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This will run a local instance of the application on port 8080.
The application accepts HTTP POST requests with the following parameters:
- data: A file containing the data that needs to be validated in turtle syntax.
- shex: A file containing the shex shape against which the data must be validated.
- mapping: A file containing the mapping information to be used for shex validation.
- showDetail: (Optional) Accepts values true/false. False is the default value and returns compact information wrt mapping results. When true detailed information wrt the mapping results will be printed out.
Returns: A detailed or compacted report on the validation requested.
Assuming $PROJECT_ROOT points to the top directory of this codebase, the following cURL command can be used to validate Organization data:
curl -F "data=@$PROJECT_ROOT/src/test/resources/metamodel/organization.ttl" \
-F "shex=@$PROJECT_ROOT/src/test/resources/metamodel/organization.shex" \
-F "mapping=@$PROJECT_ROOT/src/test/resources/metamodel/" \
-F "showDetail=true" localhost:8080/api/resource-metadata-validator/validateShex
curl -F "data=@$PROJECT_ROOT/src/test/resources/metamodel/organization.ttl" ^
-F "shex=@$PROJECT_ROOT/src/test/resources/metamodel/organization.shex" ^
-F "mapping=@$PROJECT_ROOT/src/test/resources/metamodel/" ^
Documentation can be found at $HOST/api/resource-metadata-validator/docs.html and the JSON description of the API can be found at $HOST/api/resource-metadata-validator/docs. A currently hosted instance can be found at